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Collecting from GVA, Sorry for another thread

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
We have a similar issue. Driving out from the UK on a Friday, daughter has to fly out on Saturday due to exams. Earliest flight arrives at Geneva, beating flight into Grenoble by about 90 minutes. Given that journey times are roughly similar and earlier start means getting ahead of traffic, how much benefit would we realise from picking up from Geneva and what are the risks?
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
@brovert, Where are you going to ski after you pick up your daughter?

I usually drive through the Jura and end up at the French bit of Geneva airport if I'm going to any resort in Haute Savoie.
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
@rjs, Val D’Isere. Will look at Jura, thanks for the suggestion.
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
@brovert The satnavs and may recommend you go via Champagnole e.g. to Morez, joining Lake Geneva at Nyon. Just be aware that it's very easy to got lost around Champagnole - there seems to be some very odd satnav routings here that have been reported by various SnowHeads. My BMW absolutely never gets this right and diverts me 'round Champagnole on the most circuitous of routes, if I let it, instead of just going through the centre. So it's worth doing some old-fashioned route planning beforehand, and be prepared to over-ride the satnav.
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.

So it's worth doing some old-fashioned route planning beforehand, and be prepared to over-ride the satnav.

Absolutely. I have done that drive across the Jura, in both directions, several times. The more straightforward route does come down to the motorway on the lake near Nyon. An interesting but more convoluted way (which I've only ever done heading south) is through Gex and the Col de la Faucille. That leads straight down into Ferney-Voltaire, and if you then drive across that border to the international side of the airport, you pass the entrance to the French sector of the airport. The last few miles of the descent down through the outer fringes Ferney Voltaire are tedious.

I've never had any problem navigating through Champagnole, but I've always been just following the signposting, never used a satnav through there. IIRC it's the N5 - very straightforward between Dijon and Geneva. On the way north I think it's signposted Dijon just about all the way - though I've not done it for a few years now.

I wouldn't drive across the Jura if it's snowy, or threatening to snow. I did once and got stuck for a while behind a lorry which had jack-knifed across the road, and had to weave very carefully around other vehicles in trouble. I was OK with winter tyres but the whole thing was slow, and a bit of a pain, whereas generally that route makes a very pleasant break from the motorway. I wouldn't make up my mind which route to take till the motorway exit is beckoning.
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
Yeah, our last 2 satnavs always insisted that the best route to Geneva airport from our house was through town and across the Mont Blanc (usually about 45-50 mins) rather than round the autoroute (20 mins).

Could never understand why (distance? despite being set to quickest and not to avoid m-ways).
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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...


Coming to GVA on the 29th and French side car hire is about £100 cheaper for the week (I know, I don’t get winter tyres etc …). Can I buy a vignette in the airport, or somewhere equally convenient before I hit the motorway?

You can buy a vignette at the border - I've done this a couple of times when we've hired from the French side. The border guards will tell you where you park and you just nip into the vignette office to buy it, very easy.
ski holidays
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
You can buy in advance - various references on SHs, if you search. I would do so - there is not always anybody at the border just before the tunnel under the runway and I'd be nervous about leaving it to. Once you've knocked the cost of a vignette off your £100 saving, the extra cost of having winter tyres would be quite reasonable, in the overall cost of a ski holiday.
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
You also have to do a bit of research about how to get back into the French side, from the motorway in from Bardonnex, when you fly home.
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 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
ooh, actually I'm remembering things incorrectly ... I'm talking about driving from France into Switzerland which is a manned border on the motorway and you can buy a vignette there.

Yes, as Pam says - just buy in advance - probably easier!
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