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Les Arcs 25th Feb - too busy?

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Hi, we're considering a trip to Les Arcs (specifically Vallandry) for the week starting 25th Feb. I believe it's French school holidays so will it be horrifically busy and would we be better considering Austria or Italy rather than France for that week?

snow report
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Yes that week is still French holidays but if you go the smaller resorts it should still be OK.

Austria ends that w/e though Bavaria is off.

Italy should be OK.
ski holidays
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?

if you go the smaller resorts it should still be OK

not sure that follows - small French resorts are overwhelmingly full of French people, so that would suggest that the timing of French school hols would have more impact on them than on, say, the 3 Valleys with a more cosmopolitan clientele. And domains with the most efficient lifts (e.g. Espace Killy) sometimes seem to cope better than smaller resorts with notable bottlenecks.

Our small French resort will be very busy then; I shall be far away. wink

One v good thing is that the magnificent snow cover means that all the runs will be open, pretty well everywhere - one of the major problems, some years, is that poor snow at lower levels concentrates everybody in the same areas, with better snow.
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
pam w, I was under the impression the smaller resorts were never overcrowded, even in the French school holidays. Quite happy to be corrected though. I've no first hand experience other than 15 years ago when I was in Serre Chevalier during the school hols. Some bottlenecks and not much choice in the hire shop but not the worst.

The lifts aren't always that efficient in the big resorts. Even out of season the gondola out of Les Menuires was a nightmare and the Roche Dio Mio out of La Plagne is similar.

As you say with good cover the pressure is eased somewhat.
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Far, Les Arcs can be busy that week and you would be better off coming out of the school holidays if you can, but it is a big ski area and once away from the main lifts it is normally ok. Check out the Les Arcs thread in the snow conditions section for more info about Les Arcs.
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
Far, I was just chatting to our chalet hosts, who have lived in Peisey Vallandry for 11 years now. On half term they use the slow old lifts (there are a few left) and often have the runs that they serve to themselves. You have to hope for sunshine to do some basking on the lifts, take a picnic and be out of the door first thing to get to where you want on fast lifts. As a resort it can absorb a lot of folk, but I wouldn't come that week if you were planning to concentrate on the easier slopes, they can be vv busy.
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