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Change bindings ?

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Hi all, I'm looking for some advise about swapping bindings.

I have a set of Volkl Gotamas that I bought last year with Marker Griffon bindings but now wish I'd got bindings with a touring capability fitted instead - Marker Baron or Dukes. The skis have only had a couple of weeks use in good snow so are still in good condition.

I'm thinking about getting the bindings swapped but have read somewhere that the Baron or Duke isn't a straight swap for the Griffon and that new holes will have to be drilled.

Questions then.....

How different are the mounting patterns for Duke v Griffon ? As I don't want to move the bindings backwards or forwards will the new holes be too close to the old ones ?

How much is a ski compromised or weakened by having a new set of holes drilled ? I assume when this sort of thing is done that the old holes are filled in with something like an epoxy, but is there still likely to be a problem with water getting into the core of the ski ?

Is short is swapping bindings ok or something to be avoided ?
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
AB Ski, the mounting holes of the two bindings are different so you can remount without conflict. The old holes should be properly sealed with plugs & a waterproof flexible adhesive to stop water ingress. If done properly there's no loss of strength & the skis will be sealed properly so there's no problem doing it. The Duke/Baron's are a bit sensitive to their boot set-up especially if you're using vibram soles so make sure the person doing it is well versed with this. I can do it for you if you've not got anyone more local.
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
spyderjon, thanks - I was a little apprehensive that swapping the bindings would compromise the skis but your reply gives me more confidence that this is a go-er.
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 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
Perhaps consider some alternatives ...

The Marker is a very heavy binding, not a problem if you are a big strong bloke who is only going to do short skins.

Fritschi's are quite light, and very easy to use, but the edge control isn't that precise.

Dynafit - the dogs dangly bits but you need compatable boots.
Ultra lightweight, very precise control, looks cool on the lift

I forget their name, but there is a shop in Ilkley or Otley that specialises in touring / telemark / mountaineering.
Might be more convenient for you.
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