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German Politician Dieter Althaus charged over Austrian ski death

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Thuringia state Prime Minister Dieter Althaus has been charged with causing death by negligence for the skiing accident he was involved in on January 1st in Austria. Althaus collided with a 41- year-old Slovak woman skier, who died of her injuries. The German politician faces a maximum sentence of one year in prison. No date for the trial has been set yet.
...See:,german-state-premier-charged-in-fatal-ski-accident.html and,1518,610841,00.html

Also, previous snowNews cover:

Last edited by Poster: A snowHead on Tue 3-03-09 11:33; edited 1 time in total
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
It will be fascinating to substitute some facts for wild speculation, for a change, assuming that the facts underlying the negligence charge will be fully reported.
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
The trial went ahead today, with Althaus absent. He has been found guilty by the Austrian court of causing the death by negligence of a woman in a skiing accident.

Althaus has been fined 33,000 euros plus 5,000 euros in compensation for the relatives of the woman who died. He can appeal the decision.

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 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
No underlying facts reported there.
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.

What facts are you looking for? He skied uphill with speed and hit the poor women. He has been fined so is guilty although IMO he got off lightly.

Big shame for her 47 year old Austrian husband and their one year old son.
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.

He skied uphill with speed

Did he? I must have missed that. I wondered, for example, which item(s) of the Skiers' Code he breached, so as to incur a clear finding of negligence. Would this sort of thing not normally give rise to a custodial sentence in Austria? If you compare it with causing a death by dangerous driving, a mere fine does indeed look rather light.
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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Althaus zu einer Geldstrafe verurteilt
(Reuters) Der thüringische Ministerpräsident Althaus ist am Dienstagabend von einem österreichischen Gericht wegen fahrlässiger Tötung zu einer Geldstrafe von 33 000 Euro verurteilt worden.

Simple translation - he was fined for negligent homicide (fahrlässiger Tötung). People here in Europe tend to accept that poo-poo happens and he is a prominent German politician, maybe that's why he got off so lightly (but I don't like it either). The facts of what exactly he was guilty of will probably be published in the next few days now that he has been found guilty. Various sources (papers etc) were saying he skied uphill at speed and hit the women and that this was supported by eye witness reports and the fact that the damage to his head was on one side and not the other.
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 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
DB, Hurtle, el Hen, The process is not yet finished - the Austrian judiciary are not happy with the speed it was all settled and as such according to this morning's news reports, the sentence is not yet finalised. The legislation allows for up to a year in jail, but it is rarely invoked unless the person denies guilt and is found to be lying or whatever. It was not so much a "trial", more of a judicial review with a sentence at the end of it. What most people are rather taken aback by is the speed at which it was resolved, about an hour. Shocked

What did help Althaus was that he admitted his guilt, although he has no memory or the accident or the moments immediately before that. The lawyers submitted a written admission of guilt. Original reports said there were no eye witnesses. The accident assessors put together the events based on all the evidence at the site. He came down a red piste to where it joined a blue one. The Czech-born lady was skiing down the blue. He should have joined the flow downhill but apparently skied against the flow uphill. The exact ins and outs of why he made that decision and if he were avoiding anyone etc are purely speculative.

Whether the speed would have been any less had he not been a prominent politician is something we can only speculate on. My personal experience with Austrian judicial reviews (appealed against an on-the-spot fine) is that they do tend to take the facts, review them, and if there are no questions to answer, they settle rather quickly. (I got my money back!).

Sue wink
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
Samerberg Sue,

I thought there was a single witness

Meanwhile Austrian public prosecutor Walter Plöbst told German daily Bild on Monday that a single witness had contacted police and was being questioned about the incident.

Here's the barrier he reportedly hooked around at speed

Yes thanks I see now that the trial is yet to take place although many expect him to campaign in August indicating that no prison sentence is expected.

The German politician faces a maximum sentence of one year in prison. No date for the trial has been set yet. After the accident, Althaus was put into an induced coma for several days.

Lieberknecht said she expected Althaus to campaign for the August election despite the charges.,,4068056,00.html
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 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
DB, I'd take anything written in The Local with a large pinch of salt - I think sometimes they use Bild and Barbel Fish as their "reliable" source wink I have it bookmarked but find it pretty puerile in it's reporting and comment standards.

I was quoting what I heard on Bayern 5 Aktuell as I came into work this morning. I doubt if any of us will ever get any concrete info about this case unless an insider talks (which I doubt). As far as I understand the situation, there will be no trial as such as he has admitted responsibility, so the only question remains is that of punishment. The prison sentence is rarely applied even in the most horrific of cases due to the nature of the accidental handle on the whole situation. It is not as if he (or any other person for that matter) is a "known" boy racer type with a string of speeding convictions behind him (the usual reason for a custodial sentence being repeat offender car speeders causing death by accident).

Since arriving in work this morning at 7:15 I have not heard any more news, but I'm sure there will have been developments. As a professional translator I am often amazed at the poor standards of translation that end up being quoted by reputable newspapers or news services!

To be honest how many of us when joining a piste where traffic is going slower, have actually stopped, looked and then joined the flow in an orderly manner? I put my hand up to taking a quick peek and if it appears all clear whooshing through with great glee and clouds of snow! I can think of several junctions in my favourite resorts where this sort of accident is just waiting to happen. On the photos the netting is on the blue piste which I find bizarre - most places it is strung across the faster piste with the words LANGSAM/SLOW/RALENTIR (or whatever local language) usually printed across it.

This is a high profile case because of Althaus's political position, the helmet debate (he with, she without) and the high number of collision accidents so far this season. It is an important story in the German press because of the political ramifications vis à vis the General Election in the summer.

Sue wink
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 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
Samerberg Sue,

I posted what I could find in English so that others would understand it. Here it is confirmed that he is accused of breaking the FIS rules in Deutsch.,,12356_cid_4069719,00.html

If I understand it correctly the women's family could start a civil process. Dieter Althaus's side seem to be admitting responsibility one minute but then saying they were not fully to blame the next Puzzled Maybe they are trying to avoid such a process.

5,000 euro for someone's wife who had 4 children (only the youngest was hers) appears very low but it looks as though final damages will be settled out of court.

Der Anwalt der Familie steht derzeit in Verhandlungen mit Althaus' Anwälten über Schadenersatzforderungen. Beide Seiten wollten sich rasch außergerichtlich einigen. Das Geld soll dem Sohn des 41-jährigen Opfers zukommen.
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 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
DB, I thought the fine and the compensation amounts fairly bizarre too - 5000 Euros is an insult for a young woman's life and compensation for a child's loss of thier mother. Why does the State get €33,000 I really cannot understand that at all. I still reckon that an awful lot is being made of this purely because of Althaus' status as the Leader of the State Parliament in Thuringia and a close supporter and buddy of Frau Merkel. He has quite a personal following and as I have understood it, is likely to be returned if he stands again in the summer.

The civil process would not be affected by criminal one if I understand things correctly. The calculation of compensation is clearly defined and would be paid by his liability insurance (Haftpflichtversicherung) any way. By admitting his guilt, he spares both himself and the family of the dead lady the horrors of public tribunal.

Changing the subject completely - how's the knee coming along?

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So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
Reaction to the trial verdict, reported by Deutsche Welle:

"Criticism Flies After Quick Court Verdict in Althaus Skiing Death"
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 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
David Goldsmith, definitely dropping down the news order on German and Austrian news channels. It's been acknowledged that it was a quick verdict but at that level and uncontested they usually are. The fine is based on earnings per day for a certain number of days, but I'm not absolutely sure of that as I was negotiating Munich's rush hour traffic as that was discussed. (I think I heard 180 days on one news broadcast, but again I'm not certain).

Some people here in Germany are trying to make political capital out of it - for example the question as to whether Althaus can continue in the Thuringian Parliament as he has a "record" or not. I've seen some quotes from the leader of the opposition in some articles. If it continues in the news it will be along those lines probably. He's the equivalent of a Conservative (CDU) and the centre left SPD are trying hard to upset a clear majority. As they say in politics, anything is worth trying to win points!

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 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Samerberg Sue,

Dieter Althaus does appear to have tried to make the best out of a bad situation. I've read he asked that the emergency services to deal with her first. As you say he has admitted guilt so that the family are not put through a lengthy ordeal and receive the financial support they will now need. Althaus also suffered serious injuries. I think we all make mistakes on the piste at some time or other, don't believe such a mistake should end his poitical career. Sometimes wonder how many accidents are caused by people carving because they take a path not expected by 'old school' skiers.

Re The knee - thanks for asking no change with the knee, these things take time I've been told.
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