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Lufthansa Compensation

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Anyone any info where I stand with this before I enter into discussion with the airline?

Saturday 19th October 2024, 06:55 Manchester to Munich , scheduled to land 09:55. Left on time but after two aborted landings because of fog diverted to Frankfurt. TBH I was thankful to touch down. Automatically put on 13:15 Frankfurt to Munich via Lufthansa app, scheduled to land14:10. Flight left Frankfurt 14:38, 83 minutes late because the plane wasn't ready. Landed Munich 15:33. Baggage status report on Lufthansa app: your (ski) bag was not loaded onto plane.

Ok, so I've pre-booked train tickets Munich Airport to Mayrhofen return 60 quid, departing 11:04 S-bahn platform, arriving Mayrhofen14:01 then up to Hintertuxon bus, about 7 euros (pay as you go). Obviously did not catch train.

New train ticket 17:04 arrive Mayrhofen 20:01, further 54 quid, and after last bus to Hintertux has left. 78 Euros taxi. Reach hotel half eight, would've been quicker to drive.

Fortunately always carry ski boots on back and just enough kit to ski should this scenario ever unfold.

Message in Lufthansa app, we have located you Baggage and will forward on to munich.

Sunday morning rent skis another 49 quid. Another message, you bag is in Munich and is going to Vienna. Ski all day. Another message your bag is in Innsbruck. Bag arrives Sunday night 8pm.

Fortunately the skiing has been superb but where do I stand re consumer rights etc?

If anyone has any info or experience of similar, I'd gratefully receive any advice.
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
@Whitegoldsbrother, so in summary you have:
1. Flight diverted from Munich to Frankfurt due to fog.
2. Flight from Frankfurt to Munich, arrived 1 h 23 later than scheduled.
3. Bag(s) delayed, arrived a day after you did.

For (1), i suspect this would count as exceptional circumstances outside of Lufthansa's control, so no EU flight compensation. Lufthansa did what was required (flight 2).

Flight (2) was not delayed enough to trigger compensation (>3 hours late arrival on a short haul flight, departure time is irrelevant).

Bags being delayed - you should be able to claim reasonable costs here, ie cost of ski rental for Sunday.

Other consequential costs (missed transfers etc) are, I think, excluded from the scope of EU flight compensation, even if the flight delays themselves trigger it (which I don't think they will, in this case).

I may be wrong here, eg your taxi cost because buses were no longer running. But max i think you'd get would be the new train ticket plus taxi, and one day's ski hire.

Last edited by Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person on Mon 21-10-24 19:04; edited 1 time in total
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
@Whitegoldsbrother, I assume that you have already visited the Lufthansa web site and claimed your €250 compensation you are due under eu law for being delayed more than 3 hours. I doubt they will allow you any more.

I made a claim last year when I missed the connection to Venice due to a delayed departure from Birmingham. After a month or so they offered me half what the law said they should pay. I declined this offer and once again reminded them of the law. Over a month later they made the same offer and again pointed the law out to them but this time mentioned that if they did not pay the correct amount I would be taking advice. Eventually they paid up. However the law stated that it had to be converted into pounds and paid to a uk bank account. Strange they knew this part of the law well but not the basic bits.

Visit the moneysavingexpert web site for more information.
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 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
@johnE, i suspect the EU261 compensation won't apply because the delay was caused by adverse weather, which counts as exceptional circumstances.

@Whitegoldsbrother, your other option is your travel insurance, assuming you had some.
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
@mgrolf, yes I have travel insurance and yes you are correct in your summary. I would be happy with train ticket, taxi and one day ski hire, I'm not after taking liberties just want some additional expenses.
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
Extraordinary circumstances. Expenses, but no compo.
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 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Fill the form in on the Lufthansa website and attach your receipts for anything you think you can reasonably claim. We had a 24hr delay on Lufthansa last year, partly caused by them reorganising their planes (4hr scheduled delay, but we got to fly Swiss instead, which is an altogether more pleasant experience), and partly due to snow (flights out of Zurich cancelled). With only our hand luggage, as the rest was still in the transit area, we purchased emergency undies and spent the night in a fancy hotel across the road. Lufthansa paid full compensation, plus the hotel, some food I think, and the emergency purchases, though they drew the line at the taxi home (in fairness, we could’ve got the bus, but had been in transit for 56hrs by then and just wanted to get home).

So you may as well give it a go.
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