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Trois Sommets (Kyrgyzstan) Proposed New Ski Area

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Courchevel designs a huge ski resort in Central Asia

Kyrgyz Courchevel": a French company designs a huge ski resort in Central Asia

In Kyrgyzstan, the future ski area "Trois Sommets" will have 200 kilometers of slopes and about thirty ski lifts. Its construction is supervised by a French company.

A piece of Savoy in the heart of Asia. In the mountains of eastern Kyrgyzstan, a huge ski area with a touch of French will soon emerge. Ultimately, the three resorts in the "Trois Sommets" area should bring together 200 kilometres of slopes and around thirty ski lifts – comparable in size to Zermatt. The Central Asian country, or rather its president, Sadyr Japarov, came to France to entrust the project to a French company, the Société des Trois-Vallées (S3V), operator of the Courchevel ski area.

The president of Kyrgyzstan asked us to meet in January 2023 when he came to ski with us because he wanted to have a Courchevel' built in his country, recalls the president of the S3V, Pascal de Thiersant, of BFM Business. .

The Kyrgyz government is in a hurry: a location is quickly found south of Issyk Kul Lake, near the city of Karakol, and a master plan will be presented by the S3V in April 2024. Work is scheduled to start in the summer of 2025, with a view to welcoming the first skiers in December 2026. It will then only be a partial start on about sixty kilometers of slopes.

To build the first of the three resorts, at the entrance to the Jyrgalan Valley, the Kyrgyz state will invest 165 million euros through a special state-owned company, officially named "Kyrgyz Courchevel" – a symbol of the winter ambitions of this small Asian country. 850,000 tourists annually

The Kyrgyz director hopes that the work will be completed by 2035. If all goes according to plan, the area will have a total of nearly 7,000 rooms, enough to accommodate 850,000 tourists a year in the three resorts.

Hotels, apartments, campsites, restaurants, spas, shops... In total, the state has sealed off just over 1,600 hectares in the surrounding mountains for the entire project. Kyrgyz companies will be responsible for the development of the buildings and infrastructure, with S3V (50% owned by the Department of Savoie) designing the area and advising on its implementation.

Source: translated from BFM Business
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person

Can't wait
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Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
For the Chinese market I assume. I didn’t know Kyrgyzstan was so far east until I looked.
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
Up to 200mm of precipitation in the winter:,in%20mountains%20during%20cold%20season.

If we assume 10x snow depth to water (pre-compacting) that would be approx 80" of snowfall so probably not a new powder hunting destination. Big mountains and cold weather so could have a some great piste skiing potential

google maps panorama of a ski area already in the area,78.4724217,3a,49.8y,169.31h,68.61t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipO0mAvtpfQnmL2zmAik46Rp_jfofYEcY-KCHgUW!2e10!3e11!!7i8192!8i4096!5m1!1e4?authuser=0&coh=205410&entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MDgyOC4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
I've spent a far bit of time in the area. In fact I met Pascal and his team this winter and got to see the plans for where the lifts are going.

Don't expect anything soon. Building has not yet started. The big numbers thrown around about rooms, ski area the size of Zermatt etc. are very long term plans. Stage 1 will be pretty small. The project is running as a business rather than some oligarch fantasy project so they need to source investment stage by stage and show profitability.

Jyrgalan gets mentioned as it's perhaps the most famous ski area (at least for touring and cat ski) in Kyrgyzstan. In reality it will be the very far end of the resort. It is unclear if there will even be lifts directly from Jyrgalan village, there is plans to build a new ski village on the plateau above the village to the West. The actual plan is more focused around Ak Bulun/buluk and Boz Uchuk areas.

The area is very snow sure. Partly due to altitude and cold weather (we had about 2 weeks where it didn't get above -9 last winter). and also gets a "lake effect" from Issyk Kul. I was certainly given the impression that diversification away from Europe and climate change was one of the reasons for investing in Kyrgyzstan. It seems that a slight increase in temperature due to global warming is actually helping kyrgyzstan - where previous winters it might have been "too cold to snow" (although I'm never sure how much science there is behind that claim). Last year was the best winter in memory of the guides who have been working there regularly.

Big but, is that the snow tends to come in big but infrequent dumps. Actually great for ski tourers as you get plenty of clear days and currently there is so little tourism it's easy to find fresh tracks a week after last snow. But, as said above, probably not great for those looking for lift served powder.

I do question where the profitability is. Currently kyrgyzstan ski tourism is mostly ski tourers, people looking for cheap cat skiing, and those wanting an off the beaten path/cultural experience. Even if you put it on the epic pass it's a huge journey for n Americans. For Brits looking at long haul trips I suspect Japan or n America are favourite. Russians seem like an obvious market, but timing not great, and the more well off prefer the "prestige" of a fancy euro resort. Chinese market I don't really know enough about.

There are also the transport issue. From Bishkek airport to the new ski area is at least a 6 hour drive in good conditions. Some sections are not paved, and there seems to be constant construction work on others. There is talk of finally opening the airport in Karakol which would cut the drive out. However, there has been talk of opening this airport for years so I'll believe it when I see it. I just can't envision it being profitable to run flights from anywhere international. Perhaps from Bishkek but then you are talking 3 flights from Europe to resort which is not particularly appealing.

Ski tourers can kind of rejoice. From Jyrgalan village touring will be pretty much unaffected. The lifts will only potentially affect the current cat ski area. There is an excellent 1000m+ ski descent from a peak above Boz Uchuk all the way back to the village that will likely be "lost". The plan is for the current cat ski op to be incorporated into the resort offering a bump up to some terrain not lift accessed. Unfortunately the days of $100 cat ski are already over, the price is increasing this year. However, you can still hire a private snowmobile driver for $100 per day (easily my best day ever on snow - over 9000m vert of mostly untracked deep powder).
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You'll need to Register first of course.
fantastic info

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boarder2020 wrote:
Some sections are not paved, and there seems to be constant construction work on others.

Sounds like Bozel !
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 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
Possibly Dubai and environs is the market

Direct flights, snow sure, sunny, brand new ticks all the boxes
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.

A mate was recently ski-mountaineering and touring in this area. It definitely highlighted my ignorance of the area. Both how far east it is (as someone has mentioned), and the sheer scale of the mountain ranges.
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 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
Having cycled through the area on heavy touring bikes, I can certainly attest to the scale of the mountain ranges!

I have always wanted to head back with touring skis.
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snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
Hmm. Having seen these things before I suspect that's it's more a story for raising investment than a fully realisable megaresort yet. I'd expect build out to be pretty gradual and ski terrain expansion to be conditional on filling the early hotels.
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 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.

Hmm. Having seen these things before I suspect that's it's more a story for raising investment than a fully realisable megaresort yet. I'd expect build out to be pretty gradual and ski terrain expansion to be conditional on filling the early hotels.

Exactly this. Which I think may be it's downfall. I'm not sure how many people are interested enough to go all the way there to ski what will be quite a small resort in its initial stages. If you had some oligarch or rich government building it as a vanity project all in one go I think the size of it may draw some more people. I am relatively confident they will start the project (there's already been a lot invested in the planning - Heli rental for aerial photography was a small fortune!). I'm doubtful it will reach their long term plans within the foreseeable future. Only thing that could change that is rapid climate change making Europe skiing too unpredictable.

As said above there is already a small resort in Karakol around 50km away (you actually have to drive past to get to where the new resort will be) which only gets a couple of tourists per day. Quite a few locals - but they are not bringing in the kind of money the investors for this project are going to be looking for.

@GeorgeVII, it's a pretty amazing country. 90%+ mountainous, 3x 7000m peaks, and so much is undeveloped and unexplored.
Winter base yourself in Jyrgalan at 2200m and ski tour directly from the door, 3000m skiable peaks in all directions, $100 per day private snowmobile skiing, horse uplift Laughing , backcountry yurt further up the valley at 2900m for something even more remote.
Spring you can drive up to 3700m and start touring from there. Also some nice glacier options from huts just south of the capital city in Ala Archa national park (e.g. Pik Corona).
Summer you have mountaineering on the bigger peaks, some with possible ski descents, the obvious being north face of Lenin 7134m. Or if you are bored of skiing the hiking, trail running, and cross country mountain biking are pretty awesome. You can see something like silk road mountain race for just what is possible on a bike, there are easier options too Laughing

Picture organic new film from kyrgyzstan has been getting rave reviews. Is supposed to be available on full on YouTube soon

If anyone is interested in going out for any kind of trip let me know. Am planning to be there in Jan and Feb this winter. Always happy to show people around.

@Mike Pow, yep Dubai expats makes sense. Although by the time you've added the current transfer time I'm not sure it's any quicker than getting to a big euro resort.
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So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
boarder2020 wrote:

@Mike Pow, yep Dubai expats makes sense. Although by the time you've added the current transfer time I'm not sure it's any quicker than getting to a big euro resort.

Was thinking more about the young, wealthy Muslims
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 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
@Mike Pow, I really don't know how popular skiing is in the Arab states? Saudi seems to be building some resort which may increase popularity. I suspect whatever rich minority do enjoy skiing probably would pick some fancy fanous euro resort over kyrgyzstan. The transport time is currently not particularly different (Dubai 7 hour flight to Geneva, plus lets say 3 hour transfer vs 4hr flight and 6 hour transfer for kyrgyzstan).
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 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
boarder2020 wrote:
@Mike Pow, I really don't know how popular skiing is in the Arab states? Saudi seems to be building some resort which may increase popularity. I suspect whatever rich minority do enjoy skiing probably would pick some fancy fanous euro resort over kyrgyzstan. The transport time is currently not particularly different (Dubai 7 hour flight to Geneva, plus lets say 3 hour transfer vs 4hr flight and 6 hour transfer for kyrgyzstan).

Quite possibly
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 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Surely the transfer time should be measured in a helicopter flight time.
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Having done 2 trips to Kyrgyzstan to ski tour (2012 & 2020) not far from Karakol this project just fills me with dread (heard of it a week ago through a friend who runs a community based tourism outfit there). I can't think of 2 more polar opposites - 'Courchevel-ski' vs the wildness of the current landscape out there.

Vanity project for the President?

The plans for the lifts/pistes buildings are that they will be built on the traditional summer pastures/grazing lands of the locals (anyone who has been to the animal market at Karakol will know that livestock is a mainstay of the economy out there). Maybe I am a nimby, but i don't see how this will really benefit the locals (in the wider & year-round sense). As stated upthread, it is a wild drive from Bishkek down to Karakol. The ski season will be short - feckin cold in Jan, and gets warm v quick in March. The snowpack is exceedingly funky, so touring / off piste will be of limited appeal unless everyone is rocking up with 110mm underfoot skis. Outside of the ski season the tourist market will be limited (just look at Courchevel in summer...), so lots of building for lots of 'cold' beds. I could go on...
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?

The economy in that area is absolutely awful. Go to Jyrgalan, Ak Bulun, Boz Uchuk and you will find it's nearly entirely old people and kids. The vast majority of working age people have to leave to go work elsewhere - Karakol, Bishkek, Kazakhstan, Russia and send money home. Summer tourism has been steadily growing and is providing a new source of income for some working age people (guides, homestays/guesthouses, cooks, cleaners etc.). The new project would create jobs and bring more money. The people in the area are overwhelmingly in support for that exact reason.

I do agree though that the seasons are short in that specific area of kyrgyzstan. You can probably have good piste skiing Jan-March (currently the Karakol resort usually closes end of march/start of April). Then summer tourism doesn't start until June - with prime hiking only really being July and August. So yes, there will certainly be some dead time.

Summer is currently peak tourism season so no reason why a potential resort shouldn't lean into that. Since COVID there's been an increase in big tour groups of generally more well off older people from Europe and Asia. Most visit Karakol, and many visit Jyrgalan. I'm sure a nice gondola up to a panoramic point with a restaurant/cafe would appeal. Also been a big increase in mountain bikers (probably off the back of silk road mountain race becoming quite famous), so I think there could be some interest in developing downhill mountain biking using the lifts. Of course not huge numbers compared to what I'm sure the likes of aguille du midi get everyday in summer, but maybe enough to keep things ticking over.

As for shepherds getting displaced. I'm actually not so sure it will have a huge effect on them. The yurts only go up July and August. Will depend on how much summer development there is with potential hiking/biking trails.

Personally from a selfish point of view I'd quite like it to stay how it is as I prefer the more natural undeveloped nature of the place and am happy touring without the need for lifts. But knowing people in the area, particularly those in tourism I do think it would be overwhelmingly positive for the locals. They all certainly seem to think so too. I accept in hindsight their views may change, but my feeling is at worse it becomes a super developed mega resort (and I think this is unlikely) the locals don't like it but can sell their houses for a small fortune (relative to kyrgyzstan) and move.

If not a ski resort then what can the locals do to improve their economy? There is talk of expanding the coal mine, which is arguably a lot worse for the areas natural beauty and means big trucks passing through. Not exactly a great job either, you can probably imagine working conditions. So ski resort may be the lesser or 2 evils.

Even if they build the full "mega resort" within 60km you would still have Karkara base camp, ak Suu backcountry yurt camp, and Jyrgalan heights yurt camp, all 3 of which would likely still provide a backcountry touring experience completely undeveloped. There are also countless other valleys in the area perfect for ski touring but nobody uses. The thought that one ski resort is going to destroy the opportunity to enjoy kyrgyzstan wilderness and undeveloped ski touring is just not realistic imo.
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
@ster, there's not a lot of helicopters in Kyrgyzstan. I think currently 3, operated by the ministry of emergency situations, but are used for commercial purposes too. Although Simone Morro visited in summer and rumour is he's considering doing some kind of Heli stuff there. I had 2 flights in the old Mi-8 Heli this summer - certainly an experience but looked absolutely ancient!

Inside is a bench along each side, no seatbelts, you can open the windows, the whole thing rattles Laughing
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
boarder2020 wrote:
@Mike Pow, I really don't know how popular skiing is in the Arab states? Saudi seems to be building some resort which may increase popularity. I suspect whatever rich minority do enjoy skiing probably would pick some fancy fanous euro resort over kyrgyzstan. The transport time is currently not particularly different (Dubai 7 hour flight to Geneva, plus lets say 3 hour transfer vs 4hr flight and 6 hour transfer for kyrgyzstan).

I live in Dubai. The above is the same reason I don't go to Georgia. A day sitting on a plane and in a bus is pretty much the same at 4 hours or at 7 hours of flight time. That and the fact my wife has seen the chairlift video....

Do not discount the wealth of Indians. They are traveling more and further. I've seen a number of Indian travel blogs pop up when looking at resorts online in the last few years. I suspect this is a play for the Indian market rather than the Arab and Dubai expat market. Also depending on how long the Russian's are persona non grata it will be a play for that market too.
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You'll need to Register first of course.
rambotion wrote:
Up to 200mm of precipitation in the winter:,in%20mountains%20during%20cold%20season.

That's about 8" !!!!!!!! almost nothing. (actually says 200-400mm in the valley. A bit more up top, but not that much more.
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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
snowball wrote:
rambotion wrote:
Up to 200mm of precipitation in the winter:,in%20mountains%20during%20cold%20season.

That's about 8" !!!!!!!! almost nothing. (actually says 200-400mm in the valley. A bit more up top, but not that much more.

Not sure where Wikipedia gets those numbers from. There is certainly a lot more snow where the proposed resort is, but is higher and further East (prevailing wind tends to blow easy creating a lake effect - or that is at least the claim). There is no weather station and nobody is measuring so I don't think you will get an accurate average, but it's certainly a lot higher than Wikipedia suggests.
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 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
According to this calculator

200mm of rain = 600cm of snow at -10 to -12 C

6m of snowfall is nothing to be sniffed at
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
Ah yes, I didn't spot that it said precipitation, not snow.
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