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Buying Skis

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Hi everyone,
Next year I'm going to do a ski season as an instructor in Canada.
I'm looking to buy a pair of all mountain skis and was hoping for some input from people.
I'm 177cm and weigh 63kg with 4 weeks experience. I'm looking for a playful ski capable on and off piste as I like to be manoeuvrable on the piste and enjoy jumps and sidehits and whatever, that being said I'm not looking for something park focused. I'd also like a ski with some decent carving capability so basically a compromise leaning toward the more playful side. I'm going to need a pair of piste skis for instructing so I'm not too bothered about having anything carving focused in an all mountain pair. I've done research and have come up with a few options and I'm mostly leaning towards the Black Crows Camox. Also looking at the Salomon QST 98, Nordica enforcer 100, Faction Dancer 2. If anyone has any thoughts on which skis I should buy I'm all ears!
Also lengthwise I'm kind of stuck, the Black crows come in 174cm and 180cm, I feel I'd enjoy the manoeuvrability of the 174 however I've also seen that after 20 weeks of experience I'd feel held back by the instability of the 174 so any advice there would also be appreciated.
Thanks alot, Matt
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
@Majaco123, welcome to SH's.

Not that you asked but I am a bit confused how a 4 week ski can be instructor!?

I think you are asking about skis to use when not instructing? Wasn't sure how much off piste you were talking - as jumps and sidehits doesn't sound like what I would call off piste.

Anyhow, after extensive research we bought my son Enforcer 100's for last season. He did two weeks on them and really loves them. But we ski off piste most of the time, when conditions allow. And being 19 he's straight lining when we get back on piste, though I think they turn pretty good.

You don't need 180 in the Black Crows IMO, 174 more than sufficient given you are 177.
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
I don't know it but the Camox sounds like a good AM ski. That make seems to be good, I have a friend with them. Disgusting colour on the Camox though Very Happy
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
I'm assuming that you're doing a gap year course there? If so, and this will be your one ski for everything, then I'd strongly suggest a dedicated on-piste ski. All-mountain skis can be great, of course, but for teaching, and more importantly for learning to teach, they're really not going to make it easier for you. With only 4 weeks experience you'll need all the help you can get.
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
@Majaco123, You don't weigh much, so don't go too long, especially on something burly like the Enforcer. You could even look at the Santa Ana instead, which I *think* has less metal in it than the Enforcer, and you might find a bit less heavy-going at your size. The graphics aren't particularly feminine, so no one would notice.

I ski the Santa Ana 93 in a 165cm and I'm 163cm/61kg. You could go up a length. They are an excellent all-around ski, fine on the piste or off the side.
I also have a Faction Dancer 3, which is incredible playful. I haven't skied the Dancer 2, but that would probably work for you too. I'm on a 164cm, and they feel shorter than the Santa Ana (yeah, 1cm is neither here nor there with skis).
I can't remember if I've skied the Camox, but I've generally found Black Crows to be a bit meh. The last Salomon I tried was the Stance (95?) which was awful. The QST might be better, but I'd probably look elsewhere.

If you buy something and later find it too short, by then it will be end of season sales and you can get something longer. Being in resort should give you some opportunities to try out more skis too – go along to any test days, or make friends with your local shops.
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
I'm doing a gap year course which trains you to become a level 1 CSIA instructor. They'll be my skis for when I'm not instructing. I don't have any proper off piste experience as all my weeks have been spent in typical Morzine conditions over the last few years but I'd definitely be keen to do a lot in Canada so will need some skis which allow that. Thanks for all the advice I'll look into it.
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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
I'm 90kg / 185cm & ski the enforcer 110 free @177cm
I love this ski offpiste and for on piste carving, the shorter length gives a shorter turn radius and much more fun in the bumps & narrow bits. I specifically selected this ski for being a wide ski with a short turn radius.
At your height and weight, personally, I would go for the 172cm, certainly no longer than the 179, I wouldn't care about the shorter ski possibly being a bit more wobbly at speed, the fun factor of a shorter ski makes up for it.
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 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
Majaco123 wrote:
I'm doing a gap year course which trains you to become a level 1 CSIA instructor. They'll be my skis for when I'm not instructing. I don't have any proper off piste experience as all my weeks have been spent in typical Morzine conditions over the last few years but I'd definitely be keen to do a lot in Canada so will need some skis which allow that. Thanks for all the advice I'll look into it.

Do you mind me asking who the course provider is - my daughter keep talking about a skiing gap year?
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
I'd wait 'til you are there, then test a few pairs of skis to find what lengths & strengths suit you. Don't buy until towards the end of the season because a) your skiing ability will (hopefully) improve dramatically and b) end of season sales.
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 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
@Kenzie, surely that means he'll have spent loads of money renting and then negate any sale savings.
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snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
Layne wrote:
@Kenzie, surely that means he'll have spent loads of money renting and then negate any sale savings.

But is that the point, saving money overall? Or to get the best ski for you at the least cost?
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And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
@ster, yeah agree but if you are doing a season surely you would buy a ski that works for the first few weeks and then trade it in/upgrade to a more advance ski. My point is renting for more than a week or two when doing a season doesn't make sense does it?
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So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
This is probably a silly suggestion, as I know nothing about the set up you are going into, but have you asked the people running your course? Presumably you won't be instructing until some way into the course? What skis will you be using at the outset, when you are probably doing a lot of basic stuff on-piste for much of the time - e.g learning to snowplough properly and how demo lots of precise, slow-speed, manoeuvres? Might it make sense to wait and see what conditions are like, and how it goes, and what your mates have got, before acquiring a second set of planks? There will presumably be quite a lot of second hand skis for sale, as people move on with their skiing.
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 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
If you can, try the UK ski tests that Snowheads run in the fridges - usually October. See this forum:-
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 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Layne wrote:
@Kenzie, surely that means he'll have spent loads of money renting and then negate any sale savings.

Depends on what deals there are for seasonnaires in whichever resort OP is off to - it would help to know that. Also what connections the company running the course has with local shops or ski manufacturers.
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 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
I guess there’s always a balance to be struck, yes not worthwhile to rent for many weeks if there for a season and intending to buy, but a couple of weeks renting to test to then buy and maybe getting some credit if buying from the same shop etc..
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
It also depends if he is going East or West Coast Canada - snow or ice Smile

There are usually season discounts for people there for the season. I got about 40% off at the start of the season with my season stuff when I lived in Whistler. Some places will also do a complete season rental. For example we did 2 weeks at Big White for Xmas and it was cheaper to hire a snowboard for my son (11) for a season than hire for 3 days.

It also depends which resort. If you’re over in Whistler then lots of ski shops in Vancouver and Whistler for deals. If Big White then you just have Dizzys in resort.

If you’re over in USA and Canada then people like this are great to talk to and have deals as well.

Or go different and tell me what the renoun skis are actually like!
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
The in-resort, 2nd hand market is a good place to pick up a bargain. Usually a good selection. It’s my daughter’s primary go-to.
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 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
Oh and irrespective of skis. If you’re spending a season in your boots, spend the money and buy the ones that suit your feet the best, get custom footbeds and the relevant shaping, shaving, popping and everything else as you’re going to be on them for 100 days and 6-8 hours a day.

Buy them in resort so you can go back and get them fixed if they aren’t quite right after skiing in them for a few days. Nothing like getting fitted boots, doing a quick blast down a run, then walking back into the shop, getting them fettled and repeating for 2-3 days until they’re comfortable and responsive.

Also Leki gloves and poles are really useful as you’ll be taking them on and off constantly over the season. Convenience is key!
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
If you are doing an instructor training course then I would recommend a good piste ski suitable for short turns.

If instructing, you will have to show the clients how to do things and this will be at a slow pace. A big fatter ski will Be a pain.

Get a good piste ski and rent fat ones for powder days.

For example, I use Atomic redster on piste and Kaestle HP95 for all mountain but these need to be driven.

As others have said. Get some used skis in resort cheap.
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
@dode, depends on the location. Many shops in Chamonix are selling over used tat at unreasonable prices.

Pre-season ski markets can be very good though, often unused stock at clearout prices, if you can get there.
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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
@GlasgowCyclops, The OP has already clarified that he's looking for a ski for personal use in non-training, non-teaching scenarios.
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 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
I accept that you wouldn't have done much off piste (if any) with only 4 weeks of skiing experience, but I don't know why you blame it on "Typical Morzine conditions". There are loads of off-piste routes around there (look at Fatmap) and most of the time they would be skiable, though not new powder.
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.

all my weeks

Errrr, all 4 of them?

That ain't a lot of weeks!! Twisted Evil
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 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
@under a new name, When my wife did a gap-year course in Argentina 15 years or so ago (while she was on gardening leave) some of the kids apparently had even less than that. They are designed to take relative newbies up to the required standard, in that case BASI2; only a few of them, perhaps three or four, failed to make the grade.
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snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
dode wrote:
The in-resort, 2nd hand market is a good place to pick up a bargain. Usually a good selection. It’s my daughter’s primary go-to.

Whistler is very different from many places in Europe. VR even compete with themselves by knocking out (some lightly) used demo skis at the WB Clearance outlet by the grocery store and at Squamish. You can get a pair of skis and bindings for the cost of a couple of days rental. No warranty or refunds mind.
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 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
To sum up: you are very light, have rather little ski experience, already have or will have a pair of piste skis, and will be getting lots of training over a season in a place with hopefully a lot of snowfall where 50% of the of the runs/trails aren't groomed like in Europe.

I would say you want a soft and forgiving twin tip with decent amount of rocker, not too demanding but fun all over in the mountain also on deep days, around the 100-105mm mark.

This would fit the bill perfectly and is on big sale:

Forget the Nordica Enforcers - they're great skis but too much ski for you at this point. The Camox aren't going to do you many favours either; they're pretty traditional and look a rather boring shape to me. You want some decent rocker in your second/play pair of skis!
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So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
@Chaletbeauroc, yeah, I get that, my point was more that 4 weeks is not “experience” Twisted Evil
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