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click and collect - Super U

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Having sorted flights at a different time since BA were so kind to cancel mine, I'll now arrive in France, at a different airport from the original booking, a fair bit later than I had planned.

So, to save time I'm thinking about a click and collect from SuperU opposite Grenoble airport. I don't do this kind of shopping in the UK (old school for me!) so I have a few questions...

How easy is it for someone with limited French language skills?
Do you need an account - if so, is this easy for a UK resident?
Is there a limit on what you buy - I'll be shopping for the vast majority to last a group of 7 hungry, thirsty adults for 2 weeks (last year was 3 trolleys fully rammed, one just for the wine, beer, soft drinks etc!) Just topping up fruit and veg in resort.
Will I get all sorts of odd substitutes? A couple might make menu planning fun Very Happy
When to place the order prior to arrival? Being one of life's planners, I have time on my hands here, I'm arriving 1st March!

Any other tips gratefully received.

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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
I don't use that service, but at a quick guess:

Language shouldn't be an issue, as long as you can navigate the website and find what you want.
Yes, you'll need an account. To do that you'll need an address, and at a quick glance it seems that it must be in France or one of the surrounding EU countries, so you'll need to borrow one from someone who lives there, or you may be able to get away with your holiday accommodation address, but I suspect they may want to send a physical card there or something. The real question is whether some sort of validation is required before you can do an order for collection, and I've no idea about that. We've always had a French address so it's never been an issue I've given any thought to.
No limit, if you can find it on the website you can buy it.
Substitutes I can't help with, but I imagine it would only be for different brands of similar items, and as you'll be mainly buying essentials I wouldn't have thought it likely to be an issue.
You need to do the order just a day or two before pickup, I think.

Someone Who Knows may be along shortly, but as it's late, and I happen to be awake, I thought I'd give at least my 2p worth until they do.
snow report
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
To do click and collect (or Drive as it’s called in France) you will need to set up an account using a French address though you will be able to use an English mobile number - it’s pretty straightforward to do and their card is issued digitally.

Not used Super U but several of the other supermarkets and when you complete your order you should receive an email with your collection number so they can verify it at time of collection.

You can spend as much as you like, sometimes they ask if you want the items bagged or not so be sure to choose your preference.

Never had any substitutions but can’t imagine they would swap for something too random.

You can usually order up to 6 days in advance and at Super U latest collection is at 19.30 - Drive is getting very popular in France especially on the weekends so you might want to be on your toes ready to select your time slot and order as far in advance as you can ie 6 days or so.

Happy shopping.
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