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One Last Hurrah, and that's a wrap

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
What should have been a great ski-tour season has been severely hampered by the atrocious weather, so much rain along with warm temps; and all the more frustrating given the huge amounts of snow at altitude.

Yesterday there was a break in the weather so was out with the road bike to cycle up to the Lautaret and then on up towards the Col du Galibier road, which they're working on to open by the end of the month, and see how far they've managed to get.

The walls of snow where they've cut through were very impressive!

I managed to get to around 2,300m

And then once back down, like last year I hatched a plan to take the e-mtb back up and chance a ski-tour as the snow looked so good, but would very much depend on overnight temps and whether the snow would go through the all-important freeze-thaw process.

And this morning temps were 4 degrees warmer than I hoped but still decided to go for it and parking up at the Lautaret at 08:30 snow in the shade was hard, so I might be lucky along with a chill wind and a lot of cloud, in fact I did think that the snow would not transform as I was skinning up.

Cycling up that early there were so many marmots around the place and this guy was really calm even though I had Ullr with me, though Ullr didn't see him until the last minute.

I wasn't too sure if they'd be working on the road being a weekend but as I was locking the bike up so the teams arrived and started up the ploughs.

Cloud came and went as I climbed and at the transition I had to wait for the cloud to clear.

The ski down was way better than I expected and only the last 15% which you traverse anyway had gone ridiculously soft so quickly.

Video short is Ullr and me on the emtb and then the snowplough working on the road.

So think that's it as I'm off down to the lake next week, though again weather is looking grim.

If we do get a cold snap along with overnight freezing then there's enough snow up there but think that's a big ask?
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