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Jones Mind Expander 146 - fantastic youth board

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
It’s ‘down season’ and for anyone thinking about the kids’ needs for next season, here is a truly great Jones board - the powder-focussed Mind Expander. Somewhat mythical amongst boards but I managed to track one down in Germany when I bought this for the Grom.

Right now, he has grown out of this 146 Mind Expander and moved onto ... yep ... a new 154 Mind Expander. While all his friends are struggling, he simply wafts around off piste, lifted onto the surface by the shape of this board. It is a radical thing, and is a more than interesting thing....never before have I seen such knowing smiles and expressions of support in the lift queue. It's a cult board. Yep, for cast iron boiler plate days he reaches for a different board but he uses Mind Expanders in chop, slough, powder and mixed. It is a stunning thing. It is almost impossible to get in the very smallest size and is great for Groms and small adults. (see the Jones size chart). In perfect condition since it was used in powder only…essentially as new.

One review

275gbp for board with Ride bindings….PM or text to 0770 250 5256
snow report
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Bump for the off season…hellfire there’s one on ebay for MENTAL money…647usd!

But back in the real world these are wonderful boards for teenagers mixing it on and off piste
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