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I’m never going skiing again. It’s dangerous and bad for my body

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Love this. The best bit is to avoid skiing on Wednesdays snowHead
ski holidays
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Not a subscriber so can't see the article.
ski holidays
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
@BobinCH, actually Wednesdays in France are well avoided as the younger school kids have the afternoons off.
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 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
I got the impression she had lost her love for skiing, and that the potential for injury was an excuse, which is entirely up to her.

She offers six ways to be safer on the slopes, but never mentions alcohol, skiing when it is quieter, going to less crowded resorts, going for less crowded pistes or getting lessons focusing on better control.

IMO I have been most dangerous or in danger when trying to hand on the back of a group of speedy skiers … something that might be best avoided.

On the positive, if she encourages less people to go skiing then no bad thing Very Happy
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Pyramus wrote:
Not a subscriber so can't see the article.

An 'Archive' website is your friend !
ski holidays
 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
"Old person getting upset because young people can ski faster" shocker...

The best way to stay safe on the slopes is to get your eyes tested.

One study suggests 7 in 10 of all ski accidents are caused by defective vision.
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 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...

One study suggests 7 in 10 of all ski accidents are caused by defective vision.

I haven't seen that study wink
snow report
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
albob wrote:
Pyramus wrote:
Not a subscriber so can't see the article.

An 'Archive' website is your friend !

Thank you so much.

I found it interesting, I suppose because I love all things snow, ski, Alps.

I never think about it back in the UK, but I would guess that chairlifts can be hazardous. A friend of ours, a slim lady in her 40’s had her shoulder torn apart by someone without communicating abruptly lifting the safety barrier.

Totally agree about stretching. I love yoga, carrying out three or four easy forms before and after skiing really helps me.
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 You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
"So far this year two British skiers are reported to have died in the Alps."

Not a worthwhile statistic unless you also compare it to every other popular sport which UK people participate in. I don't imagine cycling etc fairs that well.
snow report
 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
king key wrote:
"So far this year two British skiers are reported to have died in the Alps."

Not a worthwhile statistic unless you also compare it to every other popular sport which UK people participate in. I don't imagine cycling etc fairs that well.

and not very accurate. There was that mother and son killed at St Gervais, a Brit at la Plagne, another yesterday after a crash at Serre Chevalier but as you say, a completely meaningless bit of information.

Back to the thread topic, there will come a last day of skiing for everyone on snowheads. I remember a local skier who was involved in the creation of the French national parks, Philippe Traynard. He died in his 90s but stopped skiing in his 80s, not because he couldn't but because he was hit by an out of control skier while standing at the bottom of the pistes at Chamrousse leaving him with multiple injuries. His wife had died 20 years earlier in a mountaineering accident.
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 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
Having just returned from 3 weeks in France (paradiski &L2a) ..and being an older skier (I ski for free) , my comments are that some people do ski too fast but it really is up to you to keep an uphill eye open and I feel that the resorts have far too many blue runs that really should be red, the reasoning for this is that if they were red they could not get beginners to the resort ..this makes them dangerous as all the traffic is funneled down them. a snake of people doing snowploughs behind an instructor on a narrow piste and people trying to get past. L2a was very busy on some very icy pistes and I dread to think what its like for the next few weeks
ski holidays
 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.

L2a was very busy on some very icy pistes

But, to be fair, there's an option to download to avoid that famously unpleasant last run down in L2A.
If people insist on skiing it, they can hardly complain!
snow report
 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
albob wrote:
Pyramus wrote:
Not a subscriber so can't see the article.

An 'Archive' website is your friend !

No workee for me - get no response. Anyone else?
snow conditions
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
Golly, standards are slipping, someone in the editorial team should have caught this


Michael Schumacher’s horrific crash in Switzerland

Meribel is in France, as far as I'm aware - I've been to Meribel a few times, but I've never been to Switzerland other than airport transits...
snow conditions
 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Shock horror: regular skier knows people that have been injured while skiing.
snow conditions
 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead thanks!

I dislike that kind of article as it obviously cherry picks data points. There's no real attempt to look at what's happening, just some anecdotes about middle aged friends of the author whose ambitions exceed their ability and the strength of their knees to support their weight in active sports.

The SNOSM (France only) is the claimed source of her one statistic, perhaps very carefully selected from the latest report. That points out that nearly all "call outs" are from skiers falling on their own, not from collisions. So like her anecdotes, not her rhetoric about avalanches or collisions. There's likely a correlation in there somewhere, but I can't see where she's getting "14% worse" from; that's not what the SNOSM data appear to be showing. Here's some of the report translated:
snosm wrote:
"Number of skier days for a collision
Overall, we notice a slight deterioration in the situation regarding all of the collisions with a ratio of 17,748 skier days per collision. But this ratio shows a large variability depending on the year. The share of collisions between users is increasing slightly while the share of collisions against obstacles is decreasing (despite 5 deaths compared to 2 last winter)."

The USA data is here.

Lots of people give up sports as they age. Lots of old folk claim things were better when they were younger. I'm sure that for them, they were.
snow conditions
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
"Hit a patch of gravel"....she's given up skiing because her mate was stupid enough to try skiing on gravel?

This is a fairly regular bit of clickbait from the Times though, they let someone write an exaggerate piece of knee-jerky fluff and then wait for annoyed skiers to click the link. I forget what the last one was but it was equally daft, probably about how every ski holiday costs 60 grand or something
ski holidays
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Click bait nonsense.

Poor women who has had the pleasure of taking part in a dangerous out door activity for many years, knows a few people who have had injuries.

I've played rugby for 20 years. I've picked up many injuries. I know a lot of people who have been injured in many various ways. Same deal. Some people get lucky and take part in sports all their lives with only minor bumps and pulls. Others will dislocate a shoulder, rehab and recover only to dislocate the other.

It's part of the sport. And that was skiing is. A sport. A dangerous one, even with all the safety measures in place the risk for injury is high. We can only mitigate it to a degree. But isn't that some part of the attraction? Yes the scenery, the food, the drink etc etc, but the bit of risk...bit of danger is what keeps us alive!

I'd much rather be up a hill somewhere than sitting at home scared of being hurt.
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 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.

Golly, standards are slipping, someone in the editorial team should have caught this


Michael Schumacher’s horrific crash in Switzerland

Meribel is in France, as far as I'm aware - I've been to Meribel a few times, but I've never been to Switzerland other than airport transits...

I stopped reading at this point. If basic facts are wrong then you cannot trust anything said in the article.
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