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euro tunnel flexi plus , again

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
As we know flexi plus have changed the rules this year, (Im sure since we booked back in june) but has anyone tried to go through on a different day from their voucher ? We are due to return to the uk next sunday but now would like to do saturday as we have a family birthday do that has been brought forward a week, as its only a day and in practice probably 9 hrs as we would not probably arrive at coquelles until 3 or 4 pm and we could travel on the first train after 12 am I wondered if they would worry .
Has anyone tried it and been charged extra ?

ski holidays
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
I just went into the app and moved it by a day before I travelled. No issues.
latest report
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
@robs1, if you have a voucher, do you have access to amend the booking in your eurotunnel account on the app ? I booked through Caravan and Motorhome club for a trip last September, we needed to amend the booking,as we'd changed our car, but could only do so by calling CAMHC and not Eurotunnel. I couldn't even add passenger information online, only by calling CAMHC. We had to pay a fee to amend the booking of £20 I think. We were delayed on our trip back up to Calais, and as CAMH offices were closed on a weekend, we couldn't do anything until we arrived at Calais. However, surely the T&Cs that applied when you book should still apply now?
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 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
We’ve done it lots of times. I had an issue last week as I’d bought a 5 day flexiplus (apparently) and arrived in the early hours the following morning, but they let me through. We’ve had to pay if we were booked on a standard day and changed to a peak day, but otherwise it’s been fine.

I’m not aware of any recent changes that have restricted the ability to change days (hence my confusion on being told that I’d booked a 5 day flexiplus).
ski holidays
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Hells Bells wrote:
@robs1, if you have a voucher, do you have access to amend the booking in your eurotunnel account on the app ? I booked through Caravan and Motorhome club for a trip last September, we needed to amend the booking,as we'd changed our car, but could only do so by calling CAMHC and not Eurotunnel. I couldn't even add passenger information online, only by calling CAMHC. We had to pay a fee to amend the booking of £20 I think. We were delayed on our trip back up to Calais, and as CAMH offices were closed on a weekend, we couldn't do anything until we arrived at Calais. However, surely the T&Cs that applied when you book should still apply now?

I should be able to access my account from here, I cant be sure when they actually changed their rules but the first I heard of it was in either october or november and it certainly wasnt flagged up by peak retreats until we received our documentation at christmas.

I dont really see the value of flexiplus if it only gives you flexibility on one day, we have turned up a couple of hours early with a normal ticket before now and it was around £40 to change to the next train, people wont bother to pay the large cost of flexi plus if thats what they charge to changea normal ticket, I think they might have shot themselves in the foot over this,
snow conditions
 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
@robs1, I had no issue last summer simply logged into my account and changed the booking to a different day. The only issue I can see is if you want to change to a day with a different tariff in which case get a refund and book a new ticket. It is expensive but at the end of a long drive we want to simply get on the next train with the minimum of fuss (not that is possible anymore). Can live without the "free" crisps & coffee Very Happy
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 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
I turned up a day early unannounced in January this year, Sat 6th instead of Sun 7th booking, and was simply charged an additional fee of around £35 at the kiosk for travelling on a peak day. It was charged directly to the credit card with which I booked. It was quick and no issues.
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