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Tennis Elbow was Calcific tendonopathy of distal triceps

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
I bumped my elbow on the wall many months but still painful and getting worse to use. Skiing for a week before Christmas agrivated it. Now had an MRI which has reported Calcific tendonopathy of distal triceps.

I have previously had impingements on my shoulders both of which caused massive build ups of calcium on each of those. They were both teat sub-cranial decompression surgery (if I have remembered names correctly).

Anybody else had these, what feels to me, multiple incidents? I can't help wondering if something underlying triggering these events?

Last edited by Poster: A snowHead on Mon 5-02-24 20:12; edited 2 times in total
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Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
@NickyJ, Yes, in my hips, thighs, and now my shoulder. I too have wondered if there is some kind of underlying issue. Sad
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Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
My OH was diagnosed with calcification in shoulders (years of very painful frozen shoulder). The kids interpreted this as Dad turning into a fossil.
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@Origen, Laughing
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Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
@CaravanSkier, not fun Sad
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You'll need to Register first of course.
Diet considerations ?

Non professional suggestion, eating half grapefruit per day. V-low calcium, good vitamin C, medium low acid (calcium phosphate dissolvable in acid) can be safely included and has repeatable dosage to assess over 10~14 days in judging if any influence is present.
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@ski3, @ski3, I really dislike Grapefruit Sad any other suitable fruit or veg? Not many I dislike
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After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
Laughing @NickyJ, yes we are a divided household on this fruit, myself and son regularly eat, the two others absolutely not Very Happy

Cooking apples are very similar ph, but you'd probably need kiwi to bring vitamin C to the mix.
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ski3 wrote:
Laughing @NickyJ, yes we are a divided household on this fruit, myself and son regularly eat, the two others absolutely not Very Happy

Cooking apples are very similar ph, but you'd probably need kiwi to bring vitamin C to the mix.

Those I enjoy, Smile
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I have now seen consultant who has diagnosed Tennis Elbow. Reading up on what I can find, I find this surprising from POV it is my right elbow, and I am left handed. No activities that I can think of which aligns with the cause.
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snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
@NickyJ, computer mouse? Use of your keyboard? Are you doing something repetitive at work that could cause it, for example moving something from the right of desk to left of desk. I'm asking as I had TE when I moved to my GP job as I was moving documents across the workspace one by one. from to-do to done pile. Doesn't happen know as those piles of work have been digitised.
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And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
@Hells Bells, only using keyboard.

I have mouse in left hand as well
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So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
NickyJ wrote:
I have now seen consultant who has diagnosed Tennis Elbow. Reading up on what I can find, I find this surprising from POV it is my right elbow, and I am left handed. No activities that I can think of which aligns with the cause.

Driving and repeat changing gear can cause tennis elbow among other mundane things. I got it quite bad switching from squash to racketball. Had some acupuncture that did help, then lots of repeat exercises to stetch the muscles and tendons. Not completely gone after a year, but manageable and still playing.
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You know it makes sense.
BoldSeagull wrote:
NickyJ wrote:
I have now seen consultant who has diagnosed Tennis Elbow. Reading up on what I can find, I find this surprising from POV it is my right elbow, and I am left handed. No activities that I can think of which aligns with the cause.

Driving and repeat changing gear can cause tennis elbow among other mundane things. I got it quite bad switching from squash to racketball. Had some acupuncture that did help, then lots of repeat exercises to stetch the muscles and tendons. Not completely gone after a year, but manageable and still playing.

Acupuncture was suggested as an option.

Again being based in UK when driving a manual car I use Left hand not right. I switched to an automatic electric car in August 2021
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Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
NickyJ wrote:
BoldSeagull wrote:
NickyJ wrote:
I have now seen consultant who has diagnosed Tennis Elbow. Reading up on what I can find, I find this surprising from POV it is my right elbow, and I am left handed. No activities that I can think of which aligns with the cause.

Driving and repeat changing gear can cause tennis elbow among other mundane things. I got it quite bad switching from squash to racketball. Had some acupuncture that did help, then lots of repeat exercises to stetch the muscles and tendons. Not completely gone after a year, but manageable and still playing.

Acupuncture was suggested as an option.

Again being based in UK when driving a manual car I use Left hand not right. I switched to an automatic electric car in August 2021

The weirdest part of the acupuncture was that he put them in the tendon so when I opened and closed my hand, the pin head wiggled dramatically back and forth. I only had 2 sessions but that was enough to just release enough of the discomfort to get me back playing again and continue stretching exercises on it.
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 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
@NickyJ, Plenty going on here by the sounds of it...

Calcific tendonopathy of distal triceps and tennis elbow are different things, the medical name for the latter being lateral epicondylitis.

Bumping your elbow on a wall won't cause tennis elbow which is caused by tendon damage due to overuse/misuse

Sounds like you have two distinct issues with your elbow and I suggest physio is the way forward.

What did your consultant suggest as treatment?

Boldseagull's rehab period of a year is typical (depending on your age)
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
@red 27, the consultant said that the "Calcific tendonopathy of distal tricep" was a red herring, and not the cause of the pain.

Yes I asked that as it made no sense that bashing the elbow on the wall would cause it.
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Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
@NickyJ, I see - that figures.

Tennis elbow can be very painful. I got mine (I think) over a long ski season with heavy snow and my crap technique (dragging my poles). Foolishly, I just butched it out and made it worse and worse. At the end of the season just lifting my forearm to horizontal gave acute pain

Acupuncture helped me, along with the classic stretching and strengthening exercises you can find on youtube.

It won't go away on its own - tendon injuries are serious and need dedication to a serious rehab program.
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From NHS website

The most important thing to do is to rest your injured arm and stop doing the activity that caused the problem.


The most important thing to do is to rest your injured arm and stop doing the activity that caused the problem.

This is preturbs me. No activity fits the causes to stop
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Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Decided to try googling misdiagnosed tennis elbow and "Radial Tunnel syndrome" came up. As I said I have never done any activities which cause Tennis Elbow and I am sure it started with bashing my elbow which consultant was adamant wouldn't cause it.

One of the causes of Radial tunnel syndrome is:


A direct, hard blow to the outside of your elbow or forearm

I have never been in a position where a diagnosis has "felt wrong" like this. I am under private cover, can I go back to insurance company saying I feel they have misdiagnosed can I be referred for a second opinion?
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You'll need to Register first of course.
NickyJ wrote:
Decided to try googling misdiagnosed tennis elbow and "Radial Tunnel syndrome" came up. As I said I have never done any activities which cause Tennis Elbow and I am sure it started with bashing my elbow which consultant was adamant wouldn't cause it.

One of the causes of Radial tunnel syndrome is:


A direct, hard blow to the outside of your elbow or forearm

I have never been in a position where a diagnosis has "felt wrong" like this. I am under private cover, can I go back to insurance company saying I feel they have misdiagnosed can I be referred for a second opinion?

I was just out walking the dog and one of my TE triggers is throwing the ball for him in a particular way. The one thing I thought of from reading this thread, is that while the hard blow didn't cause it, you mention you went skiing after, and while typically that doesn't cause it, I wondered if the bump bruised the muscle / nerves / tendon etc. so that when you went skiing, the poles, which do cause a lot of repetitive rotation in the arms, combined to give you the TE?

Neither might be responsible on their own, but perhaps the combination was a trigger? As red 27 mentions above, not uncommon for ski poles to cause a bit of TE.
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I was already suffering quite a bit before December ski trip. It definitely agrivated it but felt more like that.

Axa have agreed to a second opinion.

Reading that other condition absolutely gels with my symptoms.

Will see what second consultant says
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After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
I had a similar thing happen with my elbow. I smacked it super hard on the edge of a door, and it didn't start to feel better as days passed. It got to the point where doing simple stuff with my arm hurt.

Going to see a physiotherapist helped me out. I went to Alanna Fish, who dealt with my elbow pain excellently. She did some hands-on stuff to loosen up the area and gave me exercises to strengthen it, which helped me get back to using my arm without it hurting all the time. It took some time, but her help made a big difference.
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@NickyJ, any progress? Following with interest.
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Ski the Net with snowHeads
@moosepig, badly.

I asked for permission for second opinion which was granted. I tried selecting a local consultant who specialises in elbows and mentions also what I suspect is the real thing happening, and have tried to see him. O have tried bookkng via the local hospital but been told need to engage with his secretary. I have left voicemails, sent emails and filled in online form and had now response! It has been more than a motn waiting for replies going to have to travel 30miles to find somebody else Sad

Also in that time just to absolutely sure I have removed rower from routine.

The worse news is think that has meant the lack of usage of that arm trying to follow instructions for tennis elbow and positions needed to not be in agony from sleeping and pressure on elbow lying down has now upset my shoulder
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snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
@NickyJ, thanks for replying, sorry to hear it's not going well. Lack of engagement from consultant/secretary is most discouraging, I feel your frustration.

My symptoms match yours only in that the primary aggravator was a high speed cricket ball.

Best of luck getting a medic who will listen!
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And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
@moosepig, oh no. How long has yours been going on? Have to say it is starting to get me down as nothing touches the pain and if I do something wrong it literally feels like my elbow is on fire.
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So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
I’m currently fighting years worth of achillies tendonitis/tendonopathy, golfer’s elbow and a bad back! I have the physical effervescence of a corpse right now.

Some points to note;

1) An excellent physio is invariably more use than a Consultant when it comes to tendon rehab

2) Rarely is the affected area the issue. A strong physio could and should give you a bio-mechanical breakdown of cause and effect

3) Lots of elbow issues are caused at the shoulder. Not all, but lots.

4) Calcification is the end product of poorly repeated movement patterns on the main. The cycle needs breaking. As someone with this in the achillies, I know this only too well.

5) Mobility is key, especially as we age. Supplemented with properly conducted strength training, this can mitigate against some tendon issues. However, no substitute for proper, bio-mechanical assessment.

6) Tendon rehab is long and needs commitment. It may also never solve the problem. That’s a hard thing to accept and confidence in the area is nearly always an issue. Tendonopathies to do not enjoy rest. Progressive loading is key. Find that excellent physio.

7) As we age, many of us become less resilient to a sudden change in activity level and/or new movement patterns that cause some element of physiological stress. Consider workloads to mitigate. It’s a hard part of accepting the aging process. I struggle with it. I’m not 21 anymore!

Cool Tendon discomfort and pain isn’t always a a bad thing. Generally, 1-5 on the pain scale is where you need to be to stimulate support structures, improve tendon health, and start to promote resilience.

9) Be careful you don’t offset the issue elsewhere. My achillies has caused my current back problem because of over-compensation. I knew this and still, it got me. Be careful!

10) Dressing back to my main point for reinforcement, excellent physios and biomechanical practitioners can be of far more use with tendon care than Consultants. Prevention much, much better that cure.

Good luck!
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You know it makes sense.
@Reezo, Excellent post - agree with lots of that. Point 6 especially

I'd only say that Golfer's and Tennis elbow are usually caused from the hand/wrist/forearm, rather than the shoulder, but I agree the bio-mechanical links go through the whole arm and shoulder.

My 3 tendon issues (Plantar F, G-Elb & T-Elb) all took between 9 and 15 months to 'resolve' and all still need monitoring / awareness / intervention and always will
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Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
@NickyJ, I have learnt the hard way, (20 plus years of trying to work this all out) that management is key. For me it means avoiding certain types of activity as much as possible. It also means excising correctly, to strengthen and keep in good condition the muscles that help and support the mal-functioning ligaments and tendons.

I have a good osteopath, but a good physiotherapist (and yes, I was lucky enough that through another pathway my gp referred me one who concurred with my osteopath) will likely give the same advice.

I am also lucky enough to be able to spend time in California where cannabis is legal, some of the massage creams and rubs really seem to help. Even the super strong 'hemp' creams which are legal to bring back into the UK, but not available to purchase here, help. I don`t think its just a 'plecebo' effect but my one example is hardly a scientific study!
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 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
CaravanSkier wrote:

I am also lucky enough to be able to spend time in California where cannabis is legal, some of the massage creams and rubs really seem to help.

The Dude Abides! May I ask which part of the body you rub the cream on? Are we talking Stoner Boner?
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Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
@NickyJ, about 10 years of progressive worsening, though I don't have anything as bad as the pain you describe. It flares up seemingly randomly; I've never been able to pin it down to an action or position. Oddly, I can't straighten it any more, 18 degrees is as close as it'll go.

I suspect we may not be suffering from the same root cause given the stark difference in severity. I had an X-ray a couple of weeks ago, still waiting on the results. Will post here if it's of any interest to you.
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Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
And after too many hours driving last week my arms was completely unusable since Friday in constant pain if not using and agony if I try and use. I am on Naproxin and paracetamol, plus lathering with voltarol. Regularly icing. Real struggle to sleep as struggle find any positions which aren't painful. Crying or Very sad
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@NickyJ, no idea of your gender or age but frozen shoulder is associated with menopause in women, and possibly alleviated by HRT.
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Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Finally getting somewhere. Got a referral into a different consultant, he agrees more going on than just tennis elbow, and referred for x-ray and Ultrasound. Had that last night, he isnt certain until both put together but thinks there is a bone fragment which was knocked of which I think he said was still attached to a ligament. That makes a whole heap of sense of what is going on and why not getting better.

Follow up consultant appointment on Thursday
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You'll need to Register first of course.
@NickyJ, I`m glad to hear you feel you are getting somewhere. It`s frustrating waiting for appointment and scans. I`m currently waiting for an mri on my leg and even trying to book privately there is a 3 -5 week wait around here.

I hope it all works out well for you.
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@CaravanSkier, oh no, what has happened with yours?

I am only this far and things happening this quickly because it is private.

I am pleased finally hear something which the more you think about it the more it "fits"
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After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
Had surgery yesterday. Removed bone fragments, repaired tendon and cleaned out the calcium build up.

Only slight cause for concern was he aslo found yellow puss in there, which he has sent off for testing. He doesn't think it is an infection but they are making sude.

Next challenge they want me to make an in person GP appointment for 2 weeks time. Wish me luck there!!!! Will phone them ince phone lines open as been through their website and choice seems to be "urgent same day appointment" or triage trying to send me to pharmacist etc then loads of forms etc. No option to say " no, I actually need to see my GP"
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Well phoned them up and GP surgery outright refused to make appointment as surgery was done privately. Back upto hospital 10miles away fornit rather than walking distance while still under the can't drive instructions. Thankfully eldest daughter passed her test in February and appointment is after her last A-level exam. Time for payback Smile
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Ski the Net with snowHeads
@NickyJ, the whole GP thing is a real mess, they told me they "only" do same day appointments at my surgery when I wanted to pre-book in for a repeat blood test at a set point in the future!
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