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Driving to Serre Chevalier Half Term & will it be a slush pit

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Hi, We have driven from Devon down to Le Grand Bornand for the last few years at half term and are quite happy with the journey, always seem to loose a bit of time getting around Geneva, Google tells me the drive down to Serre Chavelier is about 1.5 hours longer, is it likely to get bad traffic on the last bit of the journey Lyon, Grenoble or getting into the mountains.

When its really warm like last year does the snow still hold up ok, there is a good amount of high slopes but it looks like all the runs up from Briancon are south facing but some of the middle terrain along the valley is north facing. Very cautios after last year showed how important it is to have north facing slopes, I don't mind but the kids really hated the boiler plate / slush combination as this will only be there 3rd trip. The low down north facing slopes between 1500 and 1800 were much better than 2500 south facing ones.
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