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Differences between i- and e-series (head) and fischers rc4

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
I have tried to understand the differences between head i-series (i.SL and i.GS) and e-series (e.SL and e.GS). And their difference to fishers RC4 (SL and GS skis). But cant see what is the difference?

I have only been into alpine skiing for fun, but my son is racing. This make it hard for me to understand what I need to get him on the equipment. He need new SL skis not and i cant understand wich ones i should buy him.

We live in north scandinavia, and the slopes are always icy.
ski holidays
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
The "e" is for extra marketing cowdoo wink
I think they are just the latest versions of the old "i"'s.
Have you asked your son's coach what they would recommend ?
snow report
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
musher wrote:

Have you asked your son's coach what they would recommend ?

I have. Most of the kids uses atomic, völkl or nordica skis, and he has tried theese (some test skis they got via their contacts) and on a trainingcamp he also got to test the rossignols. Still he likes his really old head GS skis (way older than theese newer with yellow in the design) in both super-g and giant slalom. Then he likes a pair of too short fischers rc4 skis (maybe 3-4 years old) for SL. Is not really happy having head SL skis (older than the yellow design, mostly black skis) because ”something” is better on the fischers. But he does know what and the coaches does not know either why he does get the turns smoother using the fishers skis. Is it because of the ski or because it it shorter. They are too short for him really, and he shoud be getting the next lenght from the head ski already. He does not have a problem with long skis on the GS and super-g side so we were thinking with the coaches that it has to be something on the ski or how he is using it that makes the difference. They had one timing running on a normal practice and tested theese two pair of his skis and he did constantly get better times alao using the fischer ski.
snow report

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