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Anyone got Volkl Deacon 76 skis? (How much life used or left?)

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Am trying to determine how much camber - f any - my 176 cm long Volkl Deacon 76 skis have lost.

If you have a pair, can you out them base to base and measure the maximum gap between the bases under the bindings.

Tried contacting Volkl direct, can’t find U.K. retailer who stock these … I liked the skis but they’ve now down 10-12 weeks plus I think since 2019 when bought …

Can’t help but feeling that if data like this was shared and available, skiers would be easily able to see how tired their skis are and promote new ski purchases - and happier skiers!
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
I’d say a Volkl ski would last longer than 12 weeks.
Just did a WSA course and hired a pair of these for the week as usually ski on sometime far too wide underfoot for piste/early season.
I thought they were a great pair of skiis and if the OH keeps nagging tho do a piste day now and again may invest in a pair to add to the quiver.
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Would have thought so as well - but it’s hard to totally accurate with how many weeks use they’ve had as I bought them ex-hire in Cervinia with supposedly <6weeks use as a “premium” ski.
The shop was recommended and used by WSSA (as I was doing L2 instructor course with them) and I’ve added ~6-8 weeks use since - so could be 12 to 20 or more weeks in total.

Volkl U.K. did eventually come back to me with a somewhat perplexing reply saying the new versions have considerably more camber when new than mine have now BUT construction has changed (whereas I thought just cosmetic changes) and added it was “up to how they feel to me as to whether they’re worn out or not” which is not so helpful!
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 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
@Ashridge, it doesn’t help you but I highly doubt a ski shop sells a popular ski with less than 6 weeks use and you’d expect a high performance ski to do 100’s of days before it would be worn out which would usually be due to base grinds than camber going. Are you asking because the skis feel dead?
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