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SNCF Carte Avantage/trainline problems

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
I've searched here & on google and can't find (a) any solutions to my problem or (b) anyone else with this problem so I suspect I'm being an idiot, but I'm hoping someone here can help.

Now that Eurostar have ditched the ski train I'm booking trains separately*. I've bought an SNCF Carte Avantage but am having problems adding this to my trainline account - I keep getting the error message 'one or more passengers have invalid passenger or loyalty/discount card information'.

I also struggle on the SNCF site but don't know if that's my error or just the website being notoriously buggy.

The card number is in the format 123456 12 123456789 and it looks like the first two parts of the number (123456 12) are common to all cards, as these are pre-populated on both trainline & the SNCF site (as 290901 0Cool. So I assume I add the final 9 digit part 123456789 to trainline.

When I try and add my card to the SNCF site it, confusingly, insists it should be an 11 digit number.

I can seen that others have managed this without problems. I can't find any suggestion of difficulty with this on Seat61. I'm fed up and just want to have a ski holiday to bloody look forward to.

Please someone tell me what I'm doing wrong!

*I know you can book a package but we're committed to this increasingly complicated sodding trip now.
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Just a thought, but have you downloaded the SNCF app? I don’t have the carte avantage but when I downloaded the app it allowed me to import already bought tickets and looking at the app it may allow you to import your carte avantage which appears to be an 11 digit number.
snow conditions
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Good suggestion thanks, and I've just tried that but unfortunately it doesn't work. The app asks me to enter my 11 digit number, then (as per trainline) pre-populates the first half of the full card number (290901 0Cool then only leaves me space for my personal (9 digit) number. Then when I try to buy the ticket it says there's an error and to try again later. No error if I attempt this without the carte avantage.

I just don't know what the 11 digit number is, or how to enter it. I appreciate this is an entirely uninteresting post but I hope someone on here has done it recently & knows wtf I'm going on about & what I'm doing wrong...
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 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
@redsaz, Have you tried deleting the 'pre-population' then entering the whole number yourself?? (just a thought..)
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
@redsaz, why do you need the number in Trainline? Its definitely not the best site to buy tickets from, especially non-UK ones. Better to go direct eg via the SNCF site.
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
Thanks albob - annoyingly I can't delete the pre-population bit of either Trainline or SNCF. Have tried all manner of combinations of the number(s)

Re. Trainline vs SNCF, Seat61 suggests that Trainline is much more straightforward which is why I started there. SNCF is reported to be a massive pain in the back bottom, but I've tried using it anyway with the same result.
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 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
mgrolf wrote:
@redsaz, why do you need the number in Trainline? Its definitely not the best site to buy tickets from, especially non-UK ones. Better to go direct eg via the SNCF site.

I'd second that, having learned the hard way. I have got my Carte Avantage attached to my profile in my Trainline account and bought my tickets successfully using it for the EoSB. A few weeks ago I bought some TGV tickets for January. Right through the purchase process the prices and information on screen showed my Carte Avantage being applied, but when I checked the tickets (and my credit card account) I'd been charged the price without Carte Avantage. Trainline claim this isn't their error and say they can't fix it. They say they would have seen an error in their system if the fault was with their website and that I must have made a mistake and failed to apply the Carte Avantage. The Carte Avantage is attached to my profile, so there doesn't appear to be a way of me not applying it, accidentally or deliberately). Their suggestion was to refund the tickets and rebook. I have 2 issues with this idea (1) you don't get the booking fee back, which is £16 in this case (2) as I can't see any way that it is possible to accidentally book tickets without it being applied, I have no faith the same wouldn't happen again.

I've now booked the tickets direct with SNCF which was straightforward and they don't charge a booking fee, so actually cheaper. I'm still in dispute with Trainline (although they're currently ignoring me).

TLDR: don't buy SNCF tickets through Trainline as they (1) charge a booking fee and (2) might somehow charge you the full price anyway in spite of your Carte Avantage being attached to the profile you booked with.
latest report
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
@redsaz, I just looked at my account on and for my Carte Advantage Senior it is just 9 digits to input after the pre-filled numbers 29090105. I can't recall exactly how I fixed it but seem to remember I had some difficulty with getting it to register my card. Have you tried leaving out spaces or putting a space in?
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 You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
Thanks andy1234 - that's exactly the issue I've had. Tried all manner of combinations/spaces etc but no joy.

I apprehensively phoned SNCF's helpline (my schoolgirl French is very rusty) but got through immediately to a woman who spoke perfect English and said 'book the full price tickets, send us a screenshot of the cost with the discount applied & we'll refund you the difference'.

All sorted (well, apart from the refund which may take 30-60 days but quite honestly I'm so hacked off with it all that I'm just glad we've got tickets).

Learning points: Trainline are crap & SNCF are amazing!
Also: may just use Travelski for Eurostar next year, not sure all the extra hassle has saved us any money at all

Most importantly though: we're going bloody skiing, after 2 years of pandemic related abstinence. Woohoo!
ski holidays
 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
@redsaz, alors, c'est tres bon et bon ski Very Happy
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