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Ski Boots Plastics - Blister Podcast
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A snowHead
A snowHead
Just been listening to part 1 of a 2 part podcast on Blister with Matt Manser from Atomic (who's also (onenerdykid on TGR) discussing the various plastics used in ski boot manufacture. Really interesting especially the stuff about temperature sensitivity and the price differences between the types etc.
Whilst listening I kept thinking of the late great
as Brett would've loved geeking out on this stuff.
Part 2 out next week.
A snowHead
isn't a real person
A snowHead
isn't a real person
Coincidentally I just spent most of today driving to Mallow in Co Cork and back, 4hrs each way, and listened to Blister podcasts all the way, and this was one of them. I'm not really geeky but agree it's interesting. The whole series is pretty good - particularly enjoyed 1 with Jason Levinthal and 2 with Jed Yeiser of
and Line.
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Part 2 on boot flex now out:
You need to
to know who's really who.
You need to
to know who's really who.
Just about finished Ep 1 , very interesting (I used to work in plastics a while ago, sadly in businesses that made food packaging and then pipes and guttering, not making ski boots, and far from the factory floor, occasionally looking at BOMs he talks about ) so brought back a few memories.
See , the colour does matter!
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