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I shared a chairlift with...

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
... Alan Baxter's Mum the other day (no, really).

She was very interested in who had won the Men's downhill that morning so I consulted snowHeads via my phone and told her snowHead

Well, I knew someone would be talking about it here wink
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Nice one! Sue Dickson (Sue Baxter many moons ago) was one of the top instructors on Cairngorm when I worked up there - 31 years ago!

She's an outstanding BASI instructor (former trainer of BASI ski instructors) and gave my wife some instruction on the Tignes glacier years ago, which was the best ski teaching Jackie reckons she's ever had. After her marriage to Alain's father Ian Baxter she went on to marry Kenny Dickson, former director of BASI. They eventually moved to the 3 Valleys to found their ski school.

Hope Sue joins us here, sometime. Her input would be valuable.
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
I did a week's instruction with Sue in Courchevel several years ago. She was first class. Very gentle, but managed to push to whole class forward so that we made lots of improvement to technique and confidence.
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 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
I have shared a chairlift with my wife on more than one a occaision. She is a reasonale skier, and a lovely person.
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
I shared a chairlift with admin several times last week.
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
I shared a chairlift with some French bloke once.
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 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
I shared a chairlift with nobody at all 2 years ago as they all fell over getting on ! Toofy Grin
ski holidays
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
... my inner demons until I raised the bar and booted them off Twisted Evil
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 You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
David Goldsmith wrote:
After her marriage to Alain's father Ian Baxter she went on to marry Kenny Dickson, former director of BASI.

Sounds a bit funny that marrying 2 people one after the other Shocked Not normal even in the highlands of Scotland.
snow report
 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
obelix67, not even in Utah, where some people do it the other way round.

I didn't share a chair lift with Martin "Butcher" Bell last week, but we did share a drink or two in the hot tub after he had sucessfully ruined lbt's career as a mouth model.
snow report
 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
Wear The Fox Hat, in this context, what's a mouth model? And should u be talking about it this side of the watershed?
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 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
I shared a chairlift once with 2 very sexy frenchmen!! - does that count!! NehNeh
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 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
...with a dude with a VERY strange hat
snow report
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
admin wrote:
Wear The Fox Hat, in this context, what's a mouth model? And should u be talking about it this side of the watershed?

Someone employed for their natural smile, i.e. not lbt. Wink
ski holidays
 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
admin, using snowHeads ti impress the laydeez again rolling eyes wink
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 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Just shared a chair with Mrs Johnboy, but had the pleasure of being on the button behind WTFH wink
snow conditions
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
I shared a chairlift with Boredsurfin the other week!
snow report
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
I have shared a t-bar with Crazy Skier Jules, Linds and Chris Bish, but not all at the same time. Not a chairlift though.
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 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
I shared a T bar with my wife once Shocked but only coz I miss judged the queue.Wont be making that mistake again rolling eyes
This is the woman who did a 'Bridget Jones' last year at Les Arcs.Now that was funny,even the attendant was crying Laughing
snow conditions
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
I fell off the chairlift last year in France.

Trying to shuffle onto the chair whilst the safety bar was still up and somehow shuffled forward rather than backwards and Haaaaaaa. 15 foot fall.

Wife and I still laugh about it now.
ski holidays
 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
snowskisnow, Hope you have made your Last Will & Testament - it will be needed if Mrs snowskisnow, sees that post! Toofy Grin
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 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
I shared a 4 man lift with 5 people last week. Very cosy it was too and still don't know how it happened!
snow report
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
Lots of cute little french kids who speak better english than i do!
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 You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
I went up in the train on the day of the Lauberhorn race with Hazel Irvines (sp?) plus the chap who wrote the Bode Millar article for Time magasine and several other journalists, Oh and a day or possibly 2 earlier I met Darren Rahlves + dog on the train
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 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
Peter Hardy once. In fact shared a chalet with him, and his son.
ski holidays
 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
OK D G Orf, I think you are in the lead
snow report
 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
...Jean-Luc Cretier, Olympic DH Gold medallist at Nagano (PG was on the same chair as well, but I don't think he scores highly in the celebrity Chair Sharer game).
ski holidays
 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
I shared the solaise chairlift in valdisere with 4 others SO ,(WELL ITS only a 4 seater ) Lifty up top took photo as we arrived. was bit of a sqeeze. rolling eyes
latest report
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense. wrote:
...Jean-Luc Cretier, Olympic DH Gold medallist at Nagano (PG was on the same chair as well, but I don't think he scores highly in the celebrity Chair Sharer game).
Whaddya mean, he recognised me before I recognised him! Cool Laughing
snow report
 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:,

...Jean-Luc Cretier, Olympic DH Gold medallist at Nagano

I would share a chairlift with him anytime Very Happy
snow conditions
 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
snowbunny, I can arrange a meet any time you like wink
ski holidays
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person

snowbunny, I can arrange a meet any time you like

Cool Very Happy
ski holidays
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
PG wrote: wrote:
...Jean-Luc Cretier, Olympic DH Gold medallist at Nagano (PG was on the same chair as well, but I don't think he scores highly in the celebrity Chair Sharer game).
Whaddya mean, he recognised me before I recognised him! Cool Laughing

Well, OK... I suppose that's correct Smile

He was pretty quick down the piste after we got off the chair. He just seemed to zoom down the hill as if he had motors on he skis, all the more remarkable because he was bending down to clip up his boots at the time!
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 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
snowbunny, in fact he was going to fore-run the SNAFU cup for us if the EOSB had been in Les Arcs... doubt I'll be able to persuade him over to VT though. (Is there a SNAFU anyway??)
latest report
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.

snowbunny, in fact he was going to fore-run the SNAFU cup for us if the EoSB had been in Les Arcs... doubt I'll be able to persaude him over to VT though.

Sensible fella then Very Happy
snow report
 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
Also in valdisere Shared chair with Hugh Hutchison. (British olympian mogul skier ) He took us down some Moguls Mad

Last edited by You'll need to Register first of course. on Tue 14-02-06 21:00; edited 1 time in total
snow conditions
 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
pistenbully, I notice you've now ammended your sig Laughing bit more aggressive now though Confused
ski holidays
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
I shared a chair with John Smart, double olympic gold medallist in moguls. I then tried to follow him down catskinner. Given that I'd arrived the night before and there was a lot of nig moguls, I struggled, so at that point I retired gracefully from the guided tour he was leading...
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 You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
Me aggresive Smile Laughing
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 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
I rarely get to share a chairlift with anyone Sad . Primarily as they have sufficient time to work out that it might be a hazardous experience rolling eyes

I will however to be able to contribute to the following threads :

1001 ways to not get on a chairlift
101 ways to frighten lifties
Snowboarders - My Part in Their Downfall

I might of course have shared a chair with the entire Austrian downhill squad but wouldn't now as I rarely open my eyes. Then again I doubt they practice much on Beginners' slopes.
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