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The view from............ Val d'Isere and the Espace Killy

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
ajdetpwm wrote:
A la carte seems like a 'no brainer' to me.
A six day pass is six times the price of a one day pass - no discount at all.
66 x 6
A la carte is currently 59 euro per day
And you protect yourself form the risk of a high wind day where the only thing open is a few beginner lifts in the village.

Depends on your situation - you can get a discount if a family for a 6 day pass and you get a 7th day free) and also Val d'Isere will refund for bad weather.

We were recently refunded 210 Euros for 22nd December (family of 4) On that day the lower lifts were open and the Olympic too was sproadic. You have to claim but they do list applicable days on the website. Was all pretty easy and quick too! I wasn't expecting anything as we did use the Fornet cable car, Funi and the lower lifts a bit. Though far from a full day of skiing.

All credit to Val d'Isere as out of their control.
snow conditions
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Well done you.
My experience of trying to get refunds has been very different - impossible.
So, given the choice, and no material difference in price, the a la carte option of not paying for the day seems preferable
snow conditions
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Its interesting and all down to personal circumstances / budget and attitude to skiing I suppose for the most part which type of pass you go for!

Re the turnstile data.... I think at the moment the main 'data' learned is that they are personally a pain in the back bottom! Yes there is the 4 hour pass side of things (how would that work if you get to the bottom of a lift (say Fontaine Froid and everything below that is closed - are they gonna let you upload to get on your way down! I know at the moment the turnstiles at the bottom there are out of order but still!) but also Compagne des Alpes wanting data of persons movements but the real reason they are doing it is they want (Val) to chargeback Tignes (at some point) as the larger number of Tignes beds and the fact so many take their passes from Tignes and head towards the Borsat / Grand Pre area for skiing.
snow report
 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
Mixed bag

It was a early and rude start to the day this morning as the alarm clock went off dead on 0600 and as soon as I heard it I remembered that I had allowed myself exactly zero seconds of 'OMG is it that time of the morning cant I roll over for 2 mins and snooze' time, so basically I jumped out of bed straight away, threw on some clothes whilst Clare got Olivia up.

Yes Olivia had race day!

So I got the car (annoying that the train rouge does not start until 0700 and the kids needed to be at the Rond Pont for 0645!) and took Clare, Olivia and her team mate Roscoe and his mum (Mrs Henry Avalanche Talk) to the meet point to jump on the bus!

After putting the car away and getting home I had breakfast (Sunday eggs on toast day!), ben watched some TV, I did the laundry and then Ben did some homework and generally we chilled. By 1030 or so it was time to get into our ski gear and head off.... picking up a board and boots for Ben from Snowberry we then headed up into the sun on Solaise and the magic carpet.

So we had a couple of hours boarding and Ben is doing so well.... will post a vid on Social media but he is now doing falling leaf on both toe and heel side - go my boy. After a couple hours and plenty of runs later we were hungry so grabbed a nice (but expensive) pizza at the yurt at the Refuge du Soleil, then Ben played in the Val kids area before he wanted to take the VIP cabin down the Solaise so we waited for it to come around and jumped on that.

Then the day got a bit more complicated as we popped to a friends (well Murray who is the head chef of YSE and his wife Christina who is the boss at YSE Chardons ) so Ben could have a play date with his friend Leon. Then home time, a friend of Clares popped around to deliver something and then we had the battle of getting the kids into bed and bathed and hair washed etc.... oh and takeaway from Jami in La Daille.

Im shattered cant you tell.....

So why did I call it a 'mixed bag' - well I was referring to Olivias race. So before I tell you the result ill just clarify that this is all kids in Club des Sports in the upper Tarantaise Valley that do 4 races a season all together.... a GS in La Rosiere, today, a SL (stubbies) in St Foy, SG in Tignes and a second GS in Val. All kids born in 2014 and 2015 race and its Villaroger, St Foy, La Rosiere, Tignes and Val d'Isere that send teams. Approximately there are 55 girls and 65 boys eligible but not all do every race of course!

So anyway in the first of 3 runs today... she messed up the line and skied out on the first run.... she was distraught apparently and things got worse as she crashed in the second run.... but she pulled herself together mentally and was 2nd fastest girl on the 3rd run. She has three main rivals... all of whom share the podiums and placings usually, a fellow girl from Val, one from Tignes and occasionally a girl from La Rosiere... well a 2nd place was a great come back. The various race clubs take the top 5 racers and each racer needs to have two runs to qualify and at least one girls time needs to be taken into account... well Olivia was sad as she only had the one result so was not able to be on the podium. But to honest with you it is a good learning curve for her to be in this situation so its not too bad really. She will have her name on Radio Val tomorrow and next time she can string 2 good runs together hopefully at the Val GS and get on the podium. So I am a proud dad this evening... a daughter who is right up there out of all the race club kids in this part of the alps... next year she will take a big step up performance wise as it becomes individual and include racers from places like La Plagne and Les Arcs etc... eeek!

Anyway need an early night as back to work tomorrow.


snow conditions
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
That’s an awesome ski from Olivia! Very well done, and such a great recovery Very Happy
snow report
 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
Well done to Olivia. I guess you have to push your limits to stand a chance of getting on the podium. Then you’re sure to ski out or crash occasionally. Isn’t she still one of the youngest racing at that level?
snow report
 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
motyl - thanks - yes she would have hopefully have gotten on the podium if she had completed the first two runs but its what it is and she will learn from it!
PeakyB - indeed totally! Thanks. The youngest at the level.... well she's in the U10 category along with her compatraites yes but U10 is basically the youngest the start at the racing game for sure! She's not particularly young for the year if thats what you meant no. But then again all the kids at the race were either 2014 (her) or 2015 year of birth! This was the Val d'Isere only results on the third run (with year of birth 2015 if applicable!):

2ème Olivia Angus
4ème Elisa Quero Batani
8ème Alice Paterson
9ème Siloe Lavantes
10ème Lorena Gingréau
12ème Jahyanna Gonnelaz Kaufmann (2ème 2015)
21ème Romy Casanova (4ème 2015)
25ème Elvire Marchand
26ème Lia Pereira Arenas
27ème Cordelia Wilde
30ème Sarah Coelho (7ème 2015)
37ème Billie Pourtier Aguillon (13ème 2015)
latest report
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
Snow holding up nicely

I woke far to early this morning for some reason after having a mixed sleep last night... hey ho.

Anyway Clare had the day off today so she took care of the kids to get them on the school bus whilst I sorted myself out.

The weather was pretty sunny and nice out there and once again the temps were warm - in fact it hardly dropped below zero even up on the glacier last night... The snow was in excellent condition last night because there had not been a heavy freeze last night - will have made the off piste tricky today I should have thought!

I made my way over the road to meet my am lesson and it was nice meeting up with Arthur. I last skied with Arthur about 5 years ago and before that about once a year for 3 or 4 years. A really salt of the earth Australian with his wife - just ready to give anything a go! So it was nice to see him after all this time and catch up on his news etc.

We set off for some variations all around Bellevarde including blues and reds... the snow was holding up really well actually but it was pretty busy out there... the queues for Marmottes etc were pretty long! Anyway it was a really fun and productive morning! Bravo!

I have been at home since lunchtime catching up on bits and looking out the window there could be a chance of some light snow in the forecast the next 24 hours or so but it is a long shot - would not hold your breath! That is if the freezing level drops enough anyway!

Gonna be very busy work wise the rest of the week so nice to have some down time today.


latest report
 You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
It was only a sit down!

I slept really badly again - I need a decent nights sleep I really do... but the prospect this morning of teaching all day and then (thats still to come) a Vie Val d'Is avalanche talk this evening - made me tired just thinking about it.... sitting here typing this early this evening I still feel the same - looking forward to getting to bed tonight!

Anyway Clare was working this morning so it was a little more hectic getting ready this am but all good! There was only a small freeze last night due to the thin cloud cover but that also meant it did not get too warm yesterday afternoon (or today) holding the snow up nicely!

I headed to the meet point and met my am session. A really nice but really tall guy who was dead keen 'to learn properly'. He had skied with an old colleague of mine over in the Portes du Soleil last year thus had been referred over to me for this holiday... his wife skied with a colleague and the kids with another old colleague of mine, Lena. We set off and he worked through the drills I set him really well and his level of interaction and understanding was pretty high! What a great session and he even skied the Plan M red down really well and the Combe Martin black well too... well done a top morning!

I headed to town to get back packs from the office at lunchtime and then took lunch in the normal place before meeting for the pm slot. It was an old client from about 5 years back, his wife and grown up son... I dont remember it but apparently back in the day then I had taken them through the Col Pers and down into the gorge du malpasset... what a great day out that had been they had reminded me so I was under pressure to come up with the goods again! After the safety talk and handing out the kit and explaining that powder etc was not going to be on the cards (they knew that) today we set off. A warm up on the 'inbounds' (as I call it) side of Cugnai and variations of Glacier chair and we dropped off the back of Cugnai. The temperature and very thin cloud cover was enough to hold the snow up nicely and we got a couple of spring turns on the south side but I decided to keep it Spring and we skied the guts.... it was somewhat chopped up but very skiable and what a lovely time we had - big smiles all around.

However I was demo'ing something and 'had a little sit down' much to their amusement - yes it does happen from time to time! Whoops! I think I must have sat on my ski as I have a bruise, small cut and red mark on the inside of my leg even though the ski did not come off - doh!

We looped back around and allowed our legs to rest somewhat on the way to do a Grand Vallon and if you ever wanted hero chalk then it was down there top to bottom.... more smiles!

So I have just dropped the great back, had a shower and change and Olivia is doing her homework whilst Ben is at judo but I am about to head into town for this avalanche talk... then ill be home and into bed! yay

In other news the Ski Club of GB celebrated 120 years of the club last night with a fancy meal in the Equinox restaurant here in La Daille and from the photos I have seen it looks like a great success and a lot of fun! Awesome and congrats! The SCGB here in Val is thriving and they often have dozens and dozens of people show up at the meeting point in the morning to sort themselves out into social skiing groups. So if you are coming out to Val sometime and dont have anyone to ski with then sign up to the club, turn up to the social hour, introduce yourself and then get to the meeting point at 0930 daily!

Any finally the Men speed skiing team from France are going to be in town for the remainder of this week because they speed events at Chamonix this week / weekend have been cancelled as the snow is too soft (likewise in Garmisch for the women!) - but then again both those venues the courses come down really low! So I dont know if they are going to have a whole piste closed to them for their training or what is going to happen but I know they are in town! Apparently they are going to come for a drink with the Club des Sports kids this weekend so Olivia is excited about that - yay!

Right think that is all for now.... check out the photo below snapped by me in Cugnai this afternoon - there is general hysteria brewing across the industry / press etc suggesting there is 'no' snow and 'sheet ice' and slush 'everywhere' at the moment - well not really true... yes soft in places later in the day and hard in others but generally very good conditions out there. However we ALWAYS want more snow in this industry!


snow report
 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
No Snow ?
We have shovelled 1.75m snow off our balcony since the beginning of January (and broken a snow shovel )
Nothing to complain about in Tignes and Val d’Isere about the state of the pistes and skiing.
latest report
 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
muppet wrote:
No Snow ?
We have shovelled 1.75m snow off our balcony since the beginning of January (and broken a snow shovel )
Nothing to complain about in Tignes and Val d’Isere about the state of the pistes and skiing.

I know!!!!! I know!!!!
snow report
 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
Cloud veil

Wednesday and it meant that we were not in a mega rush to get moving... the kids were slow moving and I was pretty slow too... Was a long day yesterday!

Anyway Clare took the kids for a ski finally (well Ben actually peeled off with a friend for a few runs for a couple of hours leaving Clare to ski with Olivia and even have a race in the stade against each other - Clare won!) and I geared up for work. I optimistically went down another layer today (which probably was a mistake as it was relatively cloudy in the end from mid morning onwards!).

I had the same lesson as yesterday morning and decided on the Bellevarde and started with some technique on easy slopes before ramping it up. Fontaine Froid was in decent nick but it was the OK Orange that was in perhaps the best condition I have ever seen it in... amazing condition! We had a good laugh and made some great progress but the cloud at altitude was coming in thick and fast and whilst I wouldnt say the light was flat or anything like that it was certainly not perfect thats for sure!

I filmed the weekly snow report and then headed home. It has been a long afternoon with the kids.... played a couple of games, they did some homework and somehow the whole afternoon has evaporated although we did have friends with their son around for dinner. Although it was exhausting.

The weather should clear up overnight and we will be back to wall to wall sunshine from tomorrow again! eeek!

Im back off piste again in the morning and then at the moment a clear afternoon before 2 full days back to back off piste!

With the good snow we had a couple of weeks ago it really shows in the attendance figures as last week was 4% up on visitor numbers compared to the same week last year! So we as a resort are now very close to catching up to where we were last season (only 1.35% down now)! Interestingly they are saying that these figures are calculated in the same way as they always were done before the turnstiles on each lift were installed.... OK fair enough but what the heck is the point of the new turnstiles as one of the reasons they said they were putting them in was to calculate movement of people around the resort etc!

Also in other news the resort are reporting that their operating budget is getting more squeezed - still some spill over from COVID etc thats for sure! What it will mean is that things like local taxes and tourist taxes will need to be put up OR public service budgets will need to be squeezed! Hmm we will have to see what exactly this will mean in practice over the coming months and years!

Rest time.

snow conditions
 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much

Overcast again

It was a virtual carbon copy today of yesterday in terms of the weather with positive temperatures for the most part apart from the first couple of hours where we had a strong overnight freeze which holds the snow up nicely!

It helped that I had slept well as well - yay!

After the usual morning routine and getting the kids out the door I headed into town (for some reason the buses were really disrupted this morning and it ended up being a bit of a rush in the end!) via the office to collect some off piste packs! As it turned out the clients were a few minutes late anyway so I need not have rushed!

Anyway a young couple on their honeymoon keen to learn a little off piste and have some fun.... so after kitting them up we set off. I was a little apprehensive of the cloud cover as it was making the light a little flat unfortunately but I new that Grand Vallon and perhaps the Pay Desert had options! We went Solaise way and did some technique next to the piste and plenty of variations around Cognai as well as Glacier Express and Datcha lifts... there were some funny falls and also time to work on piste to improve the technique. With the light getting ever so slightly worse (well it wasnt getting any better lets say!) I decided to not head Grand Vallon way or go high! We went to the Bus Stop and the snow was initially OK but soon worsened and after a couple of falls and the energy excepted getting themselves out I could tell they were flagging! We continued to work on technique and finally after the glades at the bottom jumped on the bus back into town.

I dropped them then have caught up on some bits at home this afternoon as the next couple of days I am fully booked - busy.! Of course it wont be a long time until the school holidays start - eeek. Totally fully booked then of course!

The clouds have not really moved in this afternoon but then again the temps haven't really changed either. The clouds should clear this afternoon and into tomorrow and the sun and temps should really feel spring like again for the next few days!

Thats about it for today! Sorry not that an exciting update im afraid!


ski holidays
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
P.S. Meant to say that early heads up construction workers have now decided to join the farmers protests this weekend and they are saying there will be a 'major operation' on the roads between Chambery and Albertville - so looks like will be a COMPLETE disaster on the roads this weekend - be warned!

P.P.S. Vie Val d'Is membership figures have now reached almost 4000 people - many people are these days joining so they can benefit from the discounted lift pass purchase option! The turnover of the association is also rocketing too - its going from strength to strength with lots of activities and they are trying to get stuff happening now in the inter-season - hmmmm we shall see!
snow conditions
 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
@Steve Angus, The buses are all to pot due to pothole filling.
The town despite pleading poverty have decided this is a good week to slap some tar into the many potholes, probably so the Parisians don’t complain next week.
ski holidays
 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
I've just booked a last minute Tour Op week (3rd-10th) in Val D'Iz, flying into Chambery from Exeter. Chambery, Farmers, Construction workers, what could possibly go wrong? rolling eyes
snow report
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
I think I’d catch the train at Aix Les Bains or Chambery.
Wave at the road blockages as you pass by en route to Bourg St Maurice. Bus from BSM to Val D’Isere.
snow report
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
@Judwin, don't forget to load up your phone with Leonard Cohen songs to complete the misery Skullie
snow report
 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
@Judwin, I'm guessing you can read a TAF with your aviation knowledge, here's Chambery's for tomorrow:
TAF LFLB 021400Z 0215/0315 36008KT CAVOK BECMG 0216/0218 VRB02KT TEMPO 0219/0312 3000 BR SCT005 PROB40 TEMPO 0300/0311 0400 FG VV///=

Fingers crossed for 3000 metres and not the fog.- Sorry
latest report
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
@moosepig, I've recieved an email from the tour op saying "We're aware of potential industrial action in France this weekend which could result in heavy traffic and road closures. " No Sh*t Sherlock.

I don't own a 'phone Very Happy I do have a laptop with DVD player, and I've got a DVD of "The Italian Job" ready. The proper version - not that Hollywood remake rubbish.

And I know the Weather police will come down on me like a ton of bricks for this (9 days away, unreliable squigglies etc), but the return transfer day looks like it might be interesting. Can I be first to use the Snomwageddon word for this half term Shocked Very Happy
snow report
 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
@chocksaway, Thanks, yes saw that earlier - could go either way. At least the Exeter TUI plane (G-FDZR) is back from todays trip to Tenerife, so there is a chance of us taking off on time. Where we land though.....
snow conditions
 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
@Judwin, pray there are no Matt Monro songs playing as you come in to land wink
latest report
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
Judwin / PeakyB / well everyone above actually.... all I can say is good luck getting both ways and ill just keep my ears closed!
snow conditions
 You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.

It was a very leisurely start to the day! I was not starting until 1000 (bonus) and the sun was shining so with Clare working at 0900 I was very much on kid duty!

I managed to get a few jobs done at home before heading off with a special guest shadowing my session!!! If he is reading this then he can say hi im sure!

Anyway I met with a long standing client of mine, his gf and a family friend - someone I have skied with for a very very many a year! We set of in search of chalk... a warm up couple of options on Solaise and then we headed for the mornings first big event a lap of the Grand Vallon... it was a really atmospheric one and there was hardly anyone about... whilst the chalk was most certainly not perfect it was decent enough! There was the odd bit of chop to navigate but it was nice!

With the special guest peeling off we then headed up for a lap of the Pays Desert which was (getting in and the ridges around it look / are pretty horrid looking / to ski). Anyway the Pays Desert was as about the best chalk as you could imagine it really was - simply perfect! It was a really nice lap. We celebrated by skiing to the Signal for lunch.

After lunch with the sun still beaming down we decided that the Pays Desert had been so nice we would do it again - so thats exactly what we did!

After some more technique we then skied home!

I had an appointment with the bank in town after work and my new bank card is STILL not ready - grrr!

Apart from that it has been the normal evening sorting the kids out etc.

Tomorrow the sun should shine - we hope the roads are not too bad and I am once again on an all day private off piste - wish me luck!

In other news you just have to watch the 'Junior Pisteurs' video - yes my son is in it but generally what an amazing initiative this is - well done Fab the pisteur!


P.S. Sadly Val d'Isere and other resorts lost a good cookie today as Powder White went bust! I hope this does not affect anyone reading this too much - especially just before Feb HT comes along!

@welshflyer - that entrance up towards Bonneval 'drop in' looks 'interesting!' eek

Had my Orange Duff hat on today!

Worlds hardest red run!
snow conditions
 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
Hi @Steve Angus, what a day today and not even a tad embarrassed to have stacked it in front of them today. So it turned out being on a board for the whole week would not have been the best for when putting on a pair of SL skis in the chalky snow. All excuses I know as it's all techniques but there we are.

What a fun morning and it was an honour to have been able to shadow.

A demain!
snow report
 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
@Judwin, Looks like you won the lottery - first in. It was foggy early doors but cleared. Those going to Grenoble are boring holes in the sky...... And the last blockage of the roads is west of Chambery Cool
ski holidays
 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
garricw - all good - not sure we really noticed the fall anyway! All good! It happens! Nice work.

Glorious and quiet

What's wrong with this sign.... something to do with the Farmers protest and them doing this apparently! Weird!

The French 'Speed' Team (DH'ers and SG'ers) training on the OK Orange this am... I can see my daughter in the centre of the pic is much more interested in having a conversation with her friends rather than the others watching the action - doh!

Actually watching now with their coach Harold on the right there!

Thats right under the Marmottes lift!

General excitement at the autograph session afterwards!

Still glorious weather out there!

Clare was on kid duty this morning as she had the day off whilst I sorted myself out before heading to the meeting point and dropping the kids at Club.

My team was the same team as I had had earlier in the week but for a full day today! I decided that I would do a similar carbon copy of what I did yesterday. The difference today was that the sun was shining and there was no clouds and being a Saturday it was deserted out there.

The team were on time and we kitted up then headed up Solaise... After a warm up lap on an amazing and untracked Glacier Express we headed over the top and the Grand Vallon was deserted.... well I say that but the only other group in the whole place happened to be next to us - ce la vie! Anyway it was lovely as usual down the guts and decent chalk to be had. Of course the sun was just getting going but by 1100 it was time to get some lovely sun on the faces!

A classic (same as yesterday without any walking) option of the Pays Desert first up and it was just as good as yesterday but after a quick toilet break we decided a second lap around was on the cards... this time we hiked a little to access slopes further out etc... the snow was just about turning by now... again it was lovely and the extra slope around the corner was even better than hoped for so the little walk was worth it!

Lunch was at Cascades and then I decided a change of scenery so it was back over to Solaise and a brilliant Danaides Wall which was decent chalk followed by the Lavancher Couloir which was firmer than I had hoped for but very enjoyable non the less - a good challenge for them all - bravo folks!

That took a lot of out of them so a rather more relaxed ski over via piste and then the Familial was next which was amazing as predicted chalk top to bottom.... and finally a variation of campanules on the Val side was next. By the time we had done that everyone was tired so we ski the Face (yes it was relatively slick!) and called it a day!

After dropping the packs back at the office I got home and have had a pretty chilled one but quite tired non the less!

Im not working tomorrow but on Dad duty and Clare is working all day! We might see a change of weather later in the week but for now it will be sun as normal and warm for a few more days!

ski holidays
 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
A day off

Clare was working a full day so as is usual it means for me (or if the other way around and im working, Clare) a day off and running around for the kids!

Both kids had the morning off so it was time to get some homework done, watch a little TV and chill out. Meanwhile I have had a pretty chilled one.

Ben meanwhile got a phone call from a friend asking if he wanted to go for a ski... so I got him ready and he has been 'out there' having fun (what a cool childhood eh!) since mid morning. Meanwhile it meant that Olivia and I could watch the Mens SL and what a race that turned out to be!

After lunch (just Olivia and I) I got her out the door about an hour ago for her ski club session and have a quiet house to myself at the moment!

So the sun continues to shine but it should start to change in a few days time and by late next week it could be very snowy but also windy - hmmm time will tell!

Not much else to report really today apart from to say that if anyone is coming out either this week or after Feb HT then I do have some availability for lessons... get in touch asap! HOWEVER SCHOOL HOLIDAYS ARE FULLY BOOKED (and have been for a long time)


latest report
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
The non stop glorious sunny days are starting to come to an end

Yes apparently this 'possible' weather is really going to turn later in the week... Thursday / Friday probably from these wall to wall blue sky days to wind and snow - well until the forecast changes again it looks that way!

Getting 2 tired kids out the door this morning was tough to put it mildly - not the easiest! Then I headed into town to collect off piste packs for my morning session. Not for the first time of recent days the bus was late leaving... my friend who was on the bus spoke to the driver and apparently its because the previous bus was a couple of mins late leaving the depot here in La Daille which means it skipped past the one waiting making the one waiting wait another extra 5 mins to leave.... meanwhile this means the late running bus makes up time and skips upwards into town to collect people as normal.... annoying as waiting for the bus to leave here in La Daille for 10 mins - grrr! Anyway got there in the end via the office to collect packs!

My guys were early and it was a couple of guys in their late 20's over from the USA wanting to learning some of the off piste in the area 'European style' i.e. with off piste safety kit and needing a guide to show them where the good snow was. They wanted a little technique thrown in too. Off we went Solaise way (have spent a lot of time up that way the last week or so!). Ive got a little picture competition below so wont tell you where we went first which was awesome - atmospheric, chalky and deserted. They loved it - so did I.

A period of time later we were up on the fornet glacier and after the short little hike from the top of the T bar we headed way out into the Pays Desert... definitely need to take the west facing slope as the sun does not have enough power in it yet to transform at that time of the day the south facing stuff but it was once again so very nice out there. Very enjoyable and again lots of smiles all around!

You can tell not only is the weather nice at the moment but there has not been that much snow for a while as the queues to get up onto the glacier were huge... of course other slopes are available and perfectly nice!

Since we had started late (one of them had lost his lift pass) I decided that I would be kind - as have taken the afternoon off today so am at home - and finish late. I had toyed with the idea of doing Cugnai but didnt think there was enough time so instead headed to Danaides... now we were once again slightly delayed as one of the guys took a wrong turn somehow and got separated but luckily he made his way to Datcha lift OK thankfully.

Anyway the Danaides Wall was like the other day super ... lovely steep chalk but with the odd death cookie coming for a ride with us - haha. I knew that being suckered into skiing L'Avanacher couloir would not be a good idea so we cut back across the flats and rejoined the Solaise piste and headed back!

What a nice morning!

I am on another booking tomorrow morning so my colleague has them instead for some off piste fun.

Meanwhile Clare was teaching all day and also today is a notable day in the Val d'Isere calendar as it is the first day of the Winter when the sun passes OVER the Charvet mountain (as seen from the church) so it sort of notes the start of Spring appearing on the horizon... well sort of anyway!

Anyway im at home this afternoon getting some bits done - the sun continues to shine but everyone seems to be enjoying the slopes non the less.

Back to the grindstone in the morning! haha.


So a 2 part question this one - what is the name of this lift and where was I heading?

On top of the Val d'Isere world!

As we head into the busiest week of the season I thought it worthwhile reminding us all the 'rules' of the pistes!
snow report
 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Been following this season again with interest Steve and looks like the snow will be in for us again next week in Tignes for school holidays!

Fingers crossed no farmer strikes on the way up, very early departure from Geneva planned (6:30am Sat). Already looking forward to mugs of tea, bacon sandwiches and sausage rolls at you know where Smile
ski holidays
 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
raino wrote:
Been following this season again with interest Steve and looks like the snow will be in for us again next week in Tignes for school holidays!

Fingers crossed no farmer strikes on the way up, very early departure from Geneva planned (6:30am Sat). Already looking forward to mugs of tea, bacon sandwiches and sausage rolls at you know where Smile

Welcome back! Yes snowy week probably coming up!

0630 from Geneva - good work you'll be ahead of any carnage then!

Bacon rolls etc - stop making me dribble - been a while since I was in there for one of those!
snow conditions
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
@Steve Angus,

"that entrance up towards Bonneval 'drop in' looks 'interesting!' eek".

Yes, How long has it been since it last snowed in Val d'isere? At this rate we will be walking to Bonneval.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for large snowfalls in the coming 5 weeks.
ski holidays
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
welshflyer wrote:
@Steve Angus,

"that entrance up towards Bonneval 'drop in' looks 'interesting!' eek".

Yes, How long has it been since it last snowed in Val d'isere? At this rate we will be walking to Bonneval.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for large snowfalls in the coming 5 weeks.

About 10 days / 2 weeks something like that.... its more the blooming wind that bugs it up at the top of the Fornet there. There is a way up and over to get towards Bonneval but its gonna be interesting if doesn't snow soon! Haha!
ski holidays
 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
Wolf Kill - Val d'isere

This should be a warning to anyone skiing The Col Pers when there isn't enough snow to get out over the river. Then again paying for a helicopter to get you out of that predicament is far better than being attacked by wolves. Madeye-Smiley
ski holidays
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
welshflyer wrote:
Wolf Kill - Val d'isere

This should be a warning to anyone skiing The Col Pers when there isn't enough snow to get out over the river. Then again paying for a helicopter to get you out of that predicament is far better than being attacked by wolves. Madeye-Smiley

Yea I saw that - rather interesting if you were out there at night -eeek
snow report
 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
Unexpected pm off

I once again had a shocking nights sleep - doh! So annoying - too much going on in my head!

Anyway I was starting down in La Daille so made it easy to sort myself out, get the kids on the school bus and still get ready!

When I was a kid I used to really enjoy playing catch whilst waiting for my lift to school with my Dad.... some of my happiest memories of him actually. Being able to play catch whilst waiting for the school bus on a morning like today filled me with joy! My daughter is pretty good at throwing and catching; meanwhile Ben was happier climbing the tree!!!

Anyway I headed off to meet the lesson and it was a SH lurker and a social media follower of mine ive taught before! Her and 4 friends and we were off... I had garricw along shadowing me again which was nice... seeing a real lesson in flow and what it entails in practice away from the theory.

Headed up La Daille gondola then Tommeuse and warmed up down the Creux which was in wonderful condition. However the second time we set off from the top heading in the direction of the Marmottes I have never (I have done many thousands of days (hundreds of weeks) on the slopes here in Val) seen it so busy atop Tovieire mountain! There was a HUGE UCPA group sitting down to strap on their boards blocking part of the slope by the pisteurs hut... multiple groups all over the place.... group and families so spread out.... I was crazy.... and then atop Bellevarde it was similar too!

Anyway we navigated our way and did some laps on Fontaine Froid working on technique development before heading down 3J's..... where a lady skiing pretty slowly banged into a couple of my group - nothing serious - more annoying than anything as disrupts the lesson flow. I dont get annoyed in situations like that as it was a genuine mistake, she was very apologetic and everyone 'shook' hands but annoying non the less!

We worked on dealing with ice and plenty of other content. I decided that heading to the stade would be a good thing and despite it being a fairly long turn around on there it was quiet away from the madness on the slopes elsewhere. The switch to the stade was successful.

Anyway the weather was once again warm and sunny but the change really is coming down the tracks so I think by the weekend it could be very snowy - we shall see! Lets hope the wind is not too bad coming with the snow!

My afternoon lesson got cancelled so I have been at home this afternoon. Clare is working all day and tomorrow I am working all day too!


snow report
 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
As no one else has had a go, I'll stick my neck out and try and guess the mystery lift. Is it Signal on the way to ski Grand Vallon? I don't think I'm right, but thought I'd kick things off. The cables in the background are confusing me!
ski holidays
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
endoman wrote:
As no one else has had a go, I'll stick my neck out and try and guess the mystery lift. Is it Signal on the way to ski Grand Vallon? I don't think I'm right, but thought I'd kick things off. The cables in the background are confusing me!

YES - got it right - exactly that - was heading to the GV! Well done
ski holidays
 You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
Freestyle fun and games

At breakfast time Olivia was not feeling amazing but she didn't have a temperature so we didnt change plan. Ben was on form and the sun was shining. Both Clare and I had a full days work blocked in so it was as usual a busy start to the day. Clare was working from town centre and I was starting in La Daille so Clare took the kids to kids club - awesome!

My am session was with a couple of young girls in their early 20's here with family looking for a confidence builder on ice! After a warm up lap on perfect snow on the Creux it once again got bonkers busy! The other thing to note was that there was a relatively chilly breeze coming from the north and then with a relatively thick cloud blanketing the area it probably felt 10c colder than it did yesterday - ouch! Thank goodness I had packed an extra layer today as I had a sneaking suspicion it was going to be colder today!

The lesson was really +ve and we had a good few hours - nice girls, lots of fun. With the junior ski racing going on on the OK Orange at the moment the options for red pistes that are NOT too firm are limited.... the Fontaine Froid albeit short was used a few times today! Haha

Lunch was taken under the Sun Bar and I put my extra layer on before meeting my pm session... it was a once off freestyle lesson as a ski school we have organised for this week. So me and my colleague Mike headed off with a dozen seasonnaires keen to learn some freestyle moves! He took the slightly more advanced ones which was fine for my ageing body - he is half my age!

So off we went and by now (of course) the cloud had disappeared and it was much warmer again - doh! So we had a fun session... some backwards skiing, grabs, time in the park, 180's and various freestyle tricks. Despite a couple of falls it was generally a successful session - well done everyone!

I collected the kids from kids club after work and Olivia was very much under the weather - not herself at all. She had a temperature but had not been sick and she had asked the staff at the kids club NOT to call us. If they had then either Clare or I would have had to cancel our lesson if that call had come so full marks to Clare for sure!

So this evening we have been getting Olivia as comfortable as possible and her into bed. And Ben much of the same but he is full of beans as usual.

Tomorrow I have some important meetings not least with our builder and architect so got a lot of admin to get done.


snow report
 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
Get well soon Olivia, you're a star.
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