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The view from............ Val d'Isere and the Espace Killy

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Frosty the Snowman wrote:
At least it's not very busy there. It's not like it's the spot where all the pistes funnel into one rolling eyes

No but its the point thats the issue. It can be an area where people carry a huge amount of speed from higher up as well and mixing with ski school groups making their way to the bottom so plenty of scope for disaster!
snow report
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
@Steve Angus, I was being sarcastic......sorry. every way down to La Daile converged there, it's also a the bit where wusses like me go from short turns to a nice blast on the run out. I'd blame those in charge - A very poor assessment and understanding of risk and the rules on the mountain.
ski holidays
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?

At first light this morning I got the shock of my life when I went into the living room to see my son, Ben on the iPad having unlocked it (nothin strange in that in itself!) and doing some extra homework. Basically there's an online French game for their language skills where he learns to pronounce / spell words and he gets reward in the game when he does well. 'Well thats my boy,' I thought as there he was working away on it! God knows how long he had been there!

Anyway outside the weather was looking OK but I noticed the wind had swung around coming from the south. This in itself is the warm Foehn wind but it can also often be associated with the Retour d'est phenomenon where the warm and moist med weather funnels up from Italy and rises over the Italian border leaving snow falling along the Italian border and in particular the Fornet area!

Visibility looked OK so it was game on having gotten the kids to school and all that!

All my team where there and I decided that Solaise would give us a better set of options given the weather. Apart from Madeleine being closed initially meaning we had to go up on the Datcha to get to one of my hidden spots the snow was still in excellent condition although a little more compacted than yesterday! The weather was really trying to move in so we did not spend too much time at altitude and headed for the bus stop trees and got some nice freshies in there. One of the team took a small fall which knocked him off his stride somewhat and he headed home after the first lap but otherwise the Tete d'arollay produced the goods - amazing snow actually. However the weather really kept on wanting to move in so once again we were forced lower. It was a good morning but im really hoping the weather comes good tomorrow and we get some options and can travel further afield. With my team I need terrain that is not too challenging and I also dont want to be contained within the lower trees only as that will be too challenging yet restricting at the same time. We shall see as the weather is supposed to be get better and certainly from Thursday onwards!

I headed home at lunchtime and have managed to get some admin done and it has been lovely and quiet at home as Clare is working all day.

Tomorrow Clare is down the valley at the dentists with Olivia and then collecting a large food shop.. Ben will be at kids club.


Is that a possible retour I see?

The bus stop views!
snow conditions
 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
Frosty the Snowman wrote:
@Steve Angus, I was being sarcastic......sorry. every way down to La Daile converged there, it's also a the bit where wusses like me go from short turns to a nice blast on the run out. I'd blame those in charge - A very poor assessment and understanding of risk and the rules on the mountain.

Ah ha sorry didnt spot the sarcasm - all good
snow conditions
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Just enough light

It was a pretty casual start to the day as Clare was not working so taking the kids for a ski but did not need to be out the door super early! So it was a pretty chilled start to the day. The weather was a repeat of yesterday looking out the window but a tad colder!

I got to the meet point and there was only 3 of my team there as the 4th was indeed not fit to ski unfortunately - maybe tomorrow!

Anyway it was a 50:50 call which direction to go but I eventually decided to head Bellevarde way as the weather and most importantly the vis looked better that way. I put the first tracks back into the north side of Jardins du Borsat as the wind had blown the tracks back in but we were rewarded with an amazing descent back down the steep and then flats to Grand Pre - a really nice first excursion of the day. Next up was the combe of pisteurs which again was awesome... but the light was failing by now so I decided to spend some time on the piste working on technique!

I finished with a practice transceiver finding session. I used my old transceiver for this and my demo went fine but unfortunately by the time the team were having their go finding the transceiver the battery was obviously failing and we ended up having a probe and dig in hope session. Luckily we did find it but whoops that was a mistake! It also meant my am slot over ran too. Oh well!

Meanwhile Clare went for a ski with the kids and Olivia also did a flèche race (got the vermeil time twice - go girl!)

After the lesson I went back up and fitted in some filming time. You might be wondering where the clips end up... well I am trying to do a lot more on Instagram this year so putting together loads of ski tips / resort guides and all sorts. As always check out / follow and subscribe on instagram @SteveAngusSnow. You'll also get to see video shots of the resort too and mini updates!

After all that I headed home and it wasnt long before Clare was heading to Bourg to do a food shop and also to take Olivia to the orthodontist so I played with Ben for a few hours. When she got home it was the usual chaos trying to get the kids to bed at the same time trying to put a massive food shop away!

And thats the day really.

The sun should come out tomorrow and im looking forward to more fun with my off piste lot and then a piste session in the afternoon.


Our tracks this morning

Happy campers

I like the parallels on time spent actually doing the skiing thing when applied to recreational skiers amongst you!
ski holidays
 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course. thought I'd post a link to one of the growing number of tips etc I'm putting up there. Enjoy!
latest report
 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
@Steve Angus,

Nice to see you on Cugnai this morning.

Sunshine & blue skies all day - fabulous. Little Angel
latest report
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
@Steve Angus, Mikaela Shiffrin once calculated how many hours he had spent training and racing actually on the snow - it wasn't very much
snow report
 You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
welshflyer wrote:
@Steve Angus,

Nice to see you on Cugnai this morning.

Sunshine & blue skies all day - fabulous. Little Angel

Yea ditto! Of all the places in the resort up there eh! Was a lovely day!
ski holidays
 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
holidayloverxx wrote:
@Steve Angus, Mikaela Shiffrin once calculated how many hours he had spent training and racing actually on the snow - it wasn't very much

If we all calculate how much time we actually ski for its quite low actually!

Personally when I hear people talk about 'how many seasons they have done' I always work backwards in my head....

A season.... not available to get on the mountain until mid morning most days and finish up mid afternoon to get back to the chalet for work - so thats half a day each day so immediately compared to whats available thats 1/2 season max spent on the mountain. And then there will be days when weather is bad or you are hungover or cant be bothered... so thats probably another day a week lost.... so down to about 8 weeks skiing in the 'season'. Then seasonnaires often get lazy / spend a fair amount of time at the folie etc. So we are down to about 6 'weeks' in the season. So in actual fact a 'ski season' is probably only the equivalent of a few weeks skiing.
snow report
 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.

As forecast the weather this morning was wall to wall blue skies! The breeze had dropped off but the temps were no higher than they have been - chilly!

I had a really bad nights sleep so was feeling pretty jaded even before the day started! With the weekly TDC snow report to record (which takes up a large chunk of the lunch hour) and also wanting to fit in a live broadcast in the morning too it was to be a busy day!

So after the live broadcast I met my team (still just the 3 of them as the 4th has decided enough is enough!) and everyone was super eager as normal. Game on.

We headed Solaise way... sniffed one of my favourite intro lines through the bowls lookers right of Glacier Express and then headed to Cugnai (lift side) and again found surprisingly deep and light snow on lookers left. However the best of the day was a way out wide S and back to S Prime. The lower half was the usual chop but boy what a morning and the flats at the top were simply superb! What a great morning - smiles for miles all around!

I headed up Solaise at lunchtime to record the weekly snow report and then met (after the lift stopped on the way back down) my pm team for some piste action! A team of SH's with considerable experience within the Espace Killy area and many years of experience the plan was to work on their general piste skiing on mainly red and black pistes! Solaise set the scene working mainly on the Arcelle and it was a case of evening up both sides of their turns and getting them all balanced on their turning ski but also a little work to finish the turn off and separate! The snow was generally lovely out there and we finished with a descent down Plan M onto the Rhone Alpes! A productive session and some nice improvements and hopefully a better understanding of ski technique to boot too!

After work we had a TDC mini social at Blue Note which was nice. Nice to chat to colleagues and Garrick came and said hi too.

I needed to collect Olivia from gymnastics, check the post box as well as pick up something from a friend so left the pub and did that before finally getting back in the door at about 1830. With Clare popping to have a meeting with some colleagues in town I have been home alone getting the kids into bed etc. Phew shattering!

The weather tomorrow should be similar to today so should be a fun morning again and then I have the afternoon off to get some stuff done at home!

Nice photos below sum today up.


snow report
 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
Thank you! Great report and looks lovely atm
snow conditions
 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
Steve Angus wrote:
holidayloverxx wrote:
@Steve Angus, Mikaela Shiffrin once calculated how many hours he had spent training and racing actually on the snow - it wasn't very much

If we all calculate how much time we actually ski for its quite low actually!

Personally when I hear people talk about 'how many seasons they have done' I always work backwards in my head....

A season.... not available to get on the mountain until mid morning most days and finish up mid afternoon to get back to the chalet for work - so thats half a day each day so immediately compared to whats available thats 1/2 season max spent on the mountain. And then there will be days when weather is bad or you are hungover or cant be bothered... so thats probably another day a week lost.... so down to about 8 weeks skiing in the 'season'. Then seasonnaires often get lazy / spend a fair amount of time at the folie etc. So we are down to about 6 'weeks' in the season. So in actual fact a 'ski season' is probably only the equivalent of a few weeks skiing.

Don't forget time spent on lifts.
Even doing seasons as a ski bum I reckon an average of 5 hours per day on the mountain, so say 800 - 850 hrs, given Tignes' long season, meaning 500-550 hrs actually skiing.
Working the season in Meribel about 350 hrs on the mountain, so about 200-250 hrs skiing - and I HAD to ski to the bank 4 days a week most weeks!
latest report
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
It's not just about quantity though, it's about quality.

Some days I can see my Ski Tracks km/vert isn't all that but actually we did some great/challenging skiing. Other days I might do a lot of km but a lot of it was cruising. Etc.
snow conditions
 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Kenzie - of course lift time - thanks for adding that! And for sure Layne - quality every time.

Im all about 'PERFECT practice, makes perfect'. I always encourage people to have a focus when skiing not just skiing around aimlessly! Also its worth remembering that we are trying to train our bodies to do something it is not used to do... skiing is a muscle memory sport. So when you think like that a person needs to practice what they learn in a lesson(s) over and over and over again to make perfect. If only people I teach practiced what they learn in the lessons then they might make a step forward but all too often when the lesson finishes they stop working on what we talk about and it goes out the other ear! Its not everyone of course. I spend half my life 'practicing' technique and working on things to make my skiing better etc.... its my job!
ski holidays
 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Final day of intro to off pisters!

Even though I slept well enough I woke early with my mind swirling thinking about the off piste options for today! eeek!

Anyway the kids are obviously knackered as they were not awake when we got up and we had to wake them - especially with Ben that is rare!

So after getting the kids off on the school bus I headed into town to meet my team with the sun shining brightly! Game on. Last day today with my introduction to off piste group and we set off.... just that we didnt quite as one of them had forgotten their lift pass.... whoops! My plans changed quite quickly as didnt want to head off into the Tour du Charvet until we were all up the mountain. So I decided to take the two that had their passes for a warm up on one of my favourite variations of the Jardins du Borsat (same route as I had done the other day). The snow was still lovely and the quality of the turns they are putting together is getting better - bravo!

So we met the final member of the team not that she had her lift pass at the bottom of the Grand Pre and we set off towards the Tour du Charvet. We went way out left after taking a 200m or so traverse out towards the East Face of the Charvet. The various bowls and gullies unless totally south facing and of a certain angle at the top there were just perfect - lovely! Got some wonderful video that I have put on Instagram!

So yes the flats across the top were amazing!

When we got to the steeps it was a totally different story!!! The sun was obviously stronger yesterday than I had thought and there was a soft breakable sun crust everywhere so we needed to change up our technique thats for sure. The whole steeps were somewhat challenging. Anyway apart from being way behind schedule time wise it was a really nice trip. The ski out back to the chair was fine!

Having done that we all decided we were somewhat tired as a team being the last day so decided to ski piste back to town! After dropping the kit back at Snowberry I joined them in the sun for a drink at Sun Bar before coming home and attempting to have an admin afternoon... so here I am.

Anyway it was a nice morning and week with the team and they all improved their off piste a lot! I do need to keep on having these afternoons to plough through piles of admin but it'll all be worth while especially when the works on our flat are complete in time for next season!

This sunny weather should continue for a few more days. Yippee.


Not sure what I was doing in this photo but I like the look of the POW we are about to ski!
latest report
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Nice on piste skiing

Clare was not working this morning, just me but also both kids needed to get to Club des Sports so the alarm went off at the normal time.

Like the last few days with the clear nights, the temps have plummeted first thing in the morning and this morning was no exception... -12 at breakfast time - brrr! However a little like in the Spring you know that it will warm up nicely!

So I dropped both kids at the meet point and met my lesson... a one off private with a guy here with his wife and very young family. An experienced skier from his army days but in need of some work on his technique. So we set off with the intention of skiing red and black pistes and actually even mixed in a green slope too..... on that front always remember that doing stuff on really flat terrain at super slow speeds can often be much harder than just bashing down the harder slopes. So anyway with the slopes very quiet being a Saturday we had a lovely time lapping around on runs including Fontaine Froid (those who have skied with me a lot will know that I spend a fair amount of time on that piste as it is such a great training piste!).... my other favourite for teaching on include Arcelle and the Plan Millet (glacier run!). We also did a few laps on the Face.

A very fun morning! He was a quick learner and I did some really tricky drills with him so I was impressed with the changes! Bravo.

I collected the kids at the end of the session as their sessions finished and headed home.

Olivia had had the re-arrange 'Pre-Club Championships' this morning which is basically all the kids in the Club des Sports who are not of secondary school age - having an annual GS timed championships on the Raye... its mainly to see how they are all progressing in relation to each other! They did 4 runs and Olivia was right up there near the top on all her runs and certainly amongst the girls virtually at the top including all the girls in years older than her. So proud of her. Meanwhile Ben loved his ski with his group today!

I got home and managed to watch some of the ski racing on tv but still have the whole of the mens race to watch on TV later when the kids are in bed!

Clare took the kids to club for the pm and we had a visitor! Garrick popped around as he is out here for the next 12 weeks doing the BASI Level 3/4 training with ICE and he has the Off Piste course next week so needed to borrow gear particularly things like maps and compasses for it! So a nice cuppa and chat for an hour or so!

Then the kids were home and Olivia had even more exciting news having beaten everyone including all the boys apparently in her age group which means she was going some - go my girl.

This evening promises to be chilled and Ben is currently playing on the iPad, Clare reading her book, Olivia talking to her friend in Canada and im enjoying my weekly beer on a Saturday evening as typing this!

Tomorrow I am on Dad duty in the morning and then at the moment the afternoon is free so lets see whether I get booked or not. One thing is for certain this week is supposed to be about 15% busier than last week so about 80,000 night stays which is about 75% occupancy! - nothing on 95% or more during school hols but busy enough thats for sure!


This photo was taken earlier in the week obviously as it was wall to wall blue skies again today but nevertheless I like it!
ski holidays
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well done Olivia! I really look forward to your posts Steve. For some reason I couldn't see your latest photo.
PS I can see it today thanks.

Last edited by Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see? on Sun 14-01-24 18:04; edited 1 time in total
ski holidays
 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
Hi all- sorry to go off topic but I’m looking a little advice on buying new boots in Val, I’ve stuck a thread up in the equipment section. Anyone with a bit of local knowledge would really appreciate any advice!
snow report
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
SkiG wrote:
Hi all- sorry to go off topic but I’m looking a little advice on buying new boots in Val, I’ve stuck a thread up in the equipment section. Anyone with a bit of local knowledge would really appreciate any advice!

Hi. If you want to buy new boots when you are in Val then I would always send people to the team at Mattis Sport or Killy Sport - for a variety of reasons just those two! I find the ability to take off the shelf boots and fit them are usually served well from those two places! However consider looking at buying in the UK and that way (for example if you bought at a shop by a indoor snow facility) you can get them just right before you head off on your holiday in the first instance! And then there is Colin at Solutions for Feet in Bicester who would always be my first choice anywhere anytime for new boot fitting! Hope that all helps!
snow report
 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
A nice day out of ski boots!

I didnt set an alarm this morning but my brain new that it had gone 0700 so was up at a good time anyway! - doh

Clare and Ben needed to get out the door at a good time as she was working and he was doing Club... this meant Olivia and I could stay in our pj's longer than normal! Just perfect for enjoying Sunday morning treat of eggs on toast!

Olivia did some homework and then we both watched the various ski racing on TV (but why oh why does Eurosport think having two channels of the first round of tennis in the Australian Open is more important than the first run of the Mens SL when there are 3 Brits on the start list, I will never know!) and I pottered around.

I rushed to get Ben from his morning ski at 1200 and then home to feed them both.

The afternoon was equally chilled as the morning playing some games with Ben and of course watching the second run of the slalom.

tbh the whole day was pretty quiet and not much happened so nothing really to report.

The weather remained lovely pretty much all day but there will be some weather around tomorrow but I dont think it will be too bad - famous last words!

I start with a full week of privates tomorrow morning so better prepare for that.

Sorry totally uninspiring and nothing to report this evening.


Thought my shot this morning was pretty good eh!

I liked this from Instagram this morning!!!! Get well soon Kilde!
snow conditions
 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Jehu - sorry forgot to say thanks for your kind words... thats weird re the photos. I host the photos on Facebook but after a few days / week ir whatever it is the link stops working so you can usually see my photos for a few days and a few days only but no idea why it would stop working so soon!
ski holidays
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
Do you know if the tunnel will be open this week? I was here last year and the TK3000 drag lift was closed the entire week I was there and I managed to get on it today for the first time but the tunnel piste was closed.
latest report
 You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
euanovsky wrote:
Do you know if the tunnel will be open this week? I was here last year and the TK3000 drag lift was closed the entire week I was there and I managed to get on it today for the first time but the tunnel piste was closed.

Its unlikely as firstly they need enough snow on the Fornet side which until now has been a little short - blown a bit thin on that side. Then they need to get it pisted and set up with marker poles etc and finally the avalanche risk needs to be low to open it up... all those things lining up this week I dont think are likely... but after the snow that comes this week it surely wont be long until the last 2 things are in place but I would not count on it being this week... however my colleague hiked up and over the ridge this week to ski the powder on the Fornet side and if you are into the powder side of things then crawling under the tunnel door and through and out the other side is a possibility too perhaps!
ski holidays
 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
@Steve Angus, thanks didn’t realise there’s still powder there would have thought they got blown away. Also didn’t realise you could crawl under the tunnel door. I only saw it briefly on the drag lift up and the door seemed to cover the whole entrance. Admittedly I didn’t actually ski to there to investigate…
snow report
 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
euanovsky wrote:
@Steve Angus, thanks didn’t realise there’s still powder there would have thought they got blown away. Also didn’t realise you could crawl under the tunnel door. I only saw it briefly on the drag lift up and the door seemed to cover the whole entrance. Admittedly I didn’t actually ski to there to investigate…

Saturday was a tunnel pot-hole session with quite a burly friend. Snug fit. It was well-skied on the other side but with lots of space still. Couple of sharky sections. The greatest perceived hazard was the huge corniche overhanging the ridge far above the tunnel exit - wanted to cut out from under that as soon as the skis were on.
ski holidays
 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
@euanovsky, this is the treat that awaits after emerging from Tunnel 3000.
latest report
 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
@PeakyB, thanks doesn't look too bad. Looks similar to the other side (3000) coming down (at least from the video).

Weather wasn't great today though snow was good so I didnt come check if the tunnel was open today. I stayed in the Tignes side was a bit worried they might close the connection...
snow report
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
@euanovsky, I recall the piste is far narrower and a bit steeper than the drag lift side, with more rocks to avoid.
ski holidays
 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Blimey that was snowy

Apart from the school bus being very late this morning I got sorted (well Clare and I) and headed into town.

There was pretty strong winds overnight at altitude and there was a little bit snow in town but not a huge amount... well actually more than I thought when I got to the meet point - perhaps 15cm or so.

I met my client... actually a returning family from New Zealand I taught last year and we were off. Between my colleague and I we had all the kids (8 of them (its actually 2 families)) all day. We hatched a plan to meet for hot choc and lunch and set off. As my colleague and I have basically all the week with them there is plenty of time.

So there was more snow and less vis at altitude than anticipated but with the two kids I had we started with some high speed blasting about in awesome snow and then as the weather moved in slowed it down but found some powder by the piste. The kids really want to get powder dialled in this week.

A hot choc at Maison Louly followed when we met up with all the other kids and instructors. After a bad first experience going in their earlier in the Winter this was much better as they have reinstated the kids with instructors hot choc with cream and smarties deal but also looking at the snack menu it looks very good VFM in these parts - see photo below!

After some more skiing including croc alley we took lunch at the Folie in the self service which was nice - the quiche was great.

The afternoon saw the weather get worse and we really could not see a thing at all. The wind was getting up so I changed tactics and decided to head low into the trees down to La Daille. Good move it was a real hit and awesome snow. However coming back up on the funi was not fun in the wind.

We tried cutting across into some powder off the Cruex piste but I only found a massive hollow - whoops. We had to do quite some side stepping back up and out - doh.

At the end of the afternoon we skied the Face which was in great condition and out of the wind and you can imagine that there was NO ONE skiing it. Whilst coming down we noticed the Pisteurs cutting the slope between the avalanche barriers above the path leading to lemmings leap... and there was a lot of stuff sliding down - enough to make the path a rock and roll ride.

Certainly by the end of the afternoon the thick and fluffy flakes that have been falling all day were making the fresh snowfall on the ground about 30cm's thick - amazing! With the weather due to come good tomorrow it could be quite an amazing powder day tomorrow but stay safe folks!

I got home as the kids got home from school having dropped the kids back at their chalet - the joys of being ski in / out. Im pretty shattered I must say this evening but tomorrow is a new day!

Talking of tomorrow I have another Vie Val dis avalanche talk tomorrow evening so my report might be late - we shall see.


Pretty quiet atop Borsat this morning!
snow report
 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
PeakyB wrote:
@euanovsky, I recall the piste is far narrower and a bit steeper than the drag lift side, with more rocks to avoid.

Yea this pretty much sums it up!
snow conditions
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Steve Angus wrote:
euanovsky wrote:
Do you know if the tunnel will be open this week? I was here last year and the TK3000 drag lift was closed the entire week I was there and I managed to get on it today for the first time but the tunnel piste was closed.

Its unlikely as firstly they need enough snow on the Fornet side which until now has been a little short - blown a bit thin on that side. Then they need to get it pisted and set up with marker poles etc and finally the avalanche risk needs to be low to open it up... all those things lining up this week I dont think are likely... but after the snow that comes this week it surely wont be long until the last 2 things are in place but I would not count on it being this week... however my colleague hiked up and over the ridge this week to ski the powder on the Fornet side and if you are into the powder side of things then crawling under the tunnel door and through and out the other side is a possibility too perhaps!

Went there today again and it’s still close. On closer inspection I think it’s going to be quite a challenge to crawl under the tunnel door even with the help of a shovel (and I’m not that big) guess no tunnel for me in this trip…
ski holidays
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
@euanovsky, even if it’s closed you can get through - shush… all the skis, poles and packs are in and you can just see my boots Very Happy

snow report
 You need to Login to know who's really who.
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Back to glorious sunshine but more snow coming

I woke this morning feeling a little under the weather. I think I am just worn down but then when I got to the meeting point it transpired that I was not the only one feeling a little under the weather (blocked ears and stuff like that - weird!)

Anyway with the sun shining there was a lot of excited people at the meeting point and mainly queuing to get up the mountains. The pisteurs had been busy since 0720 blasting but were done nicely on time. I managed to fit in a live weekly broadcast (I try and get them done more often than that but its not always possible!) before there morning team arrived.

When the team arrived they were all pretty jaded - I think I skied them hard yesterday! With the parents having a day totally away from the kids it was a case of me and the other two instructors on the booking sorting out between us where we would meet for hot chocs and lunch etc!

We did a Bellevarde Chair then a Loyes Express chair up option and a Face down to warm up. Again right there on the piste etc there was lovely ankle deep powder - amazing. However what was interesting is that already there was a lot of people taking their chances avalanche risk wise. For example (see photos below) people cutting into the Cairn but there was lots of signs of PIDA movement on the same aspect of mountain all around them - you would not have gotten me anywhere near that slope I can tell you! Anyway I am not aware of any incidents today but I could be wrong! Fingers crossed I dont hear of anything later on this evening!

So after the Face to warm up we went up Solaise and continued to find some lovely (and some badly wind affected I must admit) powder snow. The kids enjoyed it a lot!

A hot choc at Datcha - OK they are good but very expensive at €9 a go, followed complete with cream and marshmallows etc. However the kids had been in there before so were adamant that they wanted one... mum and dad were paying so I dont think they cared!

Some more skiing and a general move to get towards Le Signal for lunch followed after that and we finally made it there at 1330 for lunch! Everyone was hungry so it was a long lunch with plenty of rest time for the kids!

The clouds had slowly started to move in in the afternoon and their was a veil covering the whole mountain by the end of the afternoon! We made our way back to the chalet to drop them off and then I collected Olivias skis from the Club des Sport after they have been serviced and before Olivia has a Flèche race tomorrow morning! Ben is off with his friend after school and Olivia has a long list of homework to get done this evening. Im trying to get ahead of myself as im delivering another Vie Val d'Is Avalanche Talk this evening so need to prepare for that in a moment!

There are snowflakes due to fall from the sky tonight and tomorrow the weather is supposed to be pretty awful! Eeek


Spy some lovely tracks in the Pays Desert in there!

Not sure €9 is a good price though!

Can you spot the bomb hole under the Madeleine - some surface slab moved there!

Nearing the bottom of the Bellevarde before coming to the Olympic area

Whilst looked benign enough there.... some people eyed this up....

...despite obvious instability in the snow as can be seen from the moving (not much admittedly but its there!) areas on far right and far left of this picture!!!!...

This group about to ski past this PIDA blasted snow - not a good sign of stability if you ask me!

Despite the pisteurs bombing it here where you can see the whole some brave person drops in.... when I look back later it appeared as all the people who skied the face and the cairn seem to have 'gotten away' with it!
snow conditions
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Steve Angus wrote:
SkiG wrote:
Hi all- sorry to go off topic but I’m looking a little advice on buying new boots in Val, I’ve stuck a thread up in the equipment section. Anyone with a bit of local knowledge would really appreciate any advice!

Hi. If you want to buy new boots when you are in Val then I would always send people to the team at Mattis Sport or Killy Sport - for a variety of reasons just those two! I find the ability to take off the shelf boots and fit them are usually served well from those two places! However consider looking at buying in the UK and that way (for example if you bought at a shop by a indoor snow facility) you can get them just right before you head off on your holiday in the first instance! And then there is Colin at Solutions for Feet in Bicester who would always be my first choice anywhere anytime for new boot fitting! Hope that all helps!

Thanks Steve, that’s really helpful. Few others have said the same thing, so I’m booked in with Bruno from Killy for the day I arrive.

Would love to have got sorted here, but sadly the only bootfitters in Northern Ireland closed a few years ago, so no options at home at all!

Appreciate the updates on here, builds the excitement for getting out soon!
snow conditions
 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
I would have thought a blast would trigger any potential activity thus making it safe? I would assume that means people will then think it is safe? Or would the opposite be true, if needing to blast then probably still unsafe?
snow report
 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
SkiG wrote:
Steve Angus wrote:
SkiG wrote:
Hi all- sorry to go off topic but I’m looking a little advice on buying new boots in Val, I’ve stuck a thread up in the equipment section. Anyone with a bit of local knowledge would really appreciate any advice!

Hi. If you want to buy new boots when you are in Val then I would always send people to the team at Mattis Sport or Killy Sport - for a variety of reasons just those two! I find the ability to take off the shelf boots and fit them are usually served well from those two places! However consider looking at buying in the UK and that way (for example if you bought at a shop by a indoor snow facility) you can get them just right before you head off on your holiday in the first instance! And then there is Colin at Solutions for Feet in Bicester who would always be my first choice anywhere anytime for new boot fitting! Hope that all helps!

Thanks Steve, that’s really helpful. Few others have said the same thing, so I’m booked in with Bruno from Killy for the day I arrive.

Would love to have got sorted here, but sadly the only bootfitters in Northern Ireland closed a few years ago, so no options at home at all!

Appreciate the updates on here, builds the excitement for getting out soon!

May be a bit far but "snow and rock" in Dundrum shopping centre do boot fittings if you were ever in Dublin.
snow report
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
SkiG - no worries - sounds good. Keep reading glad you enjoy the updates!
therock - its more the fact that the whole aspect at that altitude etc is not rock solid rather than that specific bit of slope... traversing around the corner to where there is no control work done but same aspect etc yields the same potential result (aka danger!)
latest report
 You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.

This week is totally exhausting but being a Wednesday it was not a mega rush getting out the house this morning as Clare was off with the kids and the plan was for Clare to go for a ski with the kids and Olivia was doing a Flèche race too.

Anyway it was really not very appealing out there and was pretty warm... it was warm enough that the snow was coming down thick and hard but bordering on rain. There was also a thick cloud covering the peaks.

So at the meeting point the kids were pretty tired as they have now been out here for a couple of weeks having lessons pretty much day in, day out. We hatched a plan as to where and when we would meet (the instructors on the booking that is!) for hot choc and we set off into the gloomy weather.

We headed Tignes way and the snow was somewhat sticky - well more so than that it was really sticky below 2000m or so... higher up it was better but not great! The sticky flakes were coming down thick and fast non the less! There was a little wind here and there but nothing too bad!

Hot choc was taken at the Palet above Val Claret and then we continued to move on skiing further Tignes side before taking lunch at the self service at Lo Soli. Skiing back to Val we did the Snow Park and skied some trees in La Daille.

I dont know about the kids but in those conditions I was certainly even more tired than I had been at the start of the day!

Meanwhile Olivias race was cancelled unfortunately but hey ho. The Kids had a duvet afternoon with movies and baking some cookies etc at home.

This evening I have mainly being taken part in a TDC Ski School online meeting and that has used up a fair amount of time however I have had a nice message from my client saying that the kids are really very tired so tomorrow I wont be skiing with them so it looks like I might have the morning off which is a very rare and nice surprise!


Spot me! With my black rain trench coat on

Could we get the timing right to get the snap - could we heck... my colleague managed to get the YMCA with her kids. Doh!

Such an enticing day - not!
snow report
 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
Hi Steve, Many thanks for the posts,

Could I ask what goggles do you use for poor/flat light days?
ski holidays

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