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Zermatt and Cervinia 2024-25

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Matrix wrote:
Hi all, would any one be able to recommend a ski school for one on one tuition. Ideally a smaller school over an ESF (whatever the Swiss equiv is) if poss. Thank you

We always use Summit in Zermatt. They are consistently excellent. Mainly focus on the English speaking market. The instructors tend to be Brits or others who have English as first language.
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
@JohnMo, thank you
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
JohnMo wrote:

The strict answer is that you don’t need your avi gear when doing a yellow run and you will see that the vast majority of people on the runs don’t have avi packs on. However, if you go further than the 15m (and whatever you think when you start it can be very tempting) then you should.

Thanks for clarifying this. The footage I've seen of some of these runs doesn't look too crazy, so what you say makes sense.
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 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
JohnMo wrote:
Matrix wrote:
Hi all, would any one be able to recommend a ski school for one on one tuition. Ideally a smaller school over an ESF (whatever the Swiss equiv is) if poss. Thank you

We always use Summit in Zermatt. They are consistently excellent. Mainly focus on the English speaking market. The instructors tend to be Brits or others who have English as first language.

Another vote for Summit. Always brilliant.
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
That is what you want to see: the Furggsattel lifts being run; piste bashers working full steam; and even a couple of piste patrol guys out. Hopefully this means that the lower glacier will open up tomorrow. There was a lot of precipitation overnight and into the early morning. Snow line was only about 2500m but as the lift station for the lower glacier is at 3000m that is not a problem.

Some chance of snow tomorrow as well. There is a big bank of precipitation coming over from Milan. It might make it to Cervinia but the odds look like they are against it.

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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
Is that the predominent direction for precip/snow for Zermatt - Milan direction?
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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Jamo wrote:
Is that the predominent direction for precip/snow for Zermatt - Milan direction?

No, definitely not. Precipitation from that direction in the main ski season is most welcome (a Retour d’Est – there is a lot about it as a phenomenon on this forum and other ski sites). There are not that many but can produce fantastic amounts of snow from about November onwards. Cervinia benefits from a Retour d’Est more than Zermatt. Otherwise like everywhere in Western Europe the prevailing winds are from the West and so that is the broad direction that storms come from most of the time. But even then they range from NNW to SSW with very different results. The worst ones are the ones that come directly from the West because there are just too many high mountains in the way before it gets to us.
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 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
Owlette wrote:
Looking for some advice on buying skipasses for Cervinia for 4 days with a possible add on to Zermatt on one of the days when we get there, if the link is open.

I'm looking at the tariff leaflet on the Cervinia site. I *think* I need 2 adult and 2 junior passes for Breuil-Cervinia and Valtourneche for 4 days. If I scroll down to the Zermatt section, I think a daily pass is this? Copied and pasted, apologies for the format. Am I on the right track?

Is it simple to just buy a daily pass when we're there? We're there over Christmas, so I've heard that winds can close the link, so I'd rather just decide on the day if we're going to go for it rather than commit ahead of time. This will be our first time skiing in Cervinia so I don't know the area at all.


Abbinabile ad uno ski pass plurigiornaliero o stagionale/en combinaison avec un ski pass pluri-journalier ou saisonnier/can be combined with a multi-
day and seasonal ski pass



€ 52,00
al giorno / par jour / per day

€ 26,00
al giorno / par jour / per day

Hi! I'm a ski instructor from Cervinia!

Because of the wind (That can be VERY strong) I highly suggest buying the upgradde for Zermatt only the same day you decide to go, in that way you'll be 100% sure that you can get to the other side.

P.S. If you need a ski instructor feel free to contact me! Smile
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
Lovey Saturday night sunset from the Bontadini lift station (the final lift up to the Theodulpass from Plan Maison). They reckon 50-60cm of snow sitting there already. Still been more rain than snow at Plan Maison (currently switched back to green from white!) but it is nice to know the top is building up.

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 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
Decent hope on GFS (Meteo Swiss thinking the same) of precipitation at the weekend. Snow line looks to be about 2500m. Would be nice to see it coming down a bit further but almost all the ski area scheduled to open end November is above 2500m.

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 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
JohnMo wrote:
Decent hope on GFS (Meteo Swiss thinking the same) of precipitation at the weekend. Snow line looks to be about 2500m. Would be nice to see it coming down a bit further but almost all the ski area scheduled to open end November is above 2500m.

Thanks for all your updates, I’m following this thread closely!

I’m heading to Cervinia and will spend next week there. As far as I understand, the winter season will open already this Saturday 26th.

Do you happen to know if there are any indications of what will be accessible? Considering them already opening the winter season, I assume the summer ski area will be open (pistes 80-8Cool. But is it likely that anything else is also going to be accessible? I can’t seem to find anything online…

I’m bringing my skis no matter what, I’m just trying to manage my expectations between “winter season is open” and the reality as seen on the webcams… Wink

And a final question which I can’t seem to find an answer to online either. If the summer ski area is indeed accessible and I want to ski pistes 83 and 84, do you know if it would be sufficient with a Cervinia ski pass and access the area via Plateau Rosa, or do I need the more expensive Cervinia + Zermatt pass?

Sorry for the questions, but thanks in advance Smile
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 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
Keep an eye on the weather for next week. A upper runs should be up and running but freeze levels look to be 3,500m so it may get very wet.

JohnMo will be best placed to guess which runs will be open.
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 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
@BeginnerSkier, When Cervinia (re)opens its lifts to Plateau Rosa this weekend the main (and often the only) slopes are on the Swiss side so you will need a pass that let’s you go over. In summer the only pistes are Swiss ones but there is access from the Italian side.

As well as the summer ski area the chairlift from Trockener Steg to Furggsattel is open. The pistes from there are quite a bit more fun than the summer skis area in my opinion. Although of course it is nice to have both and you can ski from the summer ski area (or the border) down to Trockner Steg to get on the Furggsattel lift.

The Italians are good at getting stuff open when they can. There is no chance of opening anything down to Plan Maison this weekend. The other area that can get opened is Plateau Rosa/Testa Grigia down to Cime Bianche Laghi (number 7 – the Ventina). The top of that is on the glacier and the bottom is at 2800, plus they have excellent snow making. So I guess it is possible. The webcam screenshot below is taken from Testa Grigia and you can see where Cime Bianche Laghi is: white all the way down but turning to green not too far below there.

The next storm is coming on Saturday and Sunday and could be fairly major. Good for the area but not so good if you want to ski those days. There is a decent chance that on the “Opening Day” (sic) the lifts will be closed!

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 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
From someone who's weather knowledge can fit in a thimble, how is the season/forecast/conditions shaping up for Zermatt, especially for last week in December? Too soon to tell?
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 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Thank you very much, Run28 and JohnMo!
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 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
wjrlaw wrote:
From someone who's weather knowledge can fit in a thimble, how is the season/forecast/conditions shaping up for Zermatt, especially for last week in December? Too soon to tell?

Too soon to tell if I'm honest. The weather gods can change their minds pretty quickly!

That said, the height of the resort helps and the snow falling now helps to get the glacier going and things moving in general. We need lots of storms rolling in during November to get the lower parts of the resort up and running my the December opening date.
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