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Ski Rep in Rauris - Not so sure

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Elizabeth B wrote:
@njathind, working in a small resort is a different experience to the bigger ones - and as others have said can be far more rewarding. From what you've said about wanting to give a good holiday to clients then it sounds like the small resort will suit you, and that's possibly why you've been placed there.

I've worked in a very small resort and there are many benefits that you don't get in the bigger ones....if you go with a positive attitude then you will really enjoy yourself

@Elizabeth B I am trying to go into this placement with an open mind, ideally I'd like to be able to introduce extra activities in the resort through official channels. I guess I just wanted to make sure I wasn't being a fool going into this with blinkers on thinking its going to be alright when it could potentially have been a bad experience for myself.

pam w wrote:
Unless I missed it, I don't think you have given any thought to the usefulness of spending time learning German - a skill which will stand you in good stead in future. And might even be necessary when helping customers - for example somebody who is injured and needs to be treated in an Austrian hospital where not everybody will speak good English. When that happened to my son he was very glad he could speak a fair bit of German - having much improved on his GCSE German by spending a summer working on a remote Austrian farm (compared to which Rauris is a roaring metropolis). Though the surgeon who rebuilt his smashed ankle did a first class job and the nurse who helped by miming where he was to put the painkillers gave him a much-needed laugh.

@pam w You haven't missed it, I just haven't been active in voicing my wish to speak the local language. One thing I do hate when I go on holiday is the fact the most people assume the world speaks English. I do speak a little German but its not going to get me anywhere fast, I am trying to brush up on my language skills before I get out there though.
latest report
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
and unable to read simple sentences that you then take issue with endlessly.
snow report
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
pam w wrote:

If you dip into the soft powder snow, show your edges with the carving swing. Rauris spoils the individualists among the winter sportlers with a cosy ambience and encouraging beautiful nature!

And what's wrong with that
ski holidays
 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
Dave of the Marmottes wrote:
and unable to read simple sentences that you then take issue with endlessly.

@Dave of the Marmottes I have not taken issue with what you say endlessly, you are of the opinion that I am providing some form of customer service on this forum. I keep stressing to you that this is not the case. If you take great delight in posting sarcastic remarks then so be it, its a shame that this is how you find entertainment of a Sunday evening.

If you can prove to me how I am providing some form of customer service then I will eat my words, but my understanding of customer service is "the provision of service to customers before, during and after a purchase"

I don't believe you have made a purchase from myself in any way, shape or form. Puzzled
This is not really providing any valuable content to my initial post and isn't aiding my understanding of working in a tiny resort, I fail to see what your trying to achieve here.
ski holidays
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
KenX wrote:
pam w wrote:

If you dip into the soft powder snow, show your edges with the carving swing. Rauris spoils the individualists among the winter sportlers with a cosy ambience and encouraging beautiful nature!

And what's wrong with that

@KenX Nothing at all, but having a background in sales I do take sales "bumf" with a pinch of salt Toofy Grin
Genuinely thought it does sound amazing, like I have said I just hope I don't tire of skiing the same handful of pistes after 6 months. Cool

Last edited by Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do. on Sun 2-11-14 21:28; edited 1 time in total
latest report
 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
njathind wrote:

Maybe the people who have chosen to reply in a condescending and critical way will learn that unfortunately on the internet you can not hear the tone of someone's voice or read facial expressions, which as you can see has naturally resulted in the original poster (being myself) to become riled and to a certain degree hurt by the careless comments.

That will not be your concern.

You come here asking for advice/opinion and you got a bunch. It's up to you to pick up what's useful TO YOU. If you can't get past the tone of the message and ignore the content, the lose is only yours.

Calm down, take in those you find helpful, ignore the ones that's irrelevant and focus on what's relevant.

Anyhow, I'm afraid I might have said more than I ought to. If you haven't found much value in what I have posted so far, you're not likely to find any more value in further contribution from me.
latest report
 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
There is a difference between delivering customer service and the skills which might be useful in delivering customer service e.g. reading and understanding what someone had written, accepting alternate viewpoints, asking appropriate questions, doing some of your own research to understand a problem, not being arrogant, not being patronising, checking what you have written, not taking different communication styles as personal insults etc.

Do you agree? Now re read the thread.
snow report
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
@Dave of the Marmottes, + 1
snow conditions
 You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
njathind wrote:

Sitter wrote:
@njathind, as you've already been told, you're not going to be there for 6 months, very few people have winter seasons that long (generally the returners/management that go out early to set up resorts/training and stay on at the end to finish off shut down). Even in the bigger resorts like St Anton the season is at most 6months, for the lower resorts much shorter. People have been repeatedly saying that the resort will not limit you (personally, the only thing limiting you is yourself), and if you'd noticed my comment above, you'd more than likely be getting an area pass anyway so have access to other areas. Going by what you've said you requested at interview, somewhere you can experience a variety, I can see why you maybe get a small resort. In the bigger resorts there will be a team of you, and so you would not get this variety, you'd maybe just be doing the coach transfer and one ski away day every week, and maybe helping with the quiz once in a while (for example, depends on the resort management some may switch duties around more, others might not). In a small resort you'd be doing all this yourself, giving you much more chance to experience everything.

@sitter I hear what your saying, the only reason why I believe I will be in resort for 6 months is because that is what I have been told at interview and that is what my contracts describe. I am only going on the facts I have been told.

If you reread your contract you will more than likely find that there is not a specified finish date, it's left a little ambiguous along the limes of "within x days of your resort closing" or similar. For example in my first season we went out at the end of the first week of December, people in some resorts were home by mid March, we left mid April. At no stage during any of the interviews I've had for Winter seasons was I given the impression it would be 6 months, and a simple bit of internet research would bring this up.
ski holidays
 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
Dave of the Marmottes wrote:
There is a difference between delivering customer service and the skills which might be useful in delivering customer service e.g. reading and understanding what someone had written, accepting alternate viewpoints, asking appropriate questions, doing some of your own research to understand a problem, not being arrogant, not being patronising, checking what you have written, not taking different communication styles as personal insults etc.

Do you agree? Now re read the thread.

Yes I agree there is a difference, however you are judging my communication skills outside of a work environment which in no way reflects on my actual customer service skills in a professional capacity. People do not behave the same way at home as they do at work, they have different personalities and traits.
I am fully literate and have no issues reading or understanding what someone has written, so long as it has been written in English without daft acronyms, abbreviations or Latin for that matter.

I can accept an alternative viewpoint, doesn't mean I have to agree with it. However you seem to have missed my point, you can express an alternative viewpoint without being rude about it. If you have been reading what I have posted you will see that I have done my own research and established certain facts which people then proceed to argue with.

When someone's version of a different communication style is rude and degrading I will take personal insult, I wont stand by when someone brazenly insults me.
Again I fail to see how this is providing any valuable content to my initial post, what your trying to achieve here?

Sitter wrote:
If you reread your contract you will more than likely find that there is not a specified finish date, it's left a little ambiguous along the limes of "within x days of your resort closing" or similar. For example in my first season we went out at the end of the first week of December, people in some resorts were home by mid March, we left mid April. At no stage during any of the interviews I've had for Winter seasons was I given the impression it would be 6 months, and a simple bit of internet research would bring this up.

@Sitter I understand that, I'm just going by what I've been told. I know a simple Google search will highlight the fact that most ski seasons wont last for 6 months. Like I have said I'm simply going by what I have been told.
ski holidays
 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
Nothing it's like trying to educate a brick.

I like everyone else was 21 once so it's nothing personal.
latest report
 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
Wish I'd bought popcorn now Very Happy
latest report
 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
Dave of the Marmottes wrote:
Nothing it's like trying to educate a brick.

I like everyone else was 21 once so it's nothing personal.

How nice of you to totally disregard my comments about people being rude.
If you have nothing helpful or constructive to say without being rude then please simply go away.

There is no need for this sort of behaviour in this world!
snow report
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.

I wont stand by when someone brazenly insults me.

I think you might find, njathind, that providing "customer service" sometimes requires that you do precisely that.
snow report
 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
@njathind, sounds like a great way to spend a winter. Wish I had done that at your age (I spent my 22nd year working in a basement shining x-rays at things).

I skied last year (albeit for only a week) at a resort with a relatively small mileage (Hemsedal, 40km or so) - you needn't get bored at a resort with low mileage. Over the whole winter you can ski runs in all sorts of different conditions (slushy, icy, hardpack, powder on top of piste), ski them in different ways, different lines. Try to improve your technique. If there's a timed slalom run, you can see if you can keep improving your time (I would be a reet donkey at it, mind). If there's a park, learn/improve your park skills. Some off-piste/touring sounds great.

A good rep can really help a client have a great holiday. Couple of years ago, Mrs. Dobby had to see a quack in resort. Rep helped a lot with this and helped translate (she was studying French at uni). She got great reviews from us. Last year, rep in Hemsedal made a real effort to try to introduce clients to the local culture, cuisine etc. He obviously knew quite a bit about the resort and the general area and (perhaps sadly) this was of great interest to me. Again, rep got a great review from us.

Hope that it all works out and you have a great time.
snow report
 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Sorry you don't own the Internet.

Secondly I only kept responding becsuse you kept asking me repeated variants of the same question without possibly having the humility to consider if I might have answered it already at least in reference to what I'd originally said. So that's why I've responded. I truly hope your skills in the professional world are better than you've exhibited here.

Me I'm almost as much of an asshole in real life. I'll buy you a beer if I get to Rauris this winter.
snow report
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
pam w wrote:

I wont stand by when someone brazenly insults me.

I think you might find, njathind, that providing "customer service" sometimes requires that you do precisely that.

Your right, my experiences of providing customer service mean that sometimes you have to stand there and take the verbal assault. But I'm trying to explain that I am not at work here and I am not providing a service to any snowhead here in any way, shape or form.

I don't see why I should sit here and take it when there is no reason to Puzzled
latest report
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Dave of the Marmottes wrote:
Sorry you don't own the Internet.

Secondly I only kept responding becsuse you kept asking me repeated variants of the same question without possibly having the humility to consider if I might have answered it already at least in reference to what I'd originally said. So that's why I've responded. I truly hope your skills in the professional world are better than you've exhibited here.

Me I'm almost as much of an asshole in real life. I'll buy you a beer if I get to Rauris this winter.

Your right I don't own the internet, I never said I did.
I asked you repeated questions because you did not clearly answer them, I'm sorry if I failed to read between the lines but if you don't give a clear answer to a question its not going to be understood.

Without wishing to sound rude but I sincerely wish to never meet you or anyone like you, why you feel the need to conduct yourself in an antagonising, brush and bully like manner is beyond me. I continue to find you rude and critical, so please simply go away and leave me alone.
snow conditions
 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.

I don't see why I should sit here and take it when there is no reason to

The skills that make for excellent customer service are not something to be donned, like a uniform, when you clock in, then chucked on the back of the chair when you leave.

The range of suggestions and comments which people have made don't seem to have made the slightest difference to your thinking. If - as is quite likely - someone from Crystal Ski is reading this thread, what kind of impression do you think you will have made?

Are you empathetic? Can you put yourself in someone else's position? If so, can you explain why some people have become exasperated with your responses?
ski holidays
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Just glad I am not going to Rauris this year where I might require the services of Crystal Ski Rep.
latest report
 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
@njathind, I would take on board what @pam w says. Skiing is a small "world" and, like many professions/arenas in life which are "small", you don't want to pee people off and/or get a bad reputation without reason. I'd say that most of the suggestions and comments provided on this thread have been pretty darned sensible, and would be good to take into account.
ski holidays
 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
pam w wrote:

I don't see why I should sit here and take it when there is no reason to

The skills that make for excellent customer service are not something to be donned, like a uniform, when you clock in, then chucked on the back of the chair when you leave.

The range of suggestions and comments which people have made don't seem to have made the slightest difference to your thinking. If - as is quite likely - someone from Crystal Ski is reading this thread, what kind of impression do you think you will have made?

Are you empathetic? Can you put yourself in someone else's position? If so, can you explain why some people have become exasperated with your responses?

I know customer service skills are not a uniform as such, but everyone behaves differently when they are away from work. I'm not saying that all traces of customer service get left at the office but people let their guard down when away from work.
ski holidays
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
dobby wrote:
@njathind, I would take on board what @pam w says. Skiing is a small "world" and, like many professions/arenas in life which are "small", you don't want to pee people off and/or get a bad reputation without reason. I'd say that most of the suggestions and comments provided on this thread have been pretty darned sensible, and would be good to take into account.

I completely agree. However there have been the odd user who seem to think its acceptable to be rude, brash and critical without providing any helpful comments whatsoever. I just don't understand why certain people feel the need to behave in such a way.

At the end of the day I don't want to upset anyone or get a bad reputation, however I don't see why I should just roll over and accept comments that I find abusive when there is no need for people to say such things.
latest report
 You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
And in this day and age with the presence of social media, you have to watch what you say/do online. Companies are increasingly aware of this and I know that it features in the staff training for some companies.
snow report
 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads

people let their guard down when away from work.

they'd be well advised to think twice about letting it down on a public forum where they can be easily identified. Laughing
snow conditions
 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
@njathind, think of it as good training for the job. I wouldn't say that @Dave of the Marmottes has been rude and brash (especially given that this is an internet forum) and he has certainly made some helpful comments. In any event, you will get some punters who are properly rude, brash, abusive, critical and unreasonable (you probably know that), and you will have to deal with them. So I'd take it on the chin, take on board what people have said on this thread, pack your bags and have a great few months in Austria. Cheers.
ski holidays
 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
@njathind Whatever happens I hope you have a great season. Please report back and let us all know how the negotiations with HR go and how you get on in resort.
There is a lot of really useful advice on this thread both specific to small resorts and from snowheads who have worked a season and know how it works. Take on board what has been said or, when you are bored in resort, re-read the thread and see if it has any suggestions which will help you.
Above all take heed of the comments about how you behave on public forums. Many companies analyse the content of industry specific (like this one) and generic (like Facebook) sites looking for both comments from employees and customers. This thread may well be seen by your employers and they will make their own judgement about your suitability, indeed what if Dave of the marmottes was their mystery shopper?
Good luck Smile
latest report
 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
@njathind, your certainly getting plenty of feedback here, how about doing a little exercise and summarising what you have learnt, both good and bad, and posting your findings ?
Just a thought
snow report
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
Here is a small resort with 5 draglifts, 3 of which are pretty pointless

Here is a cool account of some of the awesome skiing available there:

Make of that what you will
ski holidays
 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Arno wrote:
Here is a small resort with 5 draglifts, 3 of which are pretty pointless

Here is a cool account of some of the awesome skiing available there:

Make of that what you will

latest report
 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
@njathind, I don't know you at all and you are probably a really nice guy, but please save this thread somewhere safe and re-read it in 10 years time when you've grown up a little, and see what an ungrateful, self-centred, entitled, immature person you come across as based on what you've written.

You keep banging on about your experience and you have precisely NONE, it's your first season. You also seem to believe that you are outstanding at providing customer service but the whole theme of your posts are about what you will get, not what you can offer. You seem to forget that the job you have applied for is to make other people's holidays better and support your employer, not the other way round. Any fun you have or perks you get are incidental to rather that the reason for being there. I would hate to think I had booked a holiday to Rauris and you would be my rep.

You've been offered an amazing opportunity, one for which many of us would have happily given their right arm at your age, but seem intent on spoiling it for yourself because you feel that you are someway inconvenienced by an employer who didn't recognise your "talents". Accept it and be happy. Or don't and quit and let someone more deserving have the job.
ski holidays
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Ah thanks for writing my replies for me Dave Toofy Grin - I lost the will to persist from tiny phone keyboard, switched to popcorn.

@njathind, a couple of us probably are your customers (I'm sending some friends to Rauris this year, I'll tell them to say hi Smile) it's a big forum. And I think one of us (reading not replying interestingly) is your prospective manager's manager's manager. The internet is problematic that way.

Honestly part of the pushback you are seeing is that you got a role as a rep, and then came on a ski forum hoping people who are lucky to get 2 weeks a year were going to sympathise that you got assigned a small resort. Unlikely, no? You should see the stick some of us are giving sitter (who is in the mountains at the moment - grrr). But people are trying to help, I certainly honestly believe that a) you would have fun anway and b) as a hiring manager (I manage a couple of things which are similarly desirable) I'd be inclined to just withdraw my offer at the first sign of anyone being anything but nauseously flexible and helpful - we have a lot of other candidates on-waitlist and it's just not worth the hassle. However I acknowledge that if you catch some of my colleagues on a different day and if they have a gap right that second they might well throw you in it to avoid having to think about it anymore. It sounds from the feedback from some of the previous reps they suspect the latter is the more likely and so you may be in luck.

Personally were I you I'd have been more inclined to do a few weeks - prove how awesome I am to the area manager, get the hang of it all and when the jan/feb blues hit uber-helpfully volunteer that although you'll really miss rauris you could move just to help them out. That way you see two areas, two sets of colleagues and get sort-of two season for the price of one AND prove how helpful/flexible and totally-one-to-keep-next-season you are snowHead

It's done now though, and I hope for your sake your email hit the equivalent of one of my colleagues and not a grumpy-from-all-this-damned-recruiting me clone Smile

aj x

Last edited by Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person on Mon 3-11-14 12:44; edited 1 time in total
ski holidays
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
njathind wrote:
Dave of the Marmottes wrote:
Sorry you don't own the Internet.

Secondly I only kept responding becsuse you kept asking me repeated variants of the same question without possibly having the humility to consider if I might have answered it already at least in reference to what I'd originally said. So that's why I've responded. I truly hope your skills in the professional world are better than you've exhibited here.

Me I'm almost as much of an asshole in real life. I'll buy you a beer if I get to Rauris this winter.

Your right I don't own the internet, I never said I did.
I asked you repeated questions because you did not clearly answer them, I'm sorry if I failed to read between the lines but if you don't give a clear answer to a question its not going to be understood.

Without wishing to sound rude but I sincerely wish to never meet you or anyone like you, why you feel the need to conduct yourself in an antagonising, brush and bully like manner is beyond me. I continue to find you rude and critical, so please simply go away and leave me alone.

I have to re-evaluate my suggestions that you so far have not taken on board.

You would do well to tell the company you no longer wish to work for them. In resort you can NEVER let your guard down skiing is a small community and you will pee of someone be it customer fellow worker or local. You will receive abuse from disgruntled customers some with valid complaints some unfortunately just that type that are only happy moaning. I would suggest working in this country with frontline access to customers and having to deal with their complaints and if you survive that next year apply for working in a ski resort.
snow conditions
 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
njathind wrote:
I have learnt from the people on snowheads who have commented with helpful advise and personal experiences.
Maybe the people who have chosen to reply in a condescending and critical way will learn that unfortunately on the internet you can not hear the tone of someone's voice or read facial expressions, which as you can see has naturally resulted in the original poster (being myself) to become riled and to a certain degree hurt by the careless comments.

Also is this aimed at me? My original post was written in a hurry from a phone, in an attempt to help you decide against making what I thought would be a mistake. After 20 years online I know people can't hear tone, but equally I wouldn't expect the below to cause someone to riled OR hurt.

njathind wrote:

The question is do I stick it out and make the most of it, and prey my season ski pass is the Salzburg super ski pass so I can see more of the region on days off? Or do I put my neck on the line and see if I can get relocated? .

a.j. wrote:
Given the number of applicants and the fact you already asked so they know that like everyone else you want somewhere big/cool, i'd live with it personally. The bigger resorts don't go to 1st year reps for a reason and it would come across presumptuous to me as the manager, its not like your preference is at all unusual.

It's not the _most_ tactful response I've ever written, but for an internet forum it's andrex puppy soft Cool

aj x
ski holidays
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Back to the OP, I would avoid going back to the company with a "thanks for offering me this job, here is the job I'd like" response - given that they could fairly easily withdraw their offer at this point, and as a hiring manager I'd be looking to withdraw an offer to you if you did that, however you phrase it you could find yourself labeled as a problem before you arrive on day 1. I would apply to join a different TO and see if you can get placed in the resort that you want.

The restriction you are going to find is that all the TOs have binned their hosts in France, so there are loads more people looking for the dream job of skiing all day while the chalet staff clean toilets, spend half the day cooking or work behind a bar for months. Given that you have landed that dream job, I wouldn't be worried about the resort you are in - it sounds from your description like you could do with a while brushing up your skills anyhow, and the blues, reds and offpiste (obviously you will need to do appropriate training, carry appropriate equipment and will not be taking clients there) will keep you occupied for the season.

The smaller resorts will I expect have a better community feel than a megaresort, but then again you've not been offered a job in the megaresort. Apply to the other TOs, you may not be offered a job in the megaresort at all. During the season you may get the opportunity to transfer, though I'd expect the only way to get that would come down to doing a great job, being a confident and capable skier, and dealing with nightmare customers and difficult situations with professionalism and a smile, and the management will notice.

I appreciate that you may not like some of the feedback you are getting, but you are sounding more than a little bit like a kid at Christmas complaining that his brand new bike is green, when blue is your favourite colour.
latest report
 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
I have been involved in a lot of recruitment over the years and it is reasonably common for candidates to be happy that they have received an offer and be excited about the job and company but want to negotiate on some of the details. If this happens, then I will look to see if the changes can be accommodated, and come back to them accordingly. How these negotiations go, depends very much on the approach, however if done in a grown up way it rarely leaves any bad feeling.
I think if this discussion was about a non-ski related job offer then some of the views may be different.

In terms of this discussion, then I think that @njathind is probably guilty of taking some of the comments too much to heart. In the spirit of balance though, I can’t help thinking that the tone in which some people have responded may have been different if @njathind had been older.
snow report
 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
@njathind, I tried to be helpful; and point out that I'd had great skiing in very small resorts km wise, I've visited Piesey- le Villarette each year for about a decade (it has 2 bars).

From your posts I think what you want is advice on negotiations with the company to get a 'better'/bigger resort.

You have five years skiing- now some people could clock up 15-25wks skiing in that time and be quite reasonable and competent enough to host somewhere like Mayerhofen or perhaps Kitzbuhel. There's quite a bit of skiing in both these places (Kitzbuhel gets it's own SCGB leader) and the expectation of those holiday makers skiing with a Crystal host (as I have done on several occasions) is that the host will have a swift, fluent skiing style and be able to take a sporting line done all the runs- at least on a 'fast' day. I might be wrong but I doubt that describes your competence on skis. I'm quite surprised that a 21 year old with such a brief skiing history has a rep / hosting job at all so I think you've done well to get a post.

But: To me the flavour of your posts is that you really really really don't want to go to Rauris. So I'd suggest you don't. Perhaps everyone will be better off..
snow conditions
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
googiew wrote:
I have been involved in a lot of recruitment over the years and it is reasonably common for candidates to be happy that they have received an offer and be excited about the job and company but want to negotiate on some of the details. If this happens, then I will look to see if the changes can be accommodated, and come back to them accordingly. How these negotiations go, depends very much on the approach, however if done in a grown up way it rarely leaves any bad feeling.
I think if this discussion was about a non-ski related job offer then some of the views may be different.

Googiew - depends on the job right? Common skill/high demand is a bad combo for negoitiation. One of the things I'm involved in is a festival - negotiation rare/risky. My day job is in a popular firm in IT, for experienced hires absolutely normal to have some negotiation and we would initiate that ourselves from the firm side. Inexperienced interns and university placements, not so much. I tend to think ski rep fits more in the festival/uni placement end than the experience IT lateral hire end.
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
@ed123, I've had reps who had clearly only got a couple of weeks under their belt Confused Best was in Sella Ronda who admitted they'd learnt to ski that season Smile In fairness to them they were embarrassed, did say how nice it was to get to stretch their legs and provided excellent human piste map service each time when they caught us up again, including pointing us at blacks and meeting us again at the bottom NehNeh
snow report
 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
@a.j., I agree and of course if @njathind picked up the phone and started ranting that it was a disgrace that they had been given a small resort etc then they are not going to get any joy.

I do however think that anyone that goes through a thorough selection process for a role, regardless of the level, would be ok with the successful candidate having a couple of questions.

I think that@ed123, summed it up well with "From your posts I think what you want is advice on negotiations with the company to get a 'better'/bigger resort. "

At the end of the day the HR people know the score. They understand that a 21 year old off to work a season is more than likely going to want to be at a more lively resort. Obviously not everyone that comes through the process can achieve this, however they will easily be able to advise what the realities of a resort change would be.

To be clear, if the negotiation started along the lines of I am not going to Rauris because it looks rubbish and I want to go somewhere better, then they would probably start to have a few concerns.

If however, they make contact confirming receipt of the contract information and express how excited they are about the forthcoming winter season, then they do have an opportunity to ask the question about policy surrounding changing resorts etc. The chance of this happening in my opinion is low, however in answer to the original post, it is still worth a shot.

Agree re the standard of reps, not unusual to see them in beginners ski school at the start of the season. It makes sense in some ways for the newbie reps to be in some of the bigger resorts as they have a bigger support network around them. The irony of this situation could be that @njathind did so well at interview that they felt they were the best candidate to be self sufficient in a smaller team etc
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