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France: Avoriaz / Morzine / Les Gets / Chatel - 2011/12 snowreport

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Chattonmill, they come up each day from Thonon by road/skidoo, quite a commute. But then one of our ski instructor friends drives up each day from Geneva. Our boys call it the Toblerone stop. I'm sure he assesses how much rum I need by the look on my face depending how le Creux or Arbis went Laughing Mind you there was more alcohol than hot choc last week and I hadn't done either.
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Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Lou, we call it "the chip hut" Happy
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Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Friday lunch stop sorted - choco-rum is my personal favourite mountain pick me up! Think i've only had one so far this season in the Tremplin and it blew my head off!
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
So just over a week to go and we will be in Avoriaz for a few days staying with friends and their kiddies. So what do we think about this 'storm' blowing in tomorrow big or small?
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Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Kiters, who knows! I'll tell you on Saturday when its meant to be sunny!
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You'll need to Register first of course.
Is the swiss wall in skiable condition? I'm coming there 14th and looking forward at paying visit to the wall.
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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
FlyingStantoni, it's handy for us as it's just up the road from 'our' chalet Laughing

(2006 btw but it had a very healthy snowy roof for early season last weekend)
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 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
trustno1, looked fine to me (from the chair above!) during our snowheads meet up last week. There were plenty of people on it.
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
Lou, Please may I engage your services as a choco-rum guide when you are next out. I'll even pop my skis on Very Happy

Chattonmill we're down to the Volkl Luna (not that pretty but the same name as my board.....) or the K2 Missdemeanors, still not as pretty as I would like, but as the man in the shop said - you do the pretty and pick the skis that are best! He had a point, but had he had them in pink I would have bought 10pairs!
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Nadenoodlee, I would be delighted Very Happy Not back until 7 April though so you will have to start preparing.......
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snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
Lou, jeepers! Don't think I can wait that long for one - might have to go off and do some research/ sampling Very Happy
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And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
Nadenoodlee, have some waiting for me behind the bar in La Giettaz and will be sampling Les Arcs too Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
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So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
trustno1, Swiss wall is open and in good condition, although the snow was quite hard over the bumps in the main section on Tuesday; however it has snowed more since then. The best snow though (as usual) was the other side of the ropes on the righthand side. For anyone doing the gullys into the Swiss side (much more enjoyable than the wall) there has been a lot of full depth slides towards the bottom with a large 2m depth 'bergshrund' to be aware of. There was a lot of recent (natural) avalanche activity visible on Tuesday, and I saw some large sluffs being set off by skiers/boarders. In general, Mondays thaw saw rain to at least 2200m but in turning back from rain to snow it bonded well to the old rain affected surface making it grippy rather than icy. The new 6 man lift out of Les Crosets that replaced the painfully slow Grand Cubore 3 man lift has generated a lot more traffic on that side of the mountain, and it may be my imagination, but has resulted in a lot more people on the Mossette lift from Linderet. The big big downer is that they have also taken out the 'Swiss' poma (Cubore) at the head of Linderet valley which used to give access to some great steep terrain there.
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 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
Cubore is being replaced next summer apparently
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Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Yep being replaced, the reshaping of the area at the top meant the Poma needs to be reinstalled. There was not enough time to get it done this autumn apparently! New snow yesterday ontop of a wet layer has made a double crust in places....the snow is very very unstable now. I travelled up with pisteurs yesterday morning and they said this is one of the most dangerous months they have had in a lot of seasons! New snow has covered up some enormous crevasse like cracks under Pauvre Conche (Black Run) and directly under Grande Conche. Please be careful there and do not ignore the fences put up at the side of some the runs.. They are there for a reason.
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 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Hi i will be driving over to morzine with a group of friends on the 25th of jan and was hoping i could get some definitive advice on the route to choose.

We are also going to need to pick up some supplies (beers) on the way so was thinking of stopping of at the carrfour in cluses and filling up with diesel as i assume this will be the cheapest around.

I know i can use via michellin for a route but i was hoping i could get some more detailed advice from the people who do this journey year in year out.

Thanks in advance

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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Nadenoodlee wrote:
Lou, Please may I engage your services as a choco-rum guide when you are next out. I'll even pop my skis on Very Happy

Chattonmill we're down to the Volkl Luna (not that pretty but the same name as my board.....) or the K2 Missdemeanors, still not as pretty as I would like, but as the man in the shop said - you do the pretty and pick the skis that are best! He had a point, but had he had them in pink I would have bought 10pairs!

I have some pink skis you can borrow if it the colour that matters.....They are from 1992 and are 198cm, but hey they are pink snowHead
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Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
bert7cosby, Calais-Reims-Troyes-Dijon-BourgenBresse-Geneva-Cluses (yes to Carrefour for cheapest fuel/beer)-Taninges-LesGets-Morzine

Sorry off to work so cannot confirm road names although pretty sure I don't want to mis-inform you Toofy Grin It's very easy though.
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
carrefour in reims is worth a shout if you dont fancy shopping at the end of a long journey, the fuel is about 8% cheaper than the motorway, its a tiny diversion and a far better option that messing around with cluses, we always come off the motorway early and drive through marignier. the carrefour is just where the new motorway has been built which misses out reims altogether now which is a big improvement. so basically you have to come off if you were going to the old route and then rejoin. we also use this as an overnight stop as there are plenty of cheap hotels but if you fancy something abit nicer reims itself is alot nicer and worth going into town for.

avoid cluses at all costs on transfer day- its a disaster!
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
If you don't know the route, torico is referring to "Tinqueux", which is mentioned on the signposts on the autoroute, take the slip off the motorway, join old road to Reims but leave it again almost immediately following sign for Tinqueux, right at roundabout then bear right down into an underpass and turn left at the bottom. Don't be tricked into going straight on by the fact that Carrefour is on the left, you have to go right and under.
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You'll need to Register first of course.
I'd second Lou's route. With diesel, if it's forecast to be v cold, I think it might be worth filling up more locally, to ensure the diesel is good down to minus 15. that might be true of what they sell in Reims, but I'd want to check. Get the beers wherever you get the fuel. Don't stop twice.
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Last year on the drive to Montriond, the satnav wanted me to go via Annemasse to Tanninges (avoiding Cluses). I ignored it. Any views on this route? We are driving down Friday 10th Feb (for 1/2 term) and will probably hit the area around 5pm. I remember some fairly bad rush hour traffic around Annemasse on the same Friday last year.
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 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
pam w, never thought of that. THen again our car is parked underground when we arrive.

Should I mention there is also a McDonalds next to Carrefour? Very Happy worth knowing if you've got kids, if only so you can avoid it Toofy Grin
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Mc Do ?? nah poulet de bresse everytime for me !!
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Ski the Net with snowHeads
we have filled up with dodgy petrol on the motorway once - we had no real power ( well, relatively for a 4.2 V8!) and quite a knocking so keep to the big chains, supermarket petrol and fast cars might not be the best idea. my diesel van will cope with any old rubbish !
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snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
Ahem, I got chastised for asking about hot chocolate the other day. Less talk about diesel prices, more about snow depths please.... Toofy Grin snowHead rolling eyes
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And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
well it looks like its positively puking it down ... back on topic!
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So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
andyhumph, do try to avoid Cluses if you can. Come off the motorway at J15, signed Vallee Verte, Samoens.... and follow that road - goes through lots of little villages on the way to Taninges. Worth stopping at the supermarket in Taninges - Super U - which is on the left to fill up with petrol/diesel.
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 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
Completely blown out this side....Went to the cable car at 8.30 am to see it moving extremely slowly down. All the pisteurs, lifties and restaurant folk jumped out looking alittle pale in some cases. Hairy ride down with a cork screwing cable car by all accounts. They were all told to leave the mountain as it was due to be gale force wind/rain/snow and high avalanche risks.
Reliably informed by a friend who lives up at 1580m that it was raining more than snowing and difficult to not get blown off your feet outside. He was battening down the hatches with a fire roaring, kindle and bottle of Genepi! These mountain men know how to live! Me on the other hand, ironed, cleaned, dumped Xmas tree and bought some new ski boots in the hope I may see some teaching work up the mountain tomorrow! Currently pouring here in Champery and looking alittle sad to say the least! Fingers and toes tightly crossed for comfy new boots and snow to teach on!
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 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:

All the pisteurs, lifties and restaurant folk jumped out looking alittle pale in some cases. Hairy ride down with a cork screwing cable car by all accounts. They were all told to leave the mountain as it was due to be gale force wind/rain/snow and high avalanche risks.

snow level is due to fall. Been snowing here at 1550m all day, loads fallen already. It was about minus 5 this morning and minus quite a few more now, but the thermometer is getting covered with snow and I'm not going out there to brush it off. I just put a nice glaze on my fruit loaf..... good luck with the new boots.
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 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Been in Les Gets all day and it is tipping it down with snow! 6in in two hours at one point (according to the car roof test). The snow line came down to us in Essert La Pierre last night but apparently it started raining in MOrzine at lunchtime and I think it is just stopping. When I left Les Gets at 14:40 it was still big heavy snow flakes.

summer, I might not need to "batten down the hatches" but I did sneak a bottle of amaretto in the shopping trolley at Carrefour this afternoon...... I'm prepared to hibernate!
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Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
I really should check in here more often...

Ski Tyke, all good advice re Choc Chaud including Yeti at Chavannes. Note also for chocolate cake with cream it doesn't get better than this:

usually available at the resto at the top of the Folliets lift (which might be called Les Folliets, can't remember). Don't take my word for it, just accept the look of disbelief on my son's face. Toofy Grin

Yes, Blanchots do the best vin chaud in the Alps, common knowledge I thought. wink

Lou, Carrefour is a bug to drive through especially if you're avoiding Cluses traffic. But I concede on a straight price fight you're probably right.
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
andyph, I guess we're adept at avoiding peak traffic in Cluses then wink (We prefer the other route as it happens). Have a look at my FB page for a recent pic from Super U in Taninges, I think you'll like it.
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which might be called Les Folliets

it is the Vaffieu at the top of the Follietts. I can't drink their vin chaud.... just seems to settle and make me feel really rough which is a shame as it is what I always fancy
if we stop there.
Nadenoodlee, glad to hear about the Les Gets snow!
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Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Pamski, I went up past your place yesterday with Mr NN who wanted to check out where to drop off his passengers and it was fine, tried to get up to a Chalet near there this morning and we ended up reversing 100m down the road and parking there as my car (crumpet) was not a fan of 1ft snow in the road!
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You'll need to Register first of course.
Local just past me in Co-op and said " Il pleut comme vache qui pisse!" with her eyes to the heavens she shuffled past. Rushed home to check the translation and made me giggle! Temp is dropping here and although falling hard it's now snowing just above the village.
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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
summer, my French is rusty again as stopped my class last year. There are some things you don't forget and that is my top phrase Laughing
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 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
andyph, might try a slice of that myself.... wink

summer, one of my French customers taught me that one some years back and I'm certain I'll never forget it!! snowHead

Weather sounds "interesting", here's hoping it's blown through by the weekend... snowHead
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Handful of lifts open on the cable car side but atrocious conditions to ski - tomorrow should be a good day.
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Ski the Net with snowHeads
Today is a good day! Snow is amazing, via not bad at all. Just having a burger in L'hottys then over towards t'other side!
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