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Can £130 for a goggle be justified?

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Paid £80 for my dragon maces could've got them slightly cheaper but liked the jet ion lens. Hasn't fogged up once. Last year i used a £20 pair of rubbish and fogged up every two seconds. More you pay for goggles better they are imo
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Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
WesTaylor wrote:
More you pay for xxxxxxxx better they are imo

So speaks the ideal customer.
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Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
I have the Adidas Yodai - which I see they're selling for £115! Shocked I think mine cost about £60 from the States a few years ago. But they are really great, good interchangeable lenses (the ones for flat light are very good), give very wide peripheral vision, don't fog up and most importantly, fit my face. Most others are too big for me. I'm with holidayloverxx on this.
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cathy, I thang yow
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Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
I suspect £130 is actually unjustifiable. HOWEVER there is a massive difference between a pair of £15-20 goggles & a pair that costs £70-80. I for one believe the premium cost product is worth it.

As to the other argument about manufacture & cost. I am & have been for as long as i had a choice an avid outdoor pursuits enthusiast mtbing, rock climbing, mountaineering, sailing & of course skiing. The cost differential in manufacture may be not be as massive between the cheap stuff & the high end premium stuff as the sales differential is. Though the user performance differential in my opinion justifies this difference. When you are hanging off the side of a mountain on a smear of ice with spindrift avalanches pouring down the couloir you want every advantage you can possibly get. If this means paying 5-10 times the price for a jacket that has a better cut, better quality fabric that beathes better, is lighter, zips, seems & cuffs that keep the weather out better then it is worth it. This for me applies to everything i wear & use when doing these activities i will buy the best i can afford. This is not necessarily the most expensive though unfortunately it usually is.

Now as it happens luckily enough i live in Dublin where there is a Patagonia outlet store so i've bought most of my stuff there at between 25-50% of RRP. Though if i wasn't in this situation i would still pay the RRP or close when unavailable to get stuff super cheap. Though i possibly wouldn't be wearing as much Patagonia most likely i'd be wearing a lot arcterx as even though it's ridiculously expensive but i believe it's the best gear on the market.
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This is what I love about differences of opinion. No one is right or wrong, we just have our own beliefs and stick to them. Vive la difference!

By the way, did I ever tell yas that I loathe goggles? Snigger... Laughing
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I've used the same Scott goggles for near enough 20 years. They don't mist up unless it's 25 deg in the Spring sunshine, I've been working hard and I'm overdressed. Even then they demist instantly I set off again. I don't remember how much they cost but as I don't like spending money gratuitously I can be sure they weren't extravagant.
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 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
The last ones I bought broke in a year. I did use them for winter climbing in Scotland though. Not very chuffed at paying 100 quid plus but I want some with a big view.
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After several pairs of mid range goggles, last year I splashed out on some Oakley wisdom's, wish I had bought them years ago instead of buying cheaper stuff which ALWAYS fogged up on me, the Oakleys did 4 weeks last year and never did once.

Oh and only a fool will pay full RRP a quick google finds this and I have bought a second pair in Hi-yellow for flat light days.

queen bodecia, trust me on this your £22 Italian gog's will not perform anywhere near like these and it's not because everyone can see your wearing oakleys, it's because they are a far superior product, simple as that.
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Ski the Net with snowHeads
Kel, I've only ever used my €22 Italian goggles twice, I'm a sunglasses gal. But they seemed to do the trick of keeping snow out of my eyes, enabling me to see in flat light and not misting up. That's all I asked.

However, I still hated them. I just don't like having a big strap round my head getting tangled up in my hair. So I've donated them to someone else.
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snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
Surely one of Oakley's justification for charging a higher price is the research and development required to produce and design better goggles.

For the past 4 years I have used cheap Tog24 goggles, I'm now investing in a pair of A Frames and from everything I've read the £75 is going to be worth it.
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And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
Yes, spend the money. I have around four sets of goggles. My Addidas ones are ok, but can steam in blizzards. My favourites this year are Scott, visibility is fab.
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So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
frank4short, an excellent post! Agree completely (and I'm very glad for the new Musto and Helly Hanson outlet stores in Gloucester when it comes to picking up kit for sailing!) If something is going to be used, it is definitely worth paying the premium if there is an appreciable difference in performance - in my experience, there is in goggles.

As I mentioned before, I used to loathe goggles (possibly more than queen bodecia). Since I started wearing Oakley goggles it hasn't worried me in the slightest.

I've never been one who worries about labels or anything like that. My normal everyday clothes are predominantly M&S Blue Harbour - excellent value. My best suit (whilst very pricey) is virtually untraceable as to its origin - quality over showiness. Slightly more obscurely, my clothes iron is distinctly mid-range - whilst an all-singing, all-dancing steam generator would be very nice, it's just not required for what I do - I iron a few shirts and a couple of pairs of trousers, so no real need to splash out.
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 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
skisimon, surely no one hates goggles more than me. I've only ever had one pair, worn them twice reluctantly and now given them away. That's a true anti-gogglist, lol!
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Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
queen bodecia wrote:
skisimon, surely no one hates goggles more than me. I've only ever had one pair, worn them twice reluctantly and now given them away. That's a true anti-gogglist, lol!

What do you do if it's snowing hard?
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 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Christopher wrote:
Surely one of Oakley's justification for charging a higher price is the research and development required to produce and design better goggles.

Maybe yes, maybe no. How much R&D was required to develop the original A-frame? Quite a bit, maybe. How much to develop a new lens colour? Or a slightly different shape? Not much. A new injection mold is probably a much higher cost than a couple of months design time. However, Oakley probably shift so many 10s of thousands of those babies that any incremental costs are more than covered.
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Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
rob@rar, find a nice warm bar! Laughing

It's only really happened to me a handful of times and I have made do with my sunglasses. But I did buy the goggles in desperation in Passo Tonale in 2006 because I really couldn't see bobbins.

If I can find something that does the job of goggles, doesn't cost much, but doesn't have an enormous elastic band round my head, I might consider the purchase, but otherwise I'll just manage. My sunglasses are fairly close fitting after all.
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Goggles + hat = no goggle strap in hair...
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
arv, I'm not keen on hats much either. And the combination of hat, goggle strap and hair is just far too stressful. As bad as hood, jacket and hair syndrome.

I did post a thread a week or so back asking about something that is essentially a cross between goggles and sunglasses and got some good suggestions. And some fearsomely expensive suggestions. Smile
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Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
queen bodecia wrote:
And the combination of hat, goggle strap and hair is just far too stressful

Seems like a small price to pay for being able to ski in all weather.
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You'll need to Register first of course.
queen bodecia, Soooo...that was £22 down the drain - 2 wears and you've abandoned - go figure! (I don't actually like goggles either but was desperately trying to find a pair that fit in Big White last season due to it puking down)
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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
I am with HolidayLoverxxx, especially with goggles. I normally buy the best of things but bought a cheap pair thinking I would rarely use them anyway. They were rubbish and I bought a pair of Crowbars at full price in resort, realising my mistake in only 1 hour of use.
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 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
holidayloverxx, actually only €22 at a time when the exchange rate was more favourable so more like £14. Plus I used them twice and then gave them to a colleague who I know will use them more than I ever did. Not my best purchase granted, but at least I didn't splurge £100 on them! Smile
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
queen bodecia wrote:
If I can find something that does the job of goggles, doesn't cost much, but doesn't have an enormous elastic band round my head, I might consider the purchase, but otherwise I'll just manage.
An olde worlde style divers helmet...

No annoying straps, you're head is essentially without contact. They can also be picked up quite cheaply at scrap merchants. For low light conditions, a bit of yellow cellophane from a crafts shop should add just the right dash of R&D to make you feel the queen of the world!
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Ski the Net with snowHeads
queen bodecia, LoL - I can't find the euro symbol on my keyboard!

You spent £7 per wear on goggles. I spent £200 on my Oakley sunnies with black polarised iridum and alternative persimmon lenses. I've worn them....hang on while I get my calculator out.... at least 40 times, that's £5.00 per wear up till now, and I'll get at least the same out of them again. If I lose or break them I've got travel insurance. I win.

The only difference I can see is that I can afford to pay that amount up front, you can't (gauged from posts on other subjects). If you had sufficient income to allow you to be more comfortable with a more expensive purchase you would perhaps feel less scathing towards those who have a bit of cash to spend and the choices they make.

I'm bored with this now - not like me, but I've got (well paid) work tomorrow and I need to go to bed.
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snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
not so impressed with Oakley quality ,got my son and his girlfriend a pair each and after a fairly small fall at skischool both of them have the inside lense cracked
both of them feel very quilty because they know how much i paid for them But i am not convinced on the quality sorry Oakley wont be buying them again Evil or Very Mad
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And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
skisimon, erm thanks, I think I'll stick to the earlier suggestions. Toofy Grin
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So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
blockhead, did you ask Oakley to repair them - I've only heard of excellent service from Oakley, with possibility of no charge.

... hang on, that's another reason for buying brand name
ski holidays
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
holidayloverxx, ah but I spent £10 on my sunglasses which I must have worn over 50 times! Smile

Not trying to be scathing to people who have money to splurge on outlandishly priced goods but I stand by my earlier point that it people weren't prepared to pay so much for such things, the prices would fall.

Maybe I am blaming the likes of Sarah Jessica Parker for the price of Manolo Blahniks! lol!

But hey, I'm happy with my cheap tat as long as it does what it says on the tin.
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 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
queen bodecia, for someone "not trying to be scathing" you make a pretty robust job of it, calling folk fools and having more money than sense. rolling eyes

As my nana said, there's them that knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.
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 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
it people weren't prepared to pay so much for such things, the prices would fall.

Or companies selling high quality goods would go out of business and the only option we would be left with is cheap sh*t with the occasional decent quality/lost cost item.
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Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
holidayloverxx, OK so maybe my first comment was a bit thoughtless and grumpy. But I think I made a pretty good argument for my point after that. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and a bit of healthy debate is no bad thing.

The only problem with a free market economy is that prices are set by consumer demand and not by true value.
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
queen bodecia, Snap - I think I made a pretty good argument too - we both have our supporters so can retire with heads held high. I'm def off to bed now. night night.
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
holidayloverxx, night night yourself. Very Happy
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Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Sad I was determined to drag this in to the gutter Toofy Grin
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You'll need to Register first of course.
holidayloverxx wrote:
blockhead, did you ask Oakley to repair them - I've only heard of excellent service from Oakley, with possibility of no charge.

... hang on, that's another reason for buying brand name
Spot on. Broke a pair of sunglasses a few years back (after cartwheeling quite spectacularly down an empty black run after catching an edge). Phoned them up, arranged to send them in for repair - could swear that I got a new pair in return. That's where a lot of the cost goes - providing the service, repairs (and possibly even replacements...)
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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
holidayloverxx, i hate to say this but queen bodecia, is walking over you with some great facts!
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After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
DING! End of Round One! I enjoyed that. Toofy Grin
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
Another Oakley fan here.. started out with A frames, then Crowbars and now Splices. I now use my old Crowbars with a clear lens for riding my bike. I have also in the same period of time had Spy and Smith goggles, in my opinion they just aren't as good, maybe that's the Oakley marketing power but I like to think it's me getting a lot of riding time and noticing the difference..

Awesome for warranties too, I snapped a pair of sunglasses a couple of years back and they sent me a new set within a week.

Just my 2p..
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Ski the Net with snowHeads
holidayloverxx wrote:
queen bodecia, LoL - I can't find the euro symbol on my keyboard!

You spent £7 per wear on goggles. I spent £200 on my Oakley sunnies with black polarised iridum and alternative persimmon lenses. I've worn them....hang on while I get my calculator out.... at least 40 times, that's £5.00 per wear up till now, and I'll get at least the same out of them again. If I lose or break them I've got travel insurance. I win.

The only difference I can see is that I can afford to pay that amount up front, you can't (gauged from posts on other subjects). If you had sufficient income to allow you to be more comfortable with a more expensive purchase you would perhaps feel less scathing towards those who have a bit of cash to spend and the choices they make.

I'm bored with this now - not like me, but I've got (well paid) work tomorrow and I need to go to bed.

Bet you look cuter in your £200 Oakleys, than QB does in her £10 no makes. End of debate. For all kind of reasons branded gear is far superior.

I'm the only guy I know who walks the dog in a Goretex XCR Recco jacket Laughing Laughing it has years of wear left in it, but wanted a new jacket and quite frankly THATS MY CHOICE.

I'm with you on this you "dedicated follower of fashion" "Oh yes she is" Laughing Laughing
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