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21st Dec beginner resort recommendation snow sure.

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
I just did some quick research on Alleghe. Looks very good. Problem is very few well actually only one direct flight and I don't fancy going to Munich and then have another 4 hour plus transfer. I also checked out SaasFe even the youth hostel although was a bit wary when I read youth hostel and being closer and I mean really close to being 50 how me and wife would fit in there. Anyway made no difference as no availability. The other issue I have I cant book till daughter can confirm she doesn't have an exam 21st of Dec I know what Uni has exams on a Saturday well apparently my daughters might have. If all else fails we can bunk in with biddpyat and head for Soll.

I really do have to say its so nice to see people sharing their experiences and recommendations. Does make it easier but at the same time harder to figure out whats best. Let us all just pray my daughter doesn't have an exam on 21st Dec.
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