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ski resort recommendations for family of 5?

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Flaine.. stay at terrasses d’helios .
ski holidays
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Not had any issues with French ski school. Had issues with Italian ones though!
latest report
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Skifamily wrote:
adriangrogan wrote:
Jeez i'd be avoiding a layover with the kids!! The Ryanair Shannon flight is very early though but the upside is we were in the resort by 11am. Luckily our apartement was ready when we arrived so we checked in and got the kids fitted for skis all by 1.30. And we had a couple of hours messing around on slopes with them that afternoon which was such a bonus and a relaxing way to start the trip.
A quick search shows there's a Cork - Lyon Aer Lingus flight that is very cheap (relatively anyway) at the moment so that could work for you too. Lyon is convenient enough for a lot of resorts and I find it less hassle than Geneva. A private transfer to the likes of Les Arcs (why not go back if you liked it?) or La Tania would be a little over 2 hours all going to plan traffic-wise.

Thanks so much again for the the Aer Lings tip!! I ended up booking the flight from Cork-Lyon for less than 600eur return for the 5 of us. That's incredible value. Now to figure out which ski-resort to go from there! starting to consider Alp D'huez simply because it's one of the closest high-altitude resorts...but still thinking of Les Arcs, althought I had forgotten how expensive lift passes are there!

Good for you. Glad to hear the flights worked out.
Have a great time in La Rosiere! Will be interested to hear what you make of it.
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