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Instructor Season in Austria - which resort

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
@miko1109, Are you likely to go to St Anton or another resor? I’m English / German, going to be there for a season, graduated uni last year.
snow report
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
I can’t say for sure in 24/25 season but my son worked at Kirchberg ski school and he got accommodation provided foc
Also got paid a set monthly amount whether he was working or not
Also got paid two weeks leave and a bonus for completing the season

I can also say for certain that you no longer get free drinks in the Eisbar he did then a few years back

But he was treated fairly, as at the same time a friends son who was working in the Red Devils ski school in Kitz only got paid for days he worked

You would be in the minority of Nationalities as the vast majority of instructors are Dutch though he’s still in contact with loads so they’re a friendly bunch
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