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DPS going bust (and others)

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Though I could probably could stretch to a heli trip as a blow out one off I'd be highly reluctant to do so without most of season's skiing under my belt and fitness to match. And I know I could still be disappointed either by being mismatched with the group (either way) or skunked by weather. So net I'd be unlikely to be the guy stinking it up because I wouldn't be there.
snow conditions
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
I'd be reluctant to recommend it as you could have a week of horrible weather. I'd not want to be responsible for that wink
And it's so good, so I'd also not want to be responsible for any financial consequences.

The mismatch thing is actually not an issue in the real world. Being fit is definitely a good idea for newbies; Wiegele reckoned it took at least 5 trips to figure the basics out. After maybe 5 times that it gets significantly easier as you learn the tricks, like how and when to stop.
snow conditions
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
phil_w wrote:
Mike Pow wrote:
... Those choosing to go cat or heli skiing or travel half way round the world have progressed in mentality and desire IMHO. Often beyond their physical progression....
On that, the market has changed a lot over the decades, particularly with changes to equipment. Heli skiing may not exist in practice without those equipment changes; they saved Wiegele's business I believe.

My own philosophy was that I didn't get to even resort snow until I could rip plastic. But that's because I could afford to learn on plastic, but not on snow. If I'd been born rich then I'd just have rented a helicopter like a guy I ride with, and learned that way.


Skied with an Israeli guy in Turkey who had only done one day of resort skiing before booking out a cat ski lodge for the week

He was very game and muscled his way through
snow report
 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
Dave of the Marmottes wrote:
I'm aware that the All the gear, no idea stereotype is a real one and that there are people who a) kid themselves that it's only having the wrong skis is the reason they can't slay or b) buy stuff to keep up with the jones of more advanced skiers.

Option B is very much my approach with a mountain bike. Not so much to keep up with others, but I am very aware that I'm overbooked for the type of riding that I do. However it does mean that it's only the limit of my ability that hinders me, rather than my ability AND the bike.

My skiing is a little similar, I love the skis I have but I'm acutely aware that I only use them to a tiny percentage of what they're capable of.

That said, I'm not going out and buying skis that cost four figures, or even half that...and I guess that's part of the downfall of these niche brands, their market share is small so they need big prices, which reduces their market share.
snow report
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
phil_w wrote:
I'd be reluctant to recommend it as you could have a week of horrible weather. I'd not want to be responsible for that wink
And it's so good, so I'd also not want to be responsible for any financial consequences.

The mismatch thing is actually not an issue in the real world. Being fit is definitely a good idea for newbies; Wiegele reckoned it took at least 5 trips to figure the basics out. After maybe 5 times that it gets significantly easier as you learn the tricks, like how and when to stop.

5 trips to work the basics out? What???

My first day at Mica Heli (not especially easy terrain) I skied 10,000m vertical. And I'm not AT ALL special! Admittedly I was absolutely shattered after but it's just skiing.
snow report
 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
phil_w wrote:
I'd be reluctant to recommend it as you could have a week of horrible weather. I'd not want to be responsible for that wink

I'm always open to the idea of a sugar-buddy who might enjoy a heli-newb he can easily out monster wink
ski holidays
 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Mike Pow wrote:

Skied with an Israeli guy in Turkey who had only done one day of resort skiing before booking out a cat ski lodge for the week

He was very game and muscled his way through

Only cool when he's not with your group.
snow report
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
Mike Pow wrote:
Coming from the education side of skiing I always find it fascinating that so many skiers are willing & happy to spend thousands of pounds on equipment and amazing skiing experiences only to ski the same movements they've skied forever

I figured that one out long ago.

Learning skill takes time, time to practice to “keep” what’s learned in lesson to become one’s own. For many, that time may not be available, or not willing to make available.

Buying skis just take money. The benefit, if any, is instantaneous. Doesn’t take days and weeks of practice to realize the benefits.

Back when I was skiing only 1 or 2 weeks a year, I just wanted to ski. I didn’t care about improving. It was after all just recreation, not a job that I need to be good at! (But then, I wasn’t buying new skis every year either). It wasn’t until I had a lot of free time that I put them to use to take lessons and practice in all kind of conditions. That makes a big difference.

Ironically, once I started to use the skis properly, I had to change my skis to really suit me and do what I’ve learned to do!

Anyway, while those innovative ski designs were initially for the “real” skiers/riders, it turns out Joe public also get enough benefit! Now they become “must have” for those who aren’t half as good.

Last edited by After all it is free Go on u know u want to! on Mon 29-07-24 3:46; edited 1 time in total
ski holidays
 You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
phil_w wrote:

My own philosophy was that I didn't get to even resort snow until I could rip plastic. But that's because I could afford to learn on plastic, but not on snow. If I'd been born rich then I'd just have rented a helicopter like a guy I ride with, and learned that way.

You can’t learn to ride powder in plastic. Not exactly.

You can learn how to ride properly, and practice in different kind of conditions. Then hopefully when you get powder, you can quickly adapt to ride it and enjoy it. Still, you need powder to practice riding powder! Yes, booking a spot on a heli will give you that practice opportunity.

(I have, after 10 years of 20-40 days, got to ski quite many days of fresh snow. But very few of those were bottomless powders! Though I’ve skied enough not-so-bottomless snows I feel I could handle bottomless powders if I ever had the luck to ski them, but I’m not sure I feel I want to “learn” on those expensive days if I had other choices)

Mike Pow wrote:
... Those choosing to go cat or heli skiing or travel half way round the world have progressed in mentality and desire IMHO. Often beyond their physical progression....

I think it’s the chicken and egg effect. Those who travel half way round the world tend to be keen skiers who had done what they could to be as good as they could be at that junction of their skiing. Whatever their shortcomings during the heli/pilgrimage trip, they’re already on a short path to overcome it.
ski holidays
 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
Tristero wrote:
Mike Pow wrote:

Skied with an Israeli guy in Turkey who had only done one day of resort skiing before booking out a cat ski lodge for the week

He was very game and muscled his way through

Only cool when he's not with your group.

He was paying so he was his own group
snow report
 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
Mike Pow wrote:
Tristero wrote:
Mike Pow wrote:

Skied with an Israeli guy in Turkey who had only done one day of resort skiing before booking out a cat ski lodge for the week

He was very game and muscled his way through

Only cool when he's not with your group.

He was paying so he was his own group

I had nothing but admiration for this chap - strong as an ox (both in physical and mental terms); less keen on his Bogner hell-kit, but we all have to start somewhere!
snow conditions
 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
Well, whilst DPS finishes circling the drain, G3 have taken a nose dive and are now in forced receivership. They've been falling behind the curve for a while now so not sure who would see them as a valuable purchase...maybe a lifestyle/clothing brand?
ski holidays
 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
Thomasski wrote:
Well, whilst DPS finishes circling the drain, G3 have taken a nose dive and are now in forced receivership. They've been falling behind the curve for a while now so not sure who would see them as a valuable purchase...maybe a lifestyle/clothing brand?

Maybe. But why would you - or anyone - want them? As far as I can see, they don't got a single outstanding product to build on.
ski holidays
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
Tristero wrote:
Thomasski wrote:
Well, whilst DPS finishes circling the drain, G3 have taken a nose dive and are now in forced receivership. They've been falling behind the curve for a while now so not sure who would see them as a valuable purchase...maybe a lifestyle/clothing brand?

Maybe. But why would you - or anyone - want them? As far as I can see, they don't got a single outstanding product to build on.

G3 made their name manufacturing high quality skins.

They were never (originally) a ski company.
ski holidays
 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
"I think what has changed is people's desire to do off piste / in powder / back country with lower levels of skill than previously required in days of 200cm straight skis."

A recent thread subject on snowheads was full of people that couldnt understand why jackets have powder skirts ?
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