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Which airport for Les Arcs

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
The EasyJet checking queue was impressive coming back from the PSB at the start of Dec. - but they were also actively pulling people for earlier flights through and while long it did seem to keep moving.
snow report
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Recently came through Geneva with Easyjet and back out again. 15 min queue for inbound immigration. No queue for DIY bag drop then 5 min queue for security. Doddle. Took longer to walk from the train station (at the far end of the building) to the easyjet area than it did to do check in and security. I avoid weekend travel...aware that not everyone can but you need to prepare for queues if travlling at the weekend.
snow conditions
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
I'd rather sh*t in my hands and clap than fly through Grenoble, what others have said about queuing for departure doesn't really begin to describe how much of a shambles it is, I don't think I've ever flown out of there and not been still in the queue when the flight is calling final boarding, despite being nice and early. There is also a massive disorganised crush on arrival through a tunnel to get to passport control- no proper queuing system with awful people trying to barge their way to the front because their darling offspring can't possibly be expected to wait in a queue with everyone else (though perhaps that says more about the entitlement of certain people than the airport itself.) /rant

So for me it's been GVA for the last few years, though I might give Lyon a go sometime.
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 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
DaveyGTi wrote:
I'd rather sh*t in my hands and clap than fly through Grenoble, what others have said about queuing for departure doesn't really begin to describe how much of a shambles it is, I don't think I've ever flown out of there and not been still in the queue when the flight is calling final boarding, despite being nice and early. There is also a massive disorganised crush on arrival through a tunnel to get to passport control- no proper queuing system with awful people trying to barge their way to the front because their darling offspring can't possibly be expected to wait in a queue with everyone else (though perhaps that says more about the entitlement of certain people than the airport itself.) /rant

So for me it's been GVA for the last few years, though I might give Lyon a go sometime.

Fully agree. Its just a generally crap way to start and finish your holiday.

Land roughly at the same time as all the other flights, queue outside to get through passport control. No fun in the rain, but at least you get to watch your luggage sit in the rain as well as there isn't enough room on the baggage reclaim for them all at once. Only ever 2 border force guards on. Fight your way to try and reclaim your damp luggage through the throngs of people, go to toilet in the cabin outside that looks like it's come straight from a weekend at Glasto.

Coming home, join the scrum aka a queue for check in/bag drop. Stand or sit on the floor as there are about 5 chairs. Queue to go through the 2 security gates into the departure enclosure aka "hall", sit on the floor again (if you're lucky as you'll probably need to join another queue by this point).

It's just rubbish. Lyon is an actual airport designed to cope with international traffic. Yes it can suffer problems like all airports but at least it has the facilities to be a lot more comfortable. Grenoble isn't designed to deal with the traffic it gets in the winter months leading to an all round stressful experience even when things are running "normally".
snow report
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.

Stand or sit on the floor as there are about 5 chairs

Which is why I won't go back.

Slightly "twanged" my knees ski-ing (not enough to need assistance/hospital but enough to make me hobble) last time I went through Grenoble. I swore Never, EVER again!
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
Noone has said Courchevel yet....
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 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
hobbiteater wrote:
Noone has said Courchevel yet....

Thought I'd keep quiet about that one, don't really want the riff raff from here showing up and putting their mucky fingerprints all over my Learjet
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