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Best liquor for a hip flask

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
I tend to go 60/40 in favour of Port as I'm a wuss
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Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Genepi is the first choice for me
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Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Some hot mulled wine/gluhwein in a Thermos would be nice as a gondola tipple. Plus another vote for Glayva for a hip flask nip.
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started with port and brandy, then glen morangie, moved on too toffee vodka, then neat vodka. Thinking I might do bourbon this year (tommorrow)
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Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
The OH takes a whisky normally. She likes to add that to a coffee.

I like a good sloe gin. We usually make a batch each year which always panics me when we have to seal the bottle up to take with us in our suitcase!

I've found that disaronno in a vin chaud is rather lovely. We were in La Tania and ordered a reasonably priced vin chaud and foolishly asked for 2 measures of disaronno to go with it. Bill went from 10 euros to 28! So now we sometimes take our own as well.
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You'll need to Register first of course.
The OH takes a whisky normally. She likes to add that to a coffee.

I like a good sloe gin. We usually make a batch each year which always panics me when we have to seal the bottle up to take with us in our suitcase!

I've found that disaronno in a vin chaud is rather lovely. We were in La Tania and ordered a reasonably priced vin chaud and foolishly asked for 2 measures of disaronno to go with it. Bill went from 10 euros to 28! So now we sometimes take our own as well.
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After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
Frosty the Snowman wrote:
Port and brandy mix

Well given port is already one quarter brandy, that's just changing the proportions of the ingredients. Must give it a try though!
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People just cannot be trusted to behave responsibly and look after themselves.

I think the issue is that drunk skiers tend to not only be a danger to themselves, but all those around them too.

I can't say I really understand the need to drink alcohol during the day and why it is a thing for skiers. If you just want to warm up and taste something there are plenty of good non-alcoholic options.

A beer or wine with a nice lunch seems reasonable. But hip flask with spirits just seems a bit sad. Is alcohol really linked so strongly to your enjoyment of skiing? Can you really not just wait until you get off the slopes?

I realise I'm going to get shot down as being the fun police and it's a rather unpopular position. I would say it's a British cultural thing, but the drinking on the slopes culture seems even stronger in Canada where it's not uncommon to crack open beers in the gondola.
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In Italy I tend to have a coffee in the morning at the lift(no hurry). Hot chocolate and cake about 11. Lunch and coke (liquid) to rehydrate, hit bar close to home about 4 for a grappa or bombardino EG Boe bar on BB, then down to hotel. I prefer to just stop at a place and perhaps carry a small water pouch in a pocket.

If I was to have a few beers after the coffee (diuretic ) I’d be stopping at every tree for a piss for the rest of the day.
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snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
It used to be a spiced rum in the hip flask but I haven’t carried one for a while as we’ve been to Italy for our past few trips and a slopeside bombardino is just a magical thing that should never be cheapskated.
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And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
Rusty Nail is good (third drambuie, 2 thirds whiskey) with a Hot Chocolate on the side. Drunkeness has no place on the slopes but a couple of slugs from a hip flask in a days skiing are often a part of my ski-day and is no worse than having a large beer or glass of wine with lunch, IMO.
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So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
Hmmm Baileys?
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You know it makes sense.
Port and Brandy is just pure class. Used to put that in the flask when I was out for the day riding.

But I used to also try whisky and Stones, very warming. Now though if I was going to take anything it would probably be the Crabka we make at home...crab apples soaked in Vodka.
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Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:

Crabka we make at home...crab apples soaked in Vodka

Yum, yum. Bizarrely, the Crabka we made last year tasted like sherry.

Homemade Sloe or Damson gin in a hipflask when we used to take one with us. Don't do that any more for some reason
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 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
boarder2020 wrote:

People just cannot be trusted to behave responsibly and look after themselves.

I think the issue is that drunk skiers tend to not only be a danger to themselves, but all those around them too.

I can't say I really understand the need to drink alcohol during the day and why it is a thing for skiers. If you just want to warm up and taste something there are plenty of good non-alcoholic options.

A beer or wine with a nice lunch seems reasonable. But hip flask with spirits just seems a bit sad. Is alcohol really linked so strongly to your enjoyment of skiing? Can you really not just wait until you get off the slopes?

I realise I'm going to get shot down as being the fun police and it's a rather unpopular position. I would say it's a British cultural thing, but the drinking on the slopes culture seems even stronger in Canada where it's not uncommon to crack open beers in the gondola.

I think there is a difference between a quick nip as a winter-warmer and getting totally arseholed.
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Whisky with a bit of water and some sugar is good in a hip flask for Scottish hillwalking. For skiing I’ll happily visit a hut for a gluhwein.
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Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
@Dravot, to say it’s a British cultural things makes me suspect you’ve never seen Russians on a ski holiday!

Why anyone would take exception to a few nips from a hip flask on a ski holiday is beyond me. I absolutely love sitting at the top of a mountain in a quiet spot for a breather to take in the view with a wee sip from my flask. It’s a moment in time thing, it’s not a get pissed up thing. That the two experiences are conflated in this thread by a small minority is a bit odd in my opinion.

Anyways in answer to the OP, I carry two flasks in my ruck if skiing with my wife, spiced rum or bourbon for me and Amaretto for her.

Enjoy the small pleasures in life folks!
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boarder2020 wrote:
.. I would say it's a British cultural thing, but the drinking on the slopes culture seems even stronger in Canada where it's not uncommon to crack open beers in the gondola.
It's not something I've ever come across; I ride with people who don't use alcohol that way. I don't "take objection" to people doing whatever they want, so long as they're not a danger to others.

In Revelstoke at least it would be weed not beer. Overall I think Europe has more on-slope alcohol outlets than North America, or at least it feels that way.

Lakka - pronounced the way it's written - is the Finnish Cloudberry stuff, awful stuff.
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.

@Dravot, to say it’s a British cultural things makes me suspect you’ve never seen Russians on a ski holiday!

Suggesting Russians drink a lot on ski holidays makes me suspect you've never seen them at home!

I do think alcohol is linked to holidays for many Brits. To the point an airport pint is almost a compulsory start to the holiday for some, even at 7am!

Like I say, I personally don't get the need to drink, even responsibly, while skiing. There are lots of things I enjoy, but manage to abstain from for the 5 hours or so skiing per day. It's not like there's still not plenty of non-skiing time to enjoy some alcohol. If you feel like you can't go 5 hours and/or your skiing enjoyment is that linked to alcohol it's not the same without, you might want to consider your relationship with alcohol and/or how much you actually enjoy skiing!

Again, I realise my view is probably the minority so feel free to ignore.
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You'll need to Register first of course.
jirac18 wrote:
@Dravot, to say it’s a British cultural things makes me suspect you’ve never seen Russians on a ski holiday!

Why anyone would take exception to a few nips from a hip flask on a ski holiday is beyond me. I absolutely love sitting at the top of a mountain in a quiet spot for a breather to take in the view with a wee sip from my flask. It’s a moment in time thing, it’s not a get pissed up thing. That the two experiences are conflated in this thread by a small minority is a bit odd in my opinion.

Anyways in answer to the OP, I carry two flasks in my ruck if skiing with my wife, spiced rum or bourbon for me and Amaretto for her.

Enjoy the small pleasures in life folks!

I think we're in violent agreement...
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Gored wrote:
Hmmm Baileys?

Doesn’t seem a popular snowheads choice, but that’s my go to too.
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After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
boarder2020 wrote:

@Dravot, to say it’s a British cultural things makes me suspect you’ve never seen Russians on a ski holiday!

Suggesting Russians drink a lot on ski holidays makes me suspect you've never seen them at home!

I do think alcohol is linked to holidays for many Brits. To the point an airport pint is almost a compulsory start to the holiday for some, even at 7am!

Like I say, I personally don't get the need to drink, even responsibly, while skiing. There are lots of things I enjoy, but manage to abstain from for the 5 hours or so skiing per day. It's not like there's still not plenty of non-skiing time to enjoy some alcohol. If you feel like you can't go 5 hours and/or your skiing enjoyment is that linked to alcohol it's not the same without, you might want to consider your relationship with alcohol and/or how much you actually enjoy skiing!

Again, I realise my view is probably the minority so feel free to ignore.

Ordinarily I would take your advice to just ignore but that’s rather got my goat.

It’s not a question of feeling like I can’t go 5 hours without alcohol, I often go five weeks without. I drink very occasionally and can’t remember the last time I got drunk. But I very much enjoy the odd beer or odd whiskey and I particularly enjoy sitting in the mountains and doing just that. I think that’s the case with most reasonable adults who have a hip flask for skiing in my experience.
I love skiing too, they are not mutually exclusive so give over with your nanny state thinking and believing you need to suggest to me I should reconsider my relationship with either activity. Frankly it’s none of your arrogant business!

Maybe start a thread on how virtuous you are or on the evils of alcohol on the mountain or in an airport.
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The title of the thread is favourite hip flask tipple. Nothing else. If you don’t have a favourite why even bother posting or looking at the thread. Like so many threads on this forum what is a simple post gets distorted by opinionated do-gooders who frown down on others
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Ski the Net with snowHeads
jirac18 wrote:
…a wee sip from my flask… [is] not a get pissed up thing. That the two experiences are conflated in this thread by a small minority is a bit odd in my opinion.

@jirac18, I couldn’t agree more.

boarder2020 wrote:
I think the issue is that drunk skiers tend to not only be a danger to themselves, but all those around them too.

I can't say I really understand the need to drink alcohol during the day and why it is a thing for skiers...A beer or wine with a nice lunch seems reasonable. But hip flask with spirits just seems a bit sad. Is alcohol really linked so strongly to your enjoyment of skiing? Can you really not just wait until you get off the slopes?

boarder2020 wrote:
…If you feel like you can't go 5 hours and/or your skiing enjoyment is that linked to alcohol it's not the same without, you might want to consider your relationship with alcohol and/or how much you actually enjoy skiing!

Again, I realise my view is probably the minority so feel free to ignore.

@boarder2020, maybe you should have taken your own advice and ignored this thread. How you manage to interpret “best liquor for a hip flask” as “best liquor to get drunk on while skiing/boarding” is perplexing. That you consider “beer or wine with a nice lunch… reasonable. But hip flask with spirits… a bit sad” is judgmental and plain stupid! NehNeh

EDIT: I do not condone getting pi$$ed on the slopes and none of the other responses to this thread have done so.

Last edited by Ski the Net with snowHeads on Sun 3-12-23 17:32; edited 1 time in total
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snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
joffy69 wrote:
Knob Creek, the only Bourbon I'll drink. It's lush.

You need to try TX, the barrel finish ones. Although only available in the States I think.
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And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
@jirac18, I tend to agree.

I'm not looking to get hammered. I'm asking what little treat I might afford myself AFTER 5 or so hours of charging with no lunch stops whilst up the mountain. Maybe even after skinning uphill all day sitting looking out at the mountain with my best mates who I haven't seen for a year. A moment in time.

The idea that everyone in the thread is talking about knocking back a whole hip flask to themselves each day is ridiculous. Salut.
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So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
Calvados (French apple brandy)
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 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
Fireball eh?
Canadian cinnamon whiskey. Warms the cockles
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Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:

Maybe start a thread on how virtuous you are or on the evils of alcohol on the mountain or in an airport.

I never claimed to be virtuous. In fact I actually said I don't really see an issue with having a beer or wine with lunch. I've not suggested it should be banned from slopes or policed in any way. I have seen people drunk on slopes and putting others in danger. I just don't personally get the idea that drinking on the slopes adds to the enjoyment in any way. My point about airports is that for a lot of Brits there does seem to be a connection between holidays and drinking. Like I said I'm certainly in the minority, I'm not looking to change anyone's opinion, just expressing my own.
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 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Sloe gin or gin & ginger wine for me
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Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Sortilege is awesome - whisky with maple syrup.
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Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
@jirac18, I think it's best to ignore the pratt, I'm sure the vast majority on this thread understand what your saying myself included.He/She/They must be a riot at a party. Eh oh!
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Snowbandit56 wrote:
@jirac18, I think it's best to ignore the pratt, I'm sure the vast majority on this thread understand what your saying myself included.He/She/They must be a riot at a party. Eh oh!

There is no need to be abusive to fellow posters, everyone is entitled to an opinion,
Kind regards,
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
@Frosty the Snowman, swap the port out for cherry brandy. (And the brandy for whisky, but that's probably less important.) You'll never look back. Percy Special is the way forward!
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You'll need to Register first of course.
I don't drink alcohol at lunch so the hip flask isn't about the alcohol but the taste. Just a sip or two of Lagavulin single malt suits me. The flask easily lasts the week, even with giving away hits to friends.
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I've never bothered with a hip flask myself, but did appreciate a few swigs of home made sloe gin at a Birthday Bash! There were a few of us, and a small hip flask, so no chance of anybody subsequently posing a risk to fellow skiers. It was just a nice convivial moment. On a forthcoming holiday, when I probably won't be skiing, I might take brandy in a hip flask just to add to the odd coffee!
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After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
@Restless native, that's no fun!

I suspect @boarder2020 is a boarder…

Last edited by After all it is free Go on u know u want to! on Mon 4-12-23 22:11; edited 1 time in total
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A small Grand Marnier for me and it goes very well with a hot chocolate at the morning pit stop. No more alcohol then until I’m done for the day.
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Ski the Net with snowHeads
Perhaps the convivial days of passing round a hip flask in a gondola disappeared with Covid?
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