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Driving to Tignes routes and snow socks vs open/tread chains

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead

A full set of tyres are only about £100-150 more than equivalent quality summer tyres

Now I no longer spend whole winters in the Alps I have all-season tyres (Michelin Cross Climate 2) which cost less than £100 each, fitted. Have used them on sheet ice (in the New Forest, of all places, on my way to a funeral!!) and snow, and they were great.

But swapping everything round for a one-week holiday is probably not worth it - yes, if you hit Snowmageddon conditions, but they are (perhaps unfortunately.....) rare. I have done several Snowmageddon journeys and my very ordinary car, with the right tyres (and sometimes chains) has NEVER failed to get to our destination. Absolutely no need for 4WD and those big top heavy things are seen in ditches just as often as more modest vehicles. wink
snow report
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
If it helps justify replacement with all-seasons like the Michelin CrossClimate™ 2, then bear in mind it's worth replacing tyres well before the legal minimum, as braking distance often degrades disproportionately below 3-4mm. If yours is a performance model, then this definitely applies. All-seasons are also going to be much more resistant to aquaplaning than standard summer tyres, which is always going to be useful, even in The South.
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