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Elan Ripstick Tour 104 real world experience? Or alternatives?

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
@Dashed, you may want to add the Salomon QST Echo to your list. Heard about it from Cody Townsend (Salomon rider) using it on “The Fifty”. There’s a list of similar skis with weights at the end of the article
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
@BobinCH, thanks Bob - was literally just reading about that on one of the forums - maybe new schoolers and one I was going to look into. Still a soft spot for Salomon as they used to look after staff with great staff deals back when I worked as a ski tech and instructor! Think the blizzard hustle 10 is what I’m likely going for, which I think was one of your suggestions from earlier in the thread. Grateful as ever for your suggestions.
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