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Want to take stepson skiing in term time, but wife objects

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
My 3 kids all had time off school every spring plus other occasional weeks without any detriment to their education, one got a 1st in her degree and has just finished her masters (expecting distinction) and is taking a year out before going on to do her PhD. The middle son has just been accepted into LCF beating off 1000's of others and the youngest at 18 is a cook in a cafe and likes smoking weed at the weekends. They've travelled the world and the odd week off here and there has made no difference whatsoever to their academic achievements but has greatly enhanced their education.
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
FWIW..... greatly enhancing an individual's education and life experiences should never be compromised. Sadly the education youngsters get in the majority of (state) schools nowadays is more focussed on the effectiveness and accountability of the school's managed systems, rather than any qualitative enhancements to the individual, despite what "educationalists" may wish to challenge.

Schools are now legislated to operate as mere "fact farms" so as to shoehorn as many youngsters as possible into the best categories in a SIMS module. Statistics are valued as more important than any real enhancement to individuals' personal development, once again despite what educationalists may wish to challenge. And in this environment teachers are mere functionaries - robots - rather than true educators.

Schools should embrace the reality that life experiences outside of the factory of education tend to be the more enriching for the individual.

QED, go skiing with whom, and when, you want. Education is not what it should be, pay a visit to your child's school to see the damage being done.

Last edited by Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person on Sat 13-09-14 15:50; edited 1 time in total
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?

In my world, everything points towards going away. But at the end of the day, he's not my kid, so she gets the casting vote. The alternative is to take my daughter, who at 7 is old enough to ski, but she's not all that keen and I would have to put her in ski school as she wouldn't be able to cope with 'proper' skiing yet, which means I would be Billy no mates on the slopes

I've tried bribing, deals, reasoning. I'd probably twist her arm behind her back if I thought it might work Seriously though, I'm out of ideas. Heeeelp

Try thinking of somebody other than yourself, like your family. I would suggest that you go on holiday with some friends, if you have any.
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 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
Ooooh nigelg, you cat!! Laughing

Anyway, isn't this all a bit academic (no pun intended Very Happy)? There's seemingly a fairly standard post-16 outcome for all these days:

- 10 to 15 GCSE passes (usually all at very high grades).
- 5 or 6 A Levels (ditto re. grades).
- Off to uni.
- Degree pass.
- Join ranks of unemployed youth.
(Or defer last point by studying for a masters degree).
snow conditions
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
faithsdaddy, Leave the kids in school and come on the birthday bash! Simples Toofy Grin
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
Ooh, wow. Loads of replies. Sorry I didn't get back earlier, but I haven't received any notifications. I only looked back because I was wondering how far down the list this thread was Puzzled

Ok, I'll try to fill in the blanks;

Stepson- he's exceptionally smart. He will catch up, no sweat. He really wants to go. He would probably cut his finger off it would make any difference Twisted Evil . I want him to come because we're good company for each other, because my daughter's not ready yet and because he really wants to come. His Dad's not on the scene.

Snowhead bash- I like the idea of it, but I'm a pretty quiet guy. I don't drink or anything, so wouldn't want to be a buzz kill.

The no mates thing- Was a half joke. I have friends, but no one who wants to come skiing. Don't want sympathy, but am fine if you guys want to rag on me for the comment Razz
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 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
faithsdaddy, there's some quiet guys and some not so quiet ones on a bash. Some like early nights, and some party until the lifts open the next morning. Some drink, some don't, but I don't think anyone has ever been described as a buzz kill.
ski holidays
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
Megamum wrote:
However, for these GCSE years I can now see an argument to not take them out of school, they do seem to get loads of homework and I've seen the catch-up that needs to be done when they miss just one school day on a school outing let alone a whole week - clarky999, they are worked very hard at school esp. when they will be sitting some exams early (and mine is), i.e. in year 10, when they won't be given X number of weeks off to revise. However, that said I will also encourage my one that the odd weekend away enjoying herself will be OK though.

The very concept of "every week/day counts" is IMHO plain wrong.

There're what, 30+ weeks in an academic year! Taking a week off is what, 3%. Can't they work a bit harder the week before and after to make it up? Absolutely! If you think they don't have a 3% extra bandwidth to cram the study in, they're being worked too hard! No one can work at 100% for all year long. So, either they're ahead, or behind, very few are right at the balance that every single week counts.

One more thing, if she's sitting the exam early, it's even more significant that she's not over-doing it! Isn't the idea of sitting exam early really mean to encourage more advanced student to forge ahead of schedule? The notion she's being worked too hard to even take a weekend off seems to go against the principle.
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 You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
faithsdaddy, What Hells Bells, says is correct. I am on my first bash this year. I dont tend to drink (I avoid it because I quickly get on to sambucca and that only ends badly) and I tend to be quiet. Im the kind of guy who prefers a drink and chat whilst sat up the corner watching the P!ss heads doing stupid things Happy

There is an awful lot of people going on the bash, im sure youll get on with someone! Toofy Grin
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 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
equinoxranch wrote:
Inasmuch as academics are v. important and I am the product of hard core and hard corps same................... In the grand scheme of things MRS. Faithsdaddy, consider the upside of the travel, change of culture, simple being part of a "once in a lifetime/making memories" experience because that accounts for so much............, making memories. MRS. Faithsdaddy..................., I've seen a lot in life. The great and not so great. I've worked hard like so many beginning in school where thankfully my LATE father and mother (you can't get them back once they're gone) had no hesitance in pulling me out of school for a week or so and experiencing life. You remember what life is, right? Perhaps not. And despite the post facto make up work, I came out alright academically, went on to the top university where I finished in the top 5%. And you know what sweetheart, it's the eternal memory of those wonderful side trips mit der family that can never be taken away.

You only live once. Especially in this day and age.

(Tip to Faithsdaddy.............. Take the Mrs. out to dinner replete with flowers...................)

ps: My three kids, today - two in university, the other about four years away are no strangers to getting yanked out of school on various trips throughout their lives by yours truly and each has done exceptionaly well academically and otherwise. As a matter of fact the little one as it were and I are off for a few days in October, not to mention late January.

IMHO This ^^ just felt like the most POWERFUL argument. Time is soooo precious.
FWIW I took mine out during term time (11+ year), He's now in a v good school. They fined both parents despite notification & lengthy justification,(don't mention INSET days Mad ) the resort was full of other nations school hols anyway and it worked out just as expensive as a peak week in budget accom. But it was still worth it. He now intends to do BASI at 16 and use it to supplement Uni later.
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 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
We will be taking one 15 yr old year 11 out of school. My sister had booked to fly out with us to go skiing. Intending to leave her daughter with her dad and stepmum. They have now gone and booked themselves a holiday for the same weeks ! So we cannot leave her alone at home so we have booked her on to the trip. We booked first same 2 weeks we have every year for the last 8 yrs, stepmum says no way she is staying for 2 weeks and went and booked for the same weeks. Last year was the first time that neice did not ski we left her with dad and stepmum. Ho hum!
One of the weeks is half term other wise it would be 2 weeks off school.
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