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Jungfrau Ski region pt. 2

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
New snack bar just above the lifts at Arven.

Most of the hotels have opened today, so the season should kick-off properly this weekend. It was busy at Männlichen this morning, less so at Scheidegg which is in the shade for much of the morning. The snow's still excellent.
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Your photograph reminded me of Brandegg and the rebuild. Is it complete and operational for this season?
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Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
@Rogerdodger, Opening on the 24th.
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
Thanks Mike it looks lovely. Let's hope the apple fritters continue...
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Looking for a little local knowledge folks....What are the runs like down from Eiger Express to Kleine Scheidegg? I note from KS down there are a selection of reds and blues but red/black above? just sussing out the merits of taking Eiger Express or heading to Mannlichen for the first run of the holiday to blow the cobwebs off without too daunting a run for the less adventurous in the party.

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You'll need to Register first of course.
@RichieC43, it's all pretty tough up at Eigergletscher, 3 black runs, one red and just one narrow, steep-ish blue down to Fallboden. Busy too, since the Eiger Express was built. So for me it would be Männlichen every time for the less-confident.

Alternative plan - take the train up to Kleine Scheidegg and enjoy lots of easy stuff down to Arven, Brandegg, Wixi etc.
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@telford_mike, Thanks for confirming that - did look at the train up to KS but will be parking at Grindelwald Terminal so I guessed less faff in getting a lift direct from there.

Whats the easiest method to get a train to KS from Grindelwald Terminal? I dont think a trip to Jungfrau would be complete without a few trains Very Happy

edited to add: Would it be Wengernalpbahn train from Grindelwald to KS? How do you get from Grindelwald Terminal to Grindelwald town? Does the Zweilütschinen to Grindelwald train stop at the Terminal?
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 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
RichieC43 wrote:
@telford_mike, Thanks for confirming that - did look at the train up to KS but will be parking at Grindelwald Terminal so I guessed less faff in getting a lift direct from there.

Whats the easiest method to get a train to KS from Grindelwald Terminal? I dont think a trip to Jungfrau would be complete without a few trains Very Happy

edited to add: Would it be Wengernalpbahn train from Grindelwald to KS? How do you get from Grindelwald Terminal to Grindelwald town? Does the Zweilütschinen to Grindelwald train stop at the Terminal?

From Terminal, it’s a 5 minute (flat) walk to Grund, from where you can get the WAB train up to Scheidegg.

Also from Terminal, the Berner Oberland Bahn (BOB) train from Zweilütschinen takes you up to Grindelwald village in a couple of minutes - but if you’re going skiing at Scheidegg, just amble across to Grund.
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@telford_mike, Thanks Mike, much appreciated. Been following your updates with interest and thank you for your time in sharing them
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Ski the Net with snowHeads
Full moon last night. Spectacular.

Village a lot busier now, snow still good. Mild, spring-like weather.
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 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
The fine weather continues. Männlichen much more popular than Scheidegg before lunch, as it’s in the sun. Sublime snow on the Lauberhorn though.

Some pistes are getting a bit hard now. Lots of snowmaking still going on.
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And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
Quick update on the rules for bars in Wengen. So far everyone has followed the 2G rule (fully vaccinated or recovered within the last 120 days). There are signs of a general move to 2G+ (fully vaxxed + booster, or recovered within 120 days, or antigen test less than 24 hours old).

So far the Tanne and the Hasenstall have said they're starting this from tomorrow. Expect more to follow.
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So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
@telford_mike, I've just checked the distinction between 2G and 2G+, seems to be some conflict depending on where you look.

[edited cos I confused myself!]

FOPH website seems to show:
2G = you have been vaccinated or have recovered from COVID.
2G+ = you have been vaccinated or have recovered from COVID and can additionally show a certificate for a negative test result.
Exception when access is limited to 2G+:
Do you have a COVD-19 vaccination or recovery certificate (confirmed with a positive PCR test) that is less than 120 days old? Then you do not need an additional certificate for a negative test result.
Do you have a COVID certificate for a positive antibody test? Then you must always additionally show a certificate for a negative test result.

The exception part is confusing me. Am I right in interpretting 2G+ is actually just:

A vaccination certificate/recovered and negative test
A vaccination certificate/recovered within 120 days (no additional test)
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 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
@RichieC43, good question, and the situation isn’t helped by the fact that the Swiss Covid Cert app doesn’t know the answer either. At the moment the app only shows 2G or 3G - it has no concept of 2G+.

So it’s down to individual bar owners to interpret the rules. The 2G+ rules that I quoted above are from the Tanne bar, but other bar owners may have slightly different interpretations. In Rocks, for example, they're sticking with 2G to allow a bit more time for workers to get a booster, so they believe that a booster is a crucial element of 2G+. Once again, the fact that there are different regimes in different places is very unhelpful. I think if the FOPH just told all the bars and restaurants what to do, and enhanced the Covid Cert app to suit, everything would be a lot more clear.

The only thing that seems totally clear is that if you have 2 x vaccinations plus a booster, you're good to go.
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Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
@telford_mike, I see what you mean about the Swiss Covid app, ours all only show 2G and 3G, no mention of 2G+. I guess they need to update it to add the 2G+ box when your certificate is within the 120 days.

In Switzerland, from what age is the booster being offered?
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 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
@RichieC43, 16 at the moment. We got ours on Wednesday.

Edit: it’s actually 16.

Last edited by Poster: A snowHead on Sat 25-12-21 17:35; edited 1 time in total
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Great thanks, we're good for now then in any case, our kids are double jabbed and we're boosted

At least no mention of health passes being required on lifts yet.......

How's the snow looking? Could do with a little fresh top up?
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
@RichieC43, yes, we could do with a bit more, but at least all the valley runs are open, and everything up high is in pretty good shape. Had lunch at Männlichen today - it was very quiet.
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
Looks like a little might be on the way, fingers crossed it doesnt dissapear again as it looks pretty mild thereafter
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Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
The current forecast isn't great, with heavy rain forecast on Wednesday up to and possibly above 2000 metres and 10 degrees sunshine on Friday:
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You'll need to Register first of course.
@DixieDean, it does look a bit grim. A 1 or 2 degree discrepancy in the forecast for Wednesday could mean 70cm of fresh snow at Scheidegg however, so fingers crossed. Not looking forward to the weekend heatwave though.

@RichieC43, The Swiss Covid checker app has been updated to include checking for 2G+, so you can download it and check your certs.

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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
@telford_mike, Thank you - we all check out for 2G+.......just need the weather to play ball now
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 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
The village is super-busy now. Every train from the valley is full of families. Kids all having a great time.

It’s mild, overcast and a bit gloomy. Everyone’s talking about the weather forecast, and hoping the valley doesn’t flood.
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
Rogerdodger wrote:
Thanks Mike it looks lovely. Let's hope the apple fritters continue...

I went to Brandegg this afternoon, the apple fritters are as good as ever. However it looks like they've got rid of the self-service area and it's table only service both indoors and outdoors. The relatively few waitressing staff were clearly rushed off their feet and it took ages for the order to be taken, the food delivered and for them to come back to settle up the bill. Maybe today was unusually busy (at about 14:30) but if that's typical then I can only advise avoiding it. Sad
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Ski the Net with snowHeads
Jungfrau Region in the news.
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snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
I flew into Zurich on Sunday and on the final leg of the train journey to Wengen you take the train from Interlaken Ost to Lauterbrunnen and then change platforms for the train going up to Wengen. Well in so doing and moving my big bag and skibag across I inadvertently left behind on the other train my backpack which had a wallet containing about £140 (but fortunately no credit or debit cards), a woollen hat and gloves, my phone charger and usb cable and more importantly my housekeys and car keyfob (I'd parked my car at Birmingham off airport parking)! Shocked I didn't realise I was missing the backpack until the train had started up to Wengen, too late! When I got to Wengen I called in to the station to report what had happened but they said it was too soon for the bag to be found and I should check back the next day i.e Monday. Well Monday came and went with no sign of the bag and I was resigning myself to it being lost but Tuesday morning I got a message from the railway company saying my bag had been found and I could collect it from Lauterbrunnen station. So I went down and collected it. A quick check showed that the cash had been taken out of the wallet Evil or Very Mad but everything else including housekeys and car keyfob was still there. Smile So I guess I can consider myself lucky to only have lost the cash. It'll teach me to be more careful in future, but at my age a momentary slip of the memory is easily done. The train was quite crowded and I was sitting on one of those fold down seats so I'd put the backpack on the floor just to the side and a bit underneath it. I was quite stressed out about it, but now it's been found and I've got everything back (bar the cash) I can relax a bit and enjoy the rest of my holiday! It still annoys me that some lowlife took the cash but at least I've got everything else back.
The railway charges CHF20 for the lost baggage reclaim service which is quite reasonable I suppose as they need to spend someone's time in doing the admin. So all in all an expensive mistake on my part, but it could have been a lot worse.
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And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
@Alastair Pink, a good result in the end. It could have been very time consuming and expensive to have to sort out house and car keys, and inconvenient to lose the phone charger. It sounds as if you travelled with passport and credit cards, CHF etc separately which was good, and no doubt the mobile phone with QR codes and all the info we have to travel with. As you say could have been worse.
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So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
@Pamski, yep.
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You know it makes sense.
@Alastair Pink, Glad to hear you got your important stuff back. I did the same with a bag a few years ago, it contained a bottle of very good scotch amongst other things. 24 hours later, the whisky and I were reunited.

Anyhow, rain is what we got today, and plenty of it too. Higher lifts at Mürren and First were closed as it was very windy, but miraculously everything remained open above Wengen. Avalanche danger is 4/5. Very few people skiing - the shops in the village had a good day. It’s currently +5C.

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 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
@telford_mike, yes I was pleased to get the important stuff back.

Because of the rain I thought I'd go across to Mürren this morning with it having higher skiing possibilities. When I got off the train at Winteregg and took the chairlift up about 09:30 there was actually a few cms of fresh powder snow on the pistes! Very Happy I skied over to the cablecar in Mürren thinking I'd go up to Birg, but it wasn't running - they said it was because of Lawinengefahr (avalanche danger). By this time it had started raining down at Mürren so I took the Schiltgrat chairlift up, at the top it was falling as wet snow. After a bit of skiing there my jacket and gloves were getting pretty well soaked, so I decided to have an early lunch in the Bellevue hotel (half a chicken in a basket with chips) Madeye-Smiley I then returned to Wengen back to my hotel to dry out Laughing

Incidentally I noticed that there are new station buildings at Winteregg since my last visit. I believe the BLM have plans for several upgrades, including new wheelchair accessible rolling stock?
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 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
telford_mike wrote:
Jungfrau Region in the news.

Cheryl and I are currently binge watching this on Netflix. Not an easy thing to do as it's got subtitles and the actor speak as though they are using a machine gun!! Very quirky!!
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Alastair Pink wrote:

Incidentally I noticed that there are new station buildings at Winteregg since my last visit. I believe the BLM have plans for several upgrades, including new wheelchair accessible rolling stock?

Yes, looks pretty swish!

Glad you got some skiing in today - many didn’t.
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Advice from our Wengen / Murren residents and experts please - we are having a very lively debate whether to move our February HT family holiday from France to the Jungfrau … Mrs F and I have stayed in Murren twice before and absolutely loved it. But I’m not quite sure whether either village will be interesting enough for 2 teens who just like to have a roam around for a couple of hours after skiing. Thoughts please? Thank you.
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
Also looking for opinions here… I’m due to go to Wengen in three weeks. Any predictions on the weather? I heard there might a warm spell to hit?
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Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
@franga, you may be better off staying in Wengen or Grindelwald as the train services between the villages operate well into the night from the look of the timetables. Unless your teens are old enough to be wanting apres-ski which involves only a few resort bars.
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You'll need to Register first of course.
@franga, Our kids always enjoyed Wengen when they were teens, but for more 'action' there’s always Grindelwald, although access to the skiing isn’t nearly as convenient.

@Gloggle, it’s warm at the moment, and will remain so for another couple of days according to the forecast. Then it cools down next week with snow. January is usually pretty reliable here. The BBC weather forecast for Wengen is usually pretty good.

The rain finally stopped and the sun came out this morning, leading to the biggest queue of the season at the Männlichen cable car.

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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
I still remember where most things are in Wengen, even how close that cable car in this photo was to my hotel!
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After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
How is the snow holding up after the rain?
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
@RichieC43, it’s getting a bit slick in places up the hill. This was the Figeller this afternoon though - soft, but no bare patches.

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Ski the Net with snowHeads
@telford_mike, thanks, any better a bit higher up?
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