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Aosta 16-23 February

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
I am Thomas / Thomas
I'm Polish
My English is bad Sad SORRY
I currently live in the UK Consett

I am 40 and my daughter (13 years old)
On Friday evening, 15 February leaving my car, on a ski holiday in the Italian Aosta Valley.
I'm looking for one or two people on this trip.
This can reduce the cost of.
Flights at this time are very expensive.

If one person is not important ski length.
If two skis or boards can not be longer 150cm
This will give comfort in the Audi A6
The cost of one person approximately 170 pounds
The cost of two people about 150 pounds
This is
Return journeys
Fee motorway France
Mont Blanc Tunnel Fee
collection of house and home delivery (route A1 and A1M)

I have a reservation at the ASOT
Room for two people is £ 390 with breakfast
For one person about 350 pounds
The hotel is 5 minutes from the gondola
Wish to book people write here or e-meil
Regards Thomas
Ps. Once again, sorry for my english

Last edited by Poster: A snowHead on Sat 3-11-12 22:42; edited 1 time in total
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
consett0805 wrote:

My English is bad Sad SORRY

Ps. Once again, sorry for my english

Better than my Polish.

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Laughing Madeye-Smiley snowHead
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
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