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Corvara / Sella Ronda vs Montgenevre /Via lattea

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Hello All - more questions, hope you can bear with me!

Am comparing Corvara / Sella Ronda and Montgenevre / Via lattea. we are a party of 5, 2 adults and 3 energeric and jkeen teens(13, 14, 15). Levels range from very experienced and pretty good, to upper intermediate down to lower intermerdiate (third trip for tw of the teens)

My impressions are below - any comments / input welcome.!

A friend of mine thinks Corvara is not snowboard friendly, though I'm not sure based on what. Generally frowned upon? Pistes not suitable in some way? A lot of drag lifts? anyone any thoughts?

corvara much more snowsure than Montg / VA, escpecially as SR has excellent snow making capability

Lifts infrasturcture in sR is modern and fast, meaning travel aournd the area is realtively easy; via Via lattea network is a bit creaky and it's basically as hassle to move around the VL (we are thinking of basing ourselves in montgenevre, though not necesssarilyt tied to it).

Corvara transfers from treviso of marco Polo seem pretty pricey. And its a bit far to drive from the UK, whereas we think we could manage the drive to Montg from the UK. I asked about Corvara transers before (thanks v much for all the help).One question remains - I think there is a bus service (Cortina Express) that looks very affordable , though it arrives in Corvara lateish (6;15or so). Ideally we'd want time to pick up ski hire and ski passes that evening (party of 5). Will places stay open long enouogh to enable that does anyone think?

As ever, responses v gratefully received...
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Long time since I've been to Montgenevre. Have been to Corvara a few times and returning.

Snow record in Montgenevre is pretty decent but rest of Via Latea less good.

I'm not a boarder but don't see any problems with Sella Ronda though bits of the Alta Badia are a bit flat.
Boarders who I went with to another bit of the Sella Ronda were enthusiastic.

Dolomites will certainly be a bit pricier and probably a bit busier.
Hire shops generally stay open late from memory on Sat night. Have got our lift passes in the morning without problems.
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Thanks very much...

I'd be interested in which part of the SR enthused the snowboarders if you can recall..??

My other question was about crowds. the thinking for italy rather than France is to avoid Feb half term crowds
GCSE year)as I've heard that the italians don'thave that holiday but the french do. So I'm guessing that while Corvara will be busier than the smaller resorts in the Via Lattea it wont be as hectic as the big French resorts (3 vallees etc).

And as Montgenevre is just in France, is that also going to be rammed?
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
@AllonsY, I think you are right in thinking that if you go to Montgenevre you are likely to do most of your skiing right there. Although the Via Lattea is marketed as a big interconnected area it isn't that easy to get between Montgenevre and the Sansicario-Sestriere-Sauze ski area. Whereas in Corvara you can expect to be skiing off to other places daily - with a keen crowd I would imagine you won't resist doing the Sella Ronda, probably in both directions, and the Hidden Valley.

Very different places. And it isn't clear to me why Montgenevre should be more "snowboard friendly" but what do I know about boarding.
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Thanks v much for that. Slowly confirming my suspicion that Corvara is the strongest bet...I've no idea where the snowboad thing came from. Perhaps from some of the flat bits as T Bar suggested...
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
@AllonsY, I've been to Montgenevre a number of times (as a snowboarder) there are some flat sections notably the low level link towards Claviere, but you are going to get that with any large ski area where linking routes are made up basically from mountain roads and tracks.

It can be made fun and you learn the next time to carry more speed. I am going to Arabba for the first time this year and have been addicted to the videos from Ustaria Posta (a small family hotel and restaurant in Badia). I am not sure of the owners name who makes the videos but they are superbly put together and show their many trips around Dolomiti Superski at all times of the winter over the last few years:

You will wonder why you have not been already!
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 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Haha yes thanks for that. Have seen the videos too and love them

there's only one snowboarder in the party - and from what you say both areas have 'flat bits' anyway (only to be expected as you point out), so I'm minded to minimise this as an objection to Corvara...
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 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
When I went with the boarders it was to Canazei, but they have been to other parts and enjoyed them.

I don't particularly know where crowds would be better or worse comparing Dolomites to milky way.
But I have been to the Dolomites a few times feb holidays and they can get very busy. Having said that Corvara is definitely one of the best places for accessing the main circuit for crowds.
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AllonsY wrote:
Thanks very much...

I'd be interested in which part of the SR enthused the snowboarders if you can recall..??

My other question was about crowds. the thinking for italy rather than France is to avoid Feb half term crowds
GCSE year)as I've heard that the italians don'thave that holiday but the french do. So I'm guessing that while Corvara will be busier than the smaller resorts in the Via Lattea it wont be as hectic as the big French resorts (3 vallees etc).

And as Montgenevre is just in France, is that also going to be rammed?

the italians do not have holidays , but if you go the week where the schools are closed for carneval in Germany + Austria + the holidays (Krokus Holidays) in Holland, then Corvara etc will be so crowded as France
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 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
Thanks Turms2.

it looks like a mixed picture on that front, but I' m guessing the facct that Germany is mostly not on holiday then will be the key factor - ie not as busy as it could be...

It looks like Germany's February holidays this year don't coincide with 15-22 (UK half term for us at least except some crossover with Saxony.

Austria seems to have some overlap (though I'm guessing it's regional),%3A%20February%203%20%2D%2022%2C%202025

Holland's North region seems to coincide with us
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 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
the carneval Week in Germany this year (school holidays in Bayern and Baden-W) is the frist Week of March.
Only the Crocus Hoildays are in February 15.02.2025 (Sa / Sat) – 02.03.2025 (So / Sun) but i suppose will be not so crowded since the Germans will be not there.

PS United Kingdom: Winter Half-Term: February 17 - 21, 2025

is that so? for the whole UK? that will be really good for us since we will be in France for the first March Week....
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 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
Thanks again!

UK half term - for us - is 15.02-22.02 (sat- sat). We're in London and that's what most of the London schools seem to be doing.

I think a lot of (state) schools will have the same half term but not necessarily all. Some may have it a week before and some a week after; to be honest I'm not 100% sure of the system (if there is one ,which, knowing the UK there might not be).

Private schools have their own timetables, I think each school decides this for themselves.....

first week of March you should be fine though from a UK tourist point of view as this holiday is pretty much universally called the ' february half term' .
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 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
@turms2, first week in March 2025 is definitiely French holidays still, although it is thelast week of the 4 which is split between three regions all taking 2 weeks, Details here
ski holidays
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
I like both areas. Easier to travel long distances in the Sella Ronda (The single link to most of the Italian part of the Milky Way is down in a valley which may need a lift down to if the snow line is a problem, but there is plenty to do anyway). The off piste is more obvious in Montgenevre (you need a guide to find it in the Sella Ronda and it is mostly steep). Most of the pistes in the Sella Ronda area are easy, except around Arabba.
ski holidays
 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
I've been to both areas and liked them, but I would pick Corvara for HT week all other things being equal, as it coincides with Paris week, so French resorts will be rammed.

Don't expect it not to be busy on the Sella Ronda though. Feb is high season. The Danes will likely be out in force in Canazei, but at least it's not Fasching (Lent/Carnival) week, so not contending with hordes of Bavarians.

Perhaps there's more chance of a dump in snowy Montgenevre, snowboarders generally like it fresh and deep so they can play off the side of the piste??

Last edited by Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name: on Wed 25-09-24 19:58; edited 1 time in total
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 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Car rental in Italy in winter might well be more affordable than private transfers. Can't think why Corvara would be problematical for snowboarders, but I've only skied there. Smart, up to date lifts - don't remember any drags. I would 100% go for Corvara over anywhere in France during those busy French school holiday weeks.
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
AllonsY wrote:

first week of March you should be fine though from a UK tourist point of view as this holiday is pretty much universally called the ' february half term' .

UK skier numbers aren't a significant factor in the vast majority of resorts anyway.

For France it's their own school holidays...

...and the French are still on holiday first week of March, though as @Hells Bells says it tails off that last week snowHead
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