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Flexible lift passes/child minding

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
we are thinking about a ski trip next March with the new grand-daughter and her parents. She will be 1 and won't be able to ski so the plan would be for me/Mrs PG and mum/dad to take it in turns baby-sitting while the other two ski. We might want to meet up for lunch on the hill so was just wondering if any European (preferably Italian) resorts did flexible lift passes (eg ski 3 out of 6 days)? Plan B would be to buy two lift passes and swap them round, then buy a day pass if we wanted to meet on the hill (or hike up with her). However, I assume that most passes are non-transferable?
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Yup non transferable but some resorts do a parent pass, parents can alternate using it. It may be for the parents only rather than carers/grand parents but could be a part solution
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Take Cervinia for example, although I suspect that this is similar for most other ski resorts, a 6 day lift pass is 311.5 euros and a day pass is 59 euros. If you bought 12 days worth of 1 day passes that would cost you 85 euros more in total than 2 six day passes or 21.25 euros per adult. In the grand scheme of a ski holiday this is a fairly trivial amount of money and I wouldn't base your choice of location on there being a special 3 days out of 6 deal or similar trying to avoid this small penalty
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You need to Login to know who's really who.

buy a day pass if we wanted to meet on the hill (or hike up with her)

You wouldn't have to do either - you can generally just buy a return ticket on a gondola.
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
The zillertal offers a 4 days out of 6 pass which might help.
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
As @Origen says, a lot of places offer pedestrian tickets on gondolas at reasonable prices. Your situation isn't uncommon.

Not sure whether you would get away with swapping lift passes though, some places take mug photos.
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Foot passenger tickets on chairlifts from the valley in Austria, doesn't have to be a gondola, but usually just the first lift to a mid station where there are restaurants
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 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
Any resort website should be able to tell you which lifts are available to pedestrians. In the places I know, some chairlifts are, some aren't. There isn't generally a big saving for buy multi-day tickets compared to day passes, and sometimes you can get a 3 hour pass which would be good for a lunchtime jaunt. Websites should have all the details, though they can be confusing. When I did a complicated exercise which took ages, looking at the options for family group, the differences just weren't worth a lot of faff, compared to the overall cost of the holiday. And in the event, weather can make a big difference so plans made in advance might fall apart.
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
holidayloverxx wrote:
Foot passenger tickets on chairlifts from the valley in Austria, doesn't have to be a gondola, but usually just the first lift to a mid station where there are restaurants

Some resorts (like Dachstein West) also offer ski any 4 from 6 days plus also offer a ski ticket swap between parents of children where childcare is a requirement.
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 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
Not related to lift passes, but with quite a lot of experience of grand-child sitting in ski resorts, I stress that most of the time a 12 month old baby will be doing exactly the same things they do at home and unless you are uncommonly lucky with the weather, much of that will be indoors. So - it will be important to have space for her to crawl or toddle around and pull herself up and explore everything within sight, some toys to play with (or any kind of objects to put in and out of doors and drawers and baskets, they don't have to be from a "toy shop") and somewhere comfy and baby proof to sleep whilst you are close by and able to fix drinks and snacks and sit with your feet up and enjoy yourselves. I was once in charge of a crawling 11 month old and running out of ideas as she got tired and cross. I put her in one of those big blue Ikea bags and swung her back and forth between my legs. She loved it, and dropped off after a few minutes. I was sure she'd wake up if I tried to transfer her to a bed so I hung the bag on a door handle, taking elaborate precautions to ensure she had plenty of air. I have never lived it down, in the family..... Laughing

Somewhere to stay where she can have a short potter out in the snow when the weather is nice is ideal - but they will be SHORT potters as she's unlikely to be very good at keeping mittens on, and hands will soon be miserably cold. My grandkids weren't good at sunglasses either, unlike all those cute little Italian and French kids. And you do need to watch out for the dog poo.

The upshot of this being that you might be far more comfortable in a nice, and well-located apartment, which provides a pleasant environment for quite long stints, than confined to a hotel bedroom.

Have a lovely time!
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snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
@PetGriffin, Have a look at the family offers here. I think you'd need two of the "Young Family tickets" and only buy an extra foot passenger ticket when needed.
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 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
Thanks all for your comments: @RedandWhiteFlachau - we were in Ski Amade two years ago and would definitely return so will check out the Young Family passes. @Origen - thanks for the tips, especially your comments about apartments which confirmed our initial thoughts.
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