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La Rosiere or somewhere else?

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
We are a family of 5, 3 adventurous older teens. We had a great week in La Rosiere last December, thanks to replies here we booked a lovely apartment. We are looking to book a week somewhere for this December, ideally christmas week but may be week prior due to availability. So tempted to go back to La Rosiere as overall was really good but aware so many other resorts, feel we should try another place. Any suggestions for another high altitude resort, smallish feel, mix of blues and reds. We will be driving. Someone mentioned Montgenevre might be good for us but I wonder if more suited to younger families? Bit overwhelmed when looking at so many places, could do with whittling down to a few. Any ideas would be very welcome.
Many thanks!
snow report
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
@Pewiclewth, Montgenevre would be good for Christmas week and your adventurous teens could ski off to Sauze/Sestriere if they got bored in Montgenevre itself. Although I'd say that there is enough in Montgenevre and Claviere (Monts de lune area) to keep most people happy for a week. The advantage it has over la Rosiere is plenty of tree lined runs in case of white out conditions.

If you want to go the week before Christmas you really need to go to a resort that will have a decent amount of the ski area open. (Montgenevre doesn't tend to open the south facing slopes until Christmas week and this isn't due to lack of snow but lack of people I think) Pre Christmas you are probably best off going to Tignes Val D'Isere or Les Arcs.
snow conditions
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
As @snowymum, your problem is not with the suggested resorts but with going as early as 14th December. There are few places other than the very high resorts where you can be sure of good early snow - La Rosiere and Montgenevre may well be good but might not be. They tend (mostly) to be reliable around New Year week.

The usual advice is to book high, or wait until the last minute when the snow cover and forecast is known but that isn't ideal when you have a family to organise. But having said that, Montgenevre has the reputation of catching the snow in early season when the other Milky Way resorts struggle so it could be worth the gamble. I haven't been to La Rosiere around Christmas/New Year so I don't know, but my impression is that it has a more south-facing aspect than many resorts which might cause problems in a low snow year.
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 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
Yes, go high (Tignes/Val d'sere, Les Arcs, Trois Vallée, perhaps Zermatt). Those sort of places tend to have some of their best snow the week before Christmas (which is obviously cheaper).
ski holidays
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Montgenevre is a fair drive from Calais, and you will be very close to other resorts such as Valfréjus, La Norma and Valloire as you drive up the Maurienne valley. Having said that the only time we went to Valfréjus in early January there was no snow at all and we had to be bussed to other resorts.
ski holidays
 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
Thanks for all your replies. I think we must have been really lucky for the last 2 years with plenty of snow in La Rosiere at the first week of the season! Some good options to look into.
Thank you!
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