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 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Just wanted to put a few words in for Pila in the Aosta Valley.

I absolutely love this place. Spent four weeks skiing there in the spring of 2023 And it was glorious. Size is perfect - Cozy but not small And bags of variety. Top is 2700 and the base at 1500 so you’re getting 1200 m of vertical. Really good free ride, especially after a powder fall. Pistes are good for all levels. And the piste preparation is absolutely superb. If you see a one inch bump, it’s time to complain. Also, this part of the world has a superb dry sunny climate because of the rain shadow from Mont Blanc. So loads of sunny days.

Not sure I’d recommend staying in Pila itself. Better to base yourself in aosta , which is a lovely Roman town and there is a super relaxing gondola that pretty much goes from just outside the town centre.

Also super easy access from Turin or even Milan.

Genuinely one of the nicest resorts I have skied in. I introduced the resort to a mountain guide friend from Chamonix Who had never actually Skied there and he said it was the nicest day he’d ever had on piste

PS apologies for the random capitalisation. F***ing iphone dictation Sad
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Only skied a day there, but I would agree, there was something that just seemed right about what on paper is a small resort.
snow report
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Concur 100%

We loved it. Seriously considering returning this coming season. Barely scratched the surface for what's on offer within a 1hr radius of Aosta
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 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
Looking forward to visiting Pila and the aosta area 2nd week in March next year.
snow report
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
It's also great for short trips - I flew to Turin early Friday morning and was skiing by lunchtime, left at about 3pm on the Monday and was home in the UK that night.
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