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Major road closure in Switzerland

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Dont think this link is behind the paywall but you will have to use Google translate unless you read German

Basically recent very heavy rains have triggered landslides which have washed away a section of the A13 Autobahn on the southern approach to the San Bernadino pass. Its the only major trans alpine road crossing between the Gotthard & the Brenner. Could be a long and slow detour until the road reopens. I would assume the Swiss will try to get some of the road open asap but even so would assume restrictions in place for some time to replace the washed away section as cant see it being an easy or short project to replace the entire section of road.

Swiss TV report
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Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
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Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Mein Gott! Shocked
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Copied from another place:

Someone from the Federal Roads Office talked to the press yesterday. 3 to 4 weeks to repair and open half the A13 (San Bernardino tunnel highway). This estimate relies on the assumption of no more storms and repair works can be done safely.

A13: So sollen die Reparaturarbeiten starten - News - SRF

This means traffic at Gotthard tunnel will be miserable for the next month, and probably dangerous. All those caravans being pulled with a tired car engine and stuck for hours in a climb are just a time bomb. Either a simple breakdown or fire. So, quick summary of how to read the signals at Gotthard:

Yellow blinking light: incident in the tunnel, e.g. broken car, so drive carefully.

Red light: DO NOT ENTER THE TUNNEL because fire, accident or big objects on the road.

More details on the link and also what to do in case car problem or fire (DE, FR and IT) Que faire en cas de panne dans un tunnel ? – En route – le blog de l'OFROU
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