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ACL Knee braces

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead

Could anyone please offer some advise based on experience.

Back in Feb I had a fall on the slopes and like many have torn my ACL, pending an operation I’m still desperate to ski with my family in Feb. Despite the injury day to day life isn’t so bad however when I went to try it out at Milton Keynes it became apparent there was no chance of having any natural control over my left ski. I made it down the slope once and put the skis away.

I’ve been looking at braces and I’ve been informed that many people still ski with ACL injuries. I don’t mind within reason what the brace costs as long as it works. Does anyone have any experience with these braces? Could anyone recommend a brand and is there anywhere I can try one before I buy so not to waste the money if it’s unsuccessful.

Desperately trying to keep the family happy.

Many thanks
ski holidays
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
@Lansdale1, i ruptured my ACL last December, and skied in Feb and April in a brace (surgery after it, in May).

BUT I also followed a rehab program from early Dec focused on getting my knee as strong as possible without surgery, and had to accept that my skiing was a lot more limited (skied 4 out of 6 days, and some of those were short, and taking it much easier than usual).

Everyone's experience is different - please find an experieced physio or rehab coach and work with them. I'm so glad I did - it also made a huge difference to life immediately after surgery, having strengthened and prepped muscles beforehand.

Brace - Donjoy Armor Fourcepoint has been great for me, and was recommended by a physio. The same physio also suggested if possible I try a few, as fit is very important re. effectiveness of the functionality. That one suits me. They can also be picked up second hand for reduced prices, if you're confident of the fit.
snow conditions
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?

1. Wot @fixx said

2. My pre-op knee was totally stable. I could happily have skied on it.

Yours sounds wildly different and I’m unconvinced as a physicist not a doctor that a brace will help. I think you’ll just do (maybe a lot) more damage.

And I’m fairly sure you’ll set your op, recovery and outcome back.
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 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
@under a new name makes a very good point about your current stability.

I was still able to ski the day after rupturing mine, with a very lightweight brace. I thought I'd strained my LCL, not ruptured my ACL! It was more difficult to ski, but I still could and did for several days.

Please see a specialist for advice. There are plenty of people on the forum who have had knee injuries including ACL - someone will probably be able to recommend someone near you.
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Thanks for coming back, appreciate your time and advise.
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