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Imbrace leggings

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Has anyone tried the Imbrace leggings currently being advertised by Chemmy Alcott? The ones with built in knee braces and hip support? I twisted my knee on the last trip and have another coming up, not sure whether to give them a try.
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Why not just get a knee support and wear it with normal leggings? Probably cheaper, and can use it for other stuff.
ski holidays
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
I’ve got some. I find knee supports uncomfortable as I’m only 5ft and they never seem to stay put in the right place.

I ordered some Inbrace leggings and have been using them for two weeks. I think they are good. I wear Skins anyway so not that unfamiliar a feeling. They are very tight around the reinforced by areas so they go on a bit like a wet suit- inching the material up rather than pulling them on.

I don’t think they are as supportive as a strong knee brace, but I can definitely feel the added support. They feel very similar to Skins- but with reinforced tighter bits around the knee and ITBand areas.

My skins are mid calf which I prefer for skiing as I don’t want them in my boots. I like my boots tight with a direct feeling, so I fold them up a bit which seems to be fine. Also, they are definitely not as warm as my thermal skins and as I am in bitterly cold Canada I can feel the difference.

Hope that helps @Soozm,
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
Also, good customer service. Website was showing my size out of stock. Rang the CS number, someone rang me back within the hour- said website doesn’t always update- I had the leggings within 48 hours.
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
I have a pair, they are good and very comfortable. I just wear them as baselayers under my trousers. Lynnecha is right they are not quite as supportive as specific knee support but they still do a good job, plus they are supportive in other areas - for me small of the back. You can read a detailed review here:
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You'll need to Register first of course.
And here's my review Laughing

I've used them right throughout the season across a whole load of disciplines, from ski touring through to cross-country skiing (skating).

Though hands down the best bit of kit I tested this season for knees was the Ski Mojo

But we're talking a whole different type of brace !!
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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
No idea how they compare to Imbrace leggings, but I have fancy stoko ones for skiing and sports generally, they seem to work very well.

They have Boa cables that you can adjust to give more or less support.
I used to use a full on carbon fibre knee brace; the stoko tights do not feel like quite the same kind if rigid support, but rather a much more progressive support. You can feel them tightening up and supporting more, the more you move

I was also initially a bit worried about how they would work with ski boots, since I too used to have 3/4 leggings so they didn't go into the liner, but actually they work as they are quite tight fitting and the hem is very flat.
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