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DBahn Xmas Strikes??

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Winter sports holiday makers who travel to the Alps by train around Christmas may be in for an unpleasant surprise.

The German Drivers' Union (GDL) is threatening a long strike if Deutsche Bahn does not comply with its demands. The Christmas holidays themselves are also at risk, according to several German media outlets.

It is a result of a heated conflict between the union and Deutsche Bahn. The latter has proposed a wage increase of 11% during negotiations, but the union is also demanding a reduction in the working week from 38 to 35 hours. Deutsche Bahn did not respond to this, so the train drivers may soon start warning strikes. In addition, the Christmas holidays are at risk.

In the past, the union has shown that it is capable of paralyzing rail traffic across Germany for extended periods during collective bargaining, according to the ADAC.

There is also criticism of the strike plans. Passenger association Pro Bahn takes a clear stance against the union: their demand for a 35-hour working week with full pay compensation would mean that Deutsche Bahn would have to hire 10,000 new drivers. 'There simply aren't any', according to the association.

Contingency plan for the Christmas holidays

Deutsche Bahn is now working on an emergency plan to get through the Christmas period. In the event of strikes, longer ICEs are planned to be used on busy routes, including the Cologne - Stuttgart - Munich route, which is widely used by winter sports enthusiasts. So-called XXL-ICEs would be used, which are 376 meters long and have 918 seats.
There would then be 140 trains a day instead of the usual 700.

Cross-border connections to Austria and Switzerland, among others, must be maintained with the help of foreign drivers.


Striiking Today 16th November


With Holiday Period Train Uncertainty this will massively increase Traffic on the Roads into Austria & Switzerland
snow report
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
They've had one round of talks so far. There's still time for this to be sorted by Christmas.
snow report
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
dbbahn (German railways) dispute is not over .

The Xmas Holiday truce is over

The GDL (union) has threatned 5 consecutive days of continuous of strikes. Which would paralyse Germany & beyond

However, they will not be from tomorrow as there is a new offer being reviewed..but next Strike could begin on Wednesday 10th January.

This also halt all the S bahn services and from Munich Airport

The regional Rail Companys (From Munich to Salzburg & Kuftstein etc ) can be severely impacted as many of the Dispatchers are in the GDL Union


German Farmers.& Hauliers .(Dutch Farmers will join in support)

From tomorrow Monday 8th

Road , Autobahn Blockcades ..

No one knows where yet ..but for sure on the German / Dutch border but likely be spreading to most regions of Germany.
ski holidays
 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
Blooming DASLEF Sad
snow report
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
OK Folks

More Strikes this week

The GDL has announced that it will strike from Thursday, 02.00 a.m. (freight traffic already from Wednesday, 6.00 p.m.) to Friday, 1.00 p.m. (freight traffic until Friday, 05.00 a.m.). DB assumes that the GDL strike will have a massive impact on rail operations.

The GDL (Union) has coordinated this one to coincide at the same time with

Lufthansa Ground Crew Strikes

The GDL has also said they will NOT be giving the current 48hour notice period after this weeks stoppage..There will be lightning annoucemnents..

This will have a massive impact on peoples Easter Holidays .... to travel or not decisions ....
ski holidays
 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
New Lightning Strike called for tomorrow (Tuesday) from 02:00 until Wednesday 02:00

This effect all Dbahn services including Sbahn for anyone coming from Munich Airport

Deutchebahn are trinc to get it halted in the Courts...... We will see
latest report

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