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4.5 million fine for building chalets without proper planning permission

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Businessman Stéphane Courbit and two of his companies were sentenced on Friday by the Albertville Criminal Court to fines totaling 4.5 million euros, for the illegal construction of high-end chalets in Courchevel ( Savoie), according to our colleagues at AFP.

At the heart of the debate, three chalets with a floor space of 6,198 meters in an upscale area of the famous ski resort of the Alps, with a construction site launched without a permit and regularized subsequently. It all started in 2019, when Stéphane Courbit, on behalf of Lov Group Invest and via Solières, wanted to build three chalets in the Jardin Alpin, the most expensive district of Courchevel (around 20,000 euros per square meter according to local real estate agencies).

The company SNC Solières had therefore submitted an application for a building permit, but the work had started immediately in 2020, without the permit having been accepted. The mayor got involved in October: he refused the building permit and issued an order to interrupt the construction site, which also did not respect the local town planning plan. Unfortunately, it has no effect and the work continues.

This Friday, Stéphane Courbit, the company Lov Group Invest represented by the businessman and the company SNC Solières represented by Lov Group Invest, were all three fined 1.5 million euros, including 500,000 suspended for Stéphane Courbit and the company SAS Lov Group Invest. The construction company Spie Batignolles Sud was also fined 200,000 euros for having “accepted the carrying out of work on the basis of an unissued building permit.”

In this case, the Savoie departmental council, led by Hervé Gaymard (LR), and the mayor of Courchevel Jean-Yves Pachod (without label) had allowed the work to be regularized a posteriori. But a local resident and a citizen association had contacted the criminal court following a direct summons.

Interesting that Hervé Gaymard, who is a dodgy geezer but keeps getting voted back in, arranged for planning permission to be given after the event. I wonder what he was paid for that?
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
@davidof, just read through the link, translated to English, and it doesn't mention how much the 3 chalets are worth on the open market in Courchevel, but presumably 4.5million euro fine is a drop in the ocean compared to this.

worth taking a risk, even without the Russian oligarch's ruble's slushing around at the moment Shocked Shocked
snow report
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
@terrygasson, about 130 million !
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 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.

6,198 meters

Or 0.62 ha, more than the size of a football pitch. Gulp, double gulp. If we assume that the average ski apartment is 30m2 that is over 200 ski apartments. Or 70 new build 3 bedroom houses in the UK.

I trust the ofending building was demolished.
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.

I trust the ofending building was demolished

or a sizable donation to the local "charity" to keep it in place
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
johnE wrote:

I trust the ofending building was demolished.

If you or I had built it, it would be. Not so sure if you have powerful connections.
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 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
My house has 4 floors and 5-6 bedrooms, depending on which you count. It’s considered rather nice by visitors. It’s perhaps 320m2, 350 being generous.

2000m2 isn’t a chalet, it’s a hotel.
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