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New youth mobility scheme - working in Andorra

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
There’s often questions on here about working in ski areas. Andorra has reached an agreement with the U.K. to make it easier for young people to work here. They’ve simplified the process meaning that you don’t need a sponsor (employer) to get a work permit. The work permit is also valid for one year and not just for a few months like you would get with a touristic season work permit. It might be limited to just 100 applicants though.

As someone who lives in Andorra, I’m not sure how easy it’ll be to find work outside of tourism/hospitality unless the young person speaks good Catalan or Spanish, and there are some employers who would insist on Catalan. There’s just not a huge demand in any area of work (education possibly) for anyone who can’t speak one of those languages. I’m rubbish at both but I have to speak English all day at work and work in education. The other problem with Andorra is accommodation. It’s relatively expensive and difficult to find. That said, other living expenses are quite reasonable - council tax equivalent is tiny, I pay around €30 a month electricity (decent sized 2 bedroom apartment), and I pay €50 a month for water and heating (community charge on the apartment block). Food costs a similar amount to the U.K. but drinking out costs less. Crime is practically non existent.

Anyway, someone may find this interesting/useful.

Last edited by Poster: A snowHead on Wed 7-02-24 0:28; edited 1 time in total
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
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