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Grease and wax - checking in on my current maintenance

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
I'm aware that I'm overdue checking in on how I'm carrying out DIY maintenance on my skis and bindings. I'm more than competent when it comes to bikes but ski equipment involves different materials, demands, and conditions - therefore I'm hoping I can update a couple of my more lazier practices with your help...

1. I've been using the same wax for too long without keeping myself up to date with the latest information and technology. I started using Butta probably around ten years ago because they seemed to be the only company that were addressing the need for a wax that reduced fluorocarbon pollution on the mountain. I like to do what I can (within certain parameters) to reduce my impact on the environment which I why I changed wax, I've never really been happy with Butta as it isn't as nice to apply as what I was using before (Swix something or other?! can't remember now), but I just accepted it as a trade off for not spreading crap all over the mountain... I understand that the low-flouro Butta might not be as environmentally friendly as they make out but it was a step in the right direction at the time...

Now that a lot of waxes are marketed as low-flouro, what is a good alternative? Something that doesn't give you that horrible stickiness when scraping/brushing and gives you a nice glide for at least a couple of days.
Appreciate your recommendations.

2. My binding maintenance has consisted of a good clean every year with a regrease of lithium on mating surfaces, and bearing grease on moving parts (release rollers, pin pivots, lever pivots, brake mechs, risers etc); however I am pretty sure neither of these are fit for purpose given the moisture and temperature conditions bindings are subject to...

I was reading through my shift manual today looking for a recommendation for a proper grease, but all I could find was 'Grease reference L0009050001' which doesn't seem to be explained anywhere else... Is this basically an Amer part code that shops order, or an I missing something somewhere? It would be handy if someone would be able point me towards an off-the-shelf grease that meets the spec of 'L0009050001' so I know that I'm using the right stuff!

As always, really appreciate the collective wisdom!

Happy new year.

Last edited by Poster: A snowHead on Tue 16-01-24 10:32; edited 1 time in total
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Bumping with the hope that someone understands greases, and also looking for wax recommendations.
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
There is this,
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 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
This thread, started quite a few years ago but updated has some good advice from Spyderjon.

I'm sure he'll be along sometime to confirm what the best practice is.
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
@Thomasski, On #1 - I don't sweat it. I ski at back bottom ends of the season so can have all sorts of temps and snow. So just use a "universal" wax. No idea about low-fluro and stuff but I bought a job lot when a few years ago and with the pandemic it means I haven't bought any new for a good while. When I do I will read up a bit but it's not like I am a big user like racers so not going to sweat the environmental angle too hard.

On #2 - I am really wary of using any kind of grease, spray, whatever on my bindings as I fear I may do more harm than good. TBH, I don't much with them. I just make sure when I get back from holiday the skis are separated and left out to dry thoroughly.
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
prometheus wrote:
There is this,

Hmm, that looks more like a penetrating lube which would possibly be useful for some parts (AFD?) - it doesn't look anything like the translucent sticky stuff that the bindings leave the factory with though... Thanks for the link.
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 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
olderscot wrote:
This thread, started quite a few years ago but updated has some good advice from Spyderjon.

I'm sure he'll be along sometime to confirm what the best practice is.

Interesting, thanks! The links are dead but I see Jon recommends PG-75 which is quite close to what I've been using... It's not visually the same stuff that Salomon use but if it matches the spec then it's a winner!
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 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
Layne wrote:
@Thomasski, On #1 - I don't sweat it. I ski at back bottom ends of the season so can have all sorts of temps and snow. So just use a "universal" wax. No idea about low-fluro and stuff but I bought a job lot when a few years ago and with the pandemic it means I haven't bought any new for a good while. When I do I will read up a bit but it's not like I am a big user like racers so not going to sweat the environmental angle too hard.

On #2 - I am really wary of using any kind of grease, spray, whatever on my bindings as I fear I may do more harm than good. TBH, I don't much with them. I just make sure when I get back from holiday the skis are separated and left out to dry thoroughly.

I hear you on #1, I just feel that it's such an easy thing to change that it would play on my mind if I didn't... I know it's a drop in the ocean but it's my drop!

As for #2, mine definitely need a bit of care every so often - I find that a lot of the exposed moving parts get gunged up quite easily and doing nothing to keep them slick could be problematic for release and usability... I've never noticed any adverse effects to materials in all the years I've done it, it's just the grease I use doesn't seem to stay as long as the stock ones do... Sad
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