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How to clean white Ski Trousers

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead

Hey all,

Looking for some advice regarding cleaning my white Ski trousers, currently I have dirt stains on the bottom of the back of the trouser and trying to clean them or scrub them off and it just won't come off. Also I am trying to figure out a way to reduce the leg length by an inch as it's gett caught in my bindings when I ski. They are Colmar by Jon Olsson ski trousers.

Any recommendations?
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Have you put them through the washing machine using the washing instructions on the label? I avoid light coloured ski gear for the simple reason that dirt tends to become ingrained no matter what you do, so I think it’s unlikely they will every get back to being pristine unfortunately.
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Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
To clean- get them wet (I use the shower), lie them flat and scrub with neat biological washing liquid. Leave overnight. Rinse off. If that doesn’t work, repeat but instead scrub with vanish oxy action powder and leave 30-60 mins.

Then a gentle but long duration 30 degree machine wash, no spin, drip dry to damp, and tumble dry. If necessary, decathlon reproofing spray to get the water repellency back up to original performance.

I don’t bother with Nikwax type cleaning agents, I find them ineffective and expensive.

Have done this numerous times with the kids brightly coloured salopettes.

To shorten, take in a small tuck of fabric somewhere between the wear patches at the ankle, and the knee.
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
@Theobane, they're not brand new*, now, are they? Dirt (and oils/greases) can get ingrained ...

I'd go with @snowdave's protocol, although I have used Nikwax products on lots of things for many years and always been happy. Mind you, I have not tested against soap flakes, nor whether the wash thru proofing is actually more effective than just washing and tumbling/ironing.

* hahah! I just googled to see what the fabric is ... Olsson quit Colmar in 2011 so they're really not new Twisted Evil

Don't buy white.
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Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Effective in cleaning this type of deposit or similar products from that area of cleaning.

Try on small descreet area, usable for car cleaning too Very Happy
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You'll need to Register first of course.
White duct tape
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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Surely the point of white ski kecks is

a) posing only a la Victoria Beckham type influencer


b) accelerating an appropriate level of grime and dirt to get to a rad seasoned skier sort of vibe
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After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
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wouldn't degreaser and bleach doe the trick?
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Ski the Net with snowHeads
Thanks for all the advice! They are around 8 or 9 years old now, had them while I was still an instructor and I finished up in 2015 doing that so they are fairly old. However they are really comfy to wear and apart from the heel, the rest is in good condition.

I have washed it before in a washing machine using the settings on the tag and also replied waterproof coating (can't remember the brand). Before I did that I scrubbed the area with a brush and used at the time bleach for the first time and second time I tried Vanish which resulted the current look you see now.

Thanks @snowdave and everyone else for the advice, il let me know how it goes!
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snowHeads are a friendly bunch.

an appropriate level of grime and dirt to get to a rad seasoned skier sort of vibe

I think that's now the answer, if your influencer days are over. I was once in a ski lesson group with a woman always beautifully made up (made up for the fact I wasn't....) with the compulsory long blonde hair. Her boyfriend (an older man Toofy Grin ) used to bring her to lessons, carrying her skis, and pick her up at the end. She clearly expected the instructor to pick her up in the middle, if necessary and because her all in one white suit (it was a while ago) was at least 1.65 sizes too small for her she struggled to bend her legs enough to get up on her own, which is what he left her to do (one of the other men in the group would always rush to her rescue, of course..... rolling eyes )
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And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
pam w wrote:
one of the other men in the group would always rush to her rescue, of course..... rolling eyes

I've recently been informed this kind of bloke is called a "simp";

as I'm not on TokTik this had passed me by.
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So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
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 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
pam w wrote:

an appropriate level of grime and dirt to get to a rad seasoned skier sort of vibe

I think that's now the answer, if your influencer days are over. I was once in a ski lesson group with a woman always beautifully made up (made up for the fact I wasn't....) with the compulsory long blonde hair. Her boyfriend (an older man Toofy Grin ) used to bring her to lessons, carrying her skis, and pick her up at the end. She clearly expected the instructor to pick her up in the middle, if necessary and because her all in one white suit (it was a while ago) was at least 1.65 sizes too small for her she struggled to bend her legs enough to get up on her own, which is what he left her to do (one of the other men in the group would always rush to her rescue, of course..... rolling eyes )

Seriously slacking for a Euro denomination ski instructor Toofy Grin Laughing an Italian one of which would have been on the case before those perfectly encased buttocks hit the snow part way through a fall.

Could that be Italian Proprioception Laughing

I was instructed by one (absolutely brilliant approach to instruction by the way) that wouldn't appear in the village in goggles, stopped prior to piste heading into village to remove and install sunglasses, styling his hair first in the mirror shades. Very Happy as said though, some of the best instruction I've had skiing.
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 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
@ski3, Laughing doveva fare la bella figura
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 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
But...but...I've seen loads of TV adverts for Daz, Ariel etc showing kids in good as new, gleaming white T-shirts after they've belly flopped through a mudbath! Laughing

Not sure how it's ever been allowed! Shocked
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
I would say that dirt is far too ingrained to come out now !!

Take them to a Tailoring shop for shortening - that would hide the worse of the dirt !!!
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Leave 'em - even if you got the back to pristine they'd soon be back to this and worse after a walk through the usual slush, crud, road-grime and emulsified dog-eggs which make up most base areas.
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
@Theobane, we use these to clean and re-waterproof our ski gear

I had to do my daughters dirty white ski coat recently - I applied the tech wash directly to the stain before washing, seemed to bring it out a treat.

EDIT: just seen that some people have had mixed results with Nikwax but seems to have worked well for us.
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
The OH has a white and grey musto ski jacket that she loves. It got dripped on from the cable of the chairlift last Christmas on a rather raining day in the PDS. Sods law, it landed on the white bit of her jacket leaving a nice black, grimey, oily mark.

Normally, I use just standard washing up liquid to get rid of anything oil based and it tends to do a good job. But you have to get it on the stain quickly. Not this case this time. So I tackled it in various ways when we got home:

1: tried rubbing/dabbing in washing up liquid, letting it sit then washed on a normal wash following the label. Had a tiny positive effect but still obvious.
2: went to my next port of call which has worked for me in the past. Dr Beckmanns stain devils. This usually work quite well. Followed the instructions. Didn't budge the stain at all.
3: went back at it with washing up liquid again. Let it sit. Then hit it with some Bicarbonate of Soda and white vinegar. Let it sit and fizz away. Then gave a little scrub in. Then hit it again with a fresh hit. Repeated this quite a few times. Then threw it in the wash with some Nikwax tech wash and a dash of extra bicarbonate.

After the final wash and letting it dry out, I was very pleasantly surprised that the stain was almost completely gone. If you study the jacket really hard, you can just see a slight, slight mark. But if you didn't know it was there you wouldn't notice it. The OH was very happy.

So you can get the stain out. Just depends on how much you love the item and if it'll earn you many brownie points for doing so!
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You'll need to Register first of course.
Interesting @Fridge03, in that the drip from lift hardware was fairly resilient.

Guessing at makeup being elements of ferrous, zinc (from galvanised surfaces) small black rubber particals from the cable tyres etc are all similar to road vehicle detritus.

Also, nuclei of snowflake are non biological and usually of dust / pollution particals, pollen too and seen as snow melts from high volumes to leave that characteristic black concentrated marking visible after the lovely whiteness we mostly experience.

All of this seems to me likely to respond to that traffic film remover product formation to remove it. Much of these are not easily dissolved, but more effectively removed by releasing the small component from their physical bond with the fabric fibres.
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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
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 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
If you can't get them fully clean, an alternative would be to get them trimmed in a darker colour at the same time as you get them taken up.
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Try Crep shoe cleaner.
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Ski the Net with snowHeads
When my daughter was little she tripped and fell on the greasy, oily rack of the Zermatt Gornegrat rack and pinion railway - you have to cross the tracks to get the train on the downhill route.

I tried to remove the oil and grease by the usual means, to no avail. In the end in desperation, as we'd either have to live with it or chuck them, I tried WD40 which seems to fix just about everything, and it came out a treat. I then washed and reproofed them and they were good until she grew out of them.
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snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
@Theobane, ....ah...Black Cack.

I have a pair of camo pattern ski trousers, very expensive. Partner borrowed them. 'These are FILTHY....' she said after an hour of use.
Me: 'Yep...that's why they are camo...'
Her: 'Yuck...why not wash them?'
Me:'...because Black Cack is unmoveable and if you try to get it off you wreck the DWR...'

I have some lovely Patagonia lime green trousers. Easter: much Black Cack. I just treat it as a sign that you ski a lot.

We often wonder where Black Cack comes from. Grease on gates. Grease on chairs. Atmospheric dust in snow. Particulates from rubber wheels in lift installations. Grime on the side of cars when clothing brushes against them (grit, brake particulates, tyre particulates, diesel particulates). There are many contibuting elements which make BC prevalent and persistent.

I worry about my techinque more than Black Cack.
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