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Replacement Technica TC3 Ski Boots

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Hi All,
I think the time has come to replace my Technica TC3 boots as the outer heels have all but disappeared and I leave purple plastic trails similar to a well known fairy tale where ever I walk.
I have had these boots for 26 or 27 years as they were a 21st birthday present from my mum & I have generally skied 6 - 15 days a season, every year since - baring the obvious year out.
I love the boots, they fit snug and I recall the faff in getting them set up to suit the gate of my foot- I have thought of undertaking a crude resin repair, but then the inners are also split and I'm getting on a bit now, so would prefer it to be right and if the next pair last 27 years, I doubt I'll still be around to compare them to the TC3's!

Do modern boots have adjustments similar to the TC3 as I can't see any thing obvious on photos?
From the wear on my general shoe or running shoes, my right foot lands on the outer edge and my left more so on the heel and am mindful that the TC3 corrected this with the inner tilt system (An old boot fitter had me jumping up and down on planks in some French ski shop for what seemed like hours when we bought them- which eventually removed all chatter from the wooden planks following continuous adjustment)
I think I have a higher instep than most as reading old reviews TC3 where for wider/ taller feet.
Before I go to a UK shop I don't want to be restricted to what they stock if there are more suitable brands elsewhere.

Tried to find a shop at Christmas when in Pila/ Aosta but failed so I ended up boarding all week (as I'm too tight/ hate to hire any modern new fangled kit when I can buy better - my 18 Year old step in boarding boots raised plenty of attention in there too!)

Thank you in advance Very Happy
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