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Need Help with New Boots

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
I'm a 33M advanced/expert skier.

Mostly like to ski off piste, moguls, challenging terrain.

I've been skiing in K2 Spyne 110 boots (size 26) for the last several years and it has never been a happy marriage from a comfort standpoint.

Performance wise, they've been solid, but they absolutely kill my feet. Constantly unbuckling them on lift lines, even having to end days early because of how bad the pain has gotten.

I went to the shop that I bought them from to see if they could punch them out a bit or do anything to remedy the situation.

The guy there basically said I should probably be in a 27 (although I was in a 27 prior to the 26 and was told since my toes weren't right up against the toe area of the liner I should size down) and that he wasn't sure there was much he could do and thinks I'm in the wrong boot.

He's going to punch out some areas and see if we can relieve the issue but he feels pretty certain that this wasn't the right boot for me and the last isn't wide enough.

I'm not sure if he's just trying to sell me a new pair of boots or not but in the event that his efforts do not produce any relief for me, what boots should I be considering as replacements?

I like to feel locked in as I ski pretty aggressively. Any extra room feels very uncomfortable from a performance standpoint. I'm not hucking cliffs or anything like that but I do like to ski the most challenging terrain I can find when skiing in UT, CO, BC, etc.

Any advice, suggestions is very much appreciated!
ski holidays
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
I’ll say it first - find a good bootfitter.
snow report
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
@ML9016, Hi and welcome to snowHeads.
Again - find a good boot fitter Smile
No point is recommending a particular boot as so many variables - Foot size and shape, calf size, degree of ankle dorsiflexion, length of lower leg, pronation/supination of feet..... hence you need someone with plenty of experience to do the assessment first and then give you the boot that will suit your needs and it will still need a lot of tweaking after so needs to be someone relatively local to allow revisits.
Sounds like you are in North America so you may be better posting on one of the forums over there as snowHead is Eurocentric (although there are worldwide contributors).
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